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what is <div>?


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Somehow I find it weird when i use <div> and <span> to write these:<div> type:<html><body><p><div style="color:#ff0000;">Here it is!</div></p></body></html><span> type:<html><body><p><span style="color:#ff0000;">Here It is!</span></p></body></html>There is no difference!!!Why?What is the difference?Or what is the use of those?

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Div's, Paragraphs, and Spans are usually not utilizised the way you have them up there. Typically, a Div contains paragraphs and a paragraph will contain spans. If you were to learn a little more html or xhtml and read the specifications for the use of these tags, you would be aware of the difference between Block Level and Inline tags. Start by learning the difference between those terms.

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The differences between a div, span and p are more semantical then visual. By semantic I mean their meaning... their purpose if you want. They are about "what" is the data in them, not "how it looks".A block to put it more simply means "bunch of stuff".A paragraph is a block of text. You've written essays in literature classes, haven't you? The introduction and thesis are written in one paragraph each.Visually, most browsers put a small margin around a paragraphs and put each on a new line.A "div" is used to define a "division". A devision may contain all sorts of things, but it's supposed to be a division of things, not simply a division of block of text, as with the paragraph. For example a div may contain several blocks of text (several paragraphs). If I go to the essay association again- you write each argument in it's own paragraph. The arguments together form a statement.Visually, browsers put each div on a new line.And "span" is used to mark text that may be found inside a line of a block of text (in a line=inline). This can be a word or prase or anything else.Visually, browsers don't do anything with a span, because span alone doesn't define the text in it to be anything special.

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So, that means,if i wrote a <div>, it should contain <p>.And in the <p>, it should contain <span>, right?Like this:<html><head></head><body><div style="color:#488e5e"><p>Some text here. Some text here. Some text here.</p><p>Some text here. Some text here. Some text here.</p><p>Some text here. <span style="color:#2232ed">Some text here.</span> Some text here.</p></div></body></html>

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Correct, but a <div> can contain all other sots of stuff as well. It may contain other divisions, one or more lists, one or more tables, etc.It's like a piece of the page you've decided to "cut" into it's own territory.

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