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Change TABLE color


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Hi!!I have used onMouseOver to change images. But my question is if you can change the back ground color on a TR part of a TABLE with a onMouseOver?? If one can do that, can anyone help me with the code?

<TR BGCOLOR="WHITE"><A HREF="nr1.html" onMouseOver="document.images[0].src='spelare/bilder/1_liten.JPG';"><TD>Nr 1</TD></A></TR>

In the code I cange image[0] but what I want to cange is the BGCOLOR in the TR from "white" to "red"Please help me if you can. Im real new to JavaScript and cant find the code for this problem.

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you cannot have anything other than <td></td> inside <tr></tr>try something like thisHTML

<tr onmouseover="changeColor('#000',this)" onmouseout="changeColor('#fff',this)">  <td>something</td></tr>


function changeColor(hex,object){   object.style.backgroundColor = hex;}

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