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Strict XHTML: Status of meta name attribute...

Guest johna

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Dear friends:I tried to contact the XHTML editors at w3c but got no reply. ISSUEThe well known meta tag has as one possible attribute 'name'. I am currently converting several web sites to STRICT XHTML. When I validate a STRICT XHTML page, containing meta name= etc, on the following validator...http://www.w3schools.com/xhtml/xhtml_validate.asp ... it throws errors/rejections. Stating that meta name= is NOT strict XHTML.QUESTION: Who knows the formal status. Can I use meta name= in Strict HTML Yea/Nay.*** AND... of there's anybody reading this that has contact with the validator, AND meta name= IS Strict XHTML, THEN you can maybe ask the webmaster to adjust the w3schools validator, so I can include links on my pages to the validator.Looking forward to the responses.

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