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Some basic HTML programming questions!


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Hello Everyone.I am creating a website right now which will be used to record my school studies such as notes and assignments. I am creating it not only for my own benefit, of referring to the website when wanting to review my lessons, but also so that my fellow colleagues can use them as well to suit their needs. I admit to being a very big noob on the subject of web programming and I lack the knowledge of the very basics. Fortunately, the website I am creating is the simplest of all websites and not that detailed at all. Therefore, this website should most likely be the simplest of challenges.Nonetheless, I have barely started to create my website, it has already taken a grueling time span of three hours, and I only implemented a picture and three links that I finnally was able to centre on my page.My next task for my website is to make two links that I want structured in a certain way. I want them placed so that they are centered in the middle of my page in both width and length. In other words, they are right smack in the centre of my page. Once I have them nicely centered in the middle of my page, I want one to be below the other, much like a column, or a list consisting of two links. I also desire the two links to substantially be spaced apart, as opposed to them separate from each other by only a millimeter – such as the words in this paragraph. Moreover, I want the two links to be bulleted. However, in my case, I want them to be bulleted not with a plain circle or arrow, but an image or picture of my own which substitutes the standard bullet point. Of course, lastly, I want the links to actually be directed to another page. This step is one that seems that it may take hours and hours to get to. At this moment, I am still trying to figure out how to position the two links in the exact centre of my page.I hope I was able to explain my problem well enough that you can get a sense of what I want the finishing page to look like. Help or suggestions would be much appreciated because the creation of this website is seeming to me to be a set back to my studies rather than a helpful learning tool for me and my peers. To recap:The two words in the exact centre of my page. Meaning in both width and length.Be made into a list, or column, where one is below the other.The two words are separated from each other and not as close as they would normally be to each other The two words should have picture bullets.Words should be linked to another page.

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so you basically after a list in the middle of the page with a nice picture instead of a circle?http://www.w3schools.com/html/html_lists.asp for your basic listhttp://css.maxdesign.com.au/listamatic/vertical05.htm for some customised arrows for the list.work around them, and see what you can come up with:)

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To add spacing use this code:<br><br>Every <br> is like pressing enter, so if you actually want a space between text use two. If the spacing is too big then set the font like this:

Your Link<BR><font size="1"><BR><font size="3">Your Next link

Note, set your second font code to your normal text size.Or you could use tables:

<table><tr><td height="40">Your Link</td><td height="40"></tr></table>

Note, you need to play with the heights to get what height you want.

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Thanks a lot for your help guys I really appreciate it. I don't know too much about "padding" and I didn't apply it to my website but using <br> tags seemed to work fine for me.However, some problems remain.It occurs on the subject of bullets. First, when I make a bulleted list (a normal default bullet of a circle) the text is not even with the other text below it. Meaning, when the word(s) are either bigger or smaller then the ones(s) below it they are not inline with each other. For example: 0 Weekly assignments 0 Other Science WorkI would rather have it like this:0 Weekly Assignments0 Other Science work( 0=bullet)Secondly, I am also unable to add a picture to substitute a normal default bullet. I am aware of the page that real_illusions provided me and I have studied it and attempted to make another image to substitute a normal bullet. Yet, I cannot seem to get it right, whenever I try to make a picture-bullet it messes up the whole page. Does anyone know what tags I should use and where in my other HTML tags should I insert them? Also, I am going to be using a picture icon of my own (one that won’t be found on the page that real_illusions provided), therefore, will that be another problem? For example, will it be hard for the image to line up with the text?Once again, many thanks for your help!Regards,Rehdarh.

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