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AJAX script problem


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hi all, trying to create a little pop up that sends an email. i have the popup working fine, but the AJAX to open "sendemail.php" isn't working.here's my script:

var xmlHttp;function sendEmail() {	var eName = document.getElementById('eName').value;	var eEmail = document.getElementById('eEmail').value;	var eMessage = document.getElementById('eMessage').value;	var xmlHttp = GetXmlHttpObject();	if (xmlHttp == null) {		alert ("Sorry, your browser does not support HTTP requests. To use this feature please download a newer web browser. For now please use the contact page.")		return;	} 	var url = "sendemail.php";	url = url + "?eName=" + eName;	url = url + "&eEmail=" + eEmail;	url = url + "&eMessage=" + eMessage;	url = url + "&sid=" + Math.random();	xmlHttp.onreadystatechange = updatePopUp; 	xmlHttp.open("GET",url,true);	xmlHttp.send(null);}function updatePopUp() { 	if (xmlHttp.readyState==4 || xmlHttp.readyState=="complete") { 		document.getElementById('popup').innerHTML=xmlHttp.responseText;	} } function GetXmlHttpObject() { 	var objXMLHttp=null;	if (window.XMLHttpRequest) {		objXMLHttp=new XMLHttpRequest();	} else if (window.ActiveXObject) {		objXMLHttp=new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP");	}	return objXMLHttp;}

anyone know why it isn't working? Just says "Error" in the status bar...

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the finished result of what i've been needing help with over the past few days: http://www.newbiestyle.co.uk/lib/popups/email/(for anyone that cares)
Doesn't work in FireFox :)When I click the button, nothing happens.
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still fails :Sit's not displaying the email box at all, so it's not a problem (yet) with the AJAX.
In your top function, you haven't defined event. Try passing it through the onclick event of the button.<input type="button" onclick="popup(event)" />Like that. :)
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You have a broken height attribute in your outter table.Also I would suggest moving your form tags out of the table.

function displayPopUp(event) {	var fromTop = event.clientY;	var promptWidth = 400;	var fromLeft = ((screen.width - promptWidth) / 2) - 21;	if(!document.getElementById("prompt")) {		var promptBox = document.createElement('div');		promptBox.id = 'prompt';	} else {		var promptBox = document.getElementById('prompt');	}     	if(!document.getElementById("prompt")) document.body.appendChild(promptBox);	promptBox.style.width = promptWidth;	//promptBox.style.height = '300';	promptBox.style.backgroundColor = '#ffffff';	promptBox.style.border = '1px solid #476B8A';	promptBox.style.fontFamily = 'arial';	promptBox.style.fontSize = '10pt';	promptBox.style.position = 'absolute';	promptBox.style.top = fromTop;	promptBox.style.left = fromLeft;	promptBox.style.padding = '1px';	promptBox.innerHTML = '<form><table width="100%" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">\n' +'<tr>\n' +' <td width="93%" height="26" bgcolor="#6589A7">  <b>Send Email</b></td>\n' +' <td width="7%" height="26" bgcolor="#6589A7" style="padding:3px;">\n' +'  <center><img src="close.gif" style="cursor:pointer;" onClick="closePopUp();" alt="Close Email Form" /></center>\n' +'   </td>\n' +'</tr>\n' +'<tr>\n' +'  <td colspan="2">\n' +'   <div style="overflow:auto;padding:1px;background-color:#FEFFFF;" id="popup">\n' +'    <table width="100%" border="0" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0">\n' +'    <tr>\n' +'      <td width="50%">Your name:</td>\n' +'	 <td width="50%"><input type="text" id="eName" /></td>\n' +'    </tr>\n' +'    <tr>\n' +'       <td width="50%">Your email:</td>\n' +'	  <td width="50%"><input type="text" id="eEmail" /></td>\n' +'    </tr>\n' +'    <tr>\n' +'       <td width="50%">Your message:</td>\n' +'	  <td width="50%">\n' +'	  <textarea id="eMessage" style="width:200px;height:40px;"></textarea></td>\n' +'    </tr>\n' +'    </table></div>\n' +'   </td></tr><tr><td colspan="2">\n' +'   <hr color="#6589A7" size="1" />\n' +'   <span style="text-align:right;width:100%">\n' +'   <img align="right" src="send.gif" style="cursor:pointer;" onClick="sendEmail();" /></span>\n' +'   </td>\n' +'   </tr>\n' +'</table></form>\n';}


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