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Not a JET database?


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i've tried to create an ASP file that connects to an access database, but, when it tries it gives me an error saying that the database is not a 'jet' database. im using microsoft access 2000 with probably the default settings for everything.can i change access to create JET databases?-thanks

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create a new file, call it connection.asp or what ever you like,then include the file on all pages that will use the database.paste this in your new file:

<%'-----------------------------------------------------------'###########################################################var_db_path = "your database path"'###########################################################'-----------------------------------------------------------' set the database connectionset db = server.createobject("adodb.connection")' open database connectiondb.open "driver={microsoft access driver (*.mdb)};" & _ 		"dbq=" & server.mappath(var_db_path) ' set the recordsetset rs = server.createobject("adodb.recordset")%>

then, in your page you can do something like this.

<%set rs = db.execute("select * from table")%>

hope this helps

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<%'-----------------------------------------------------------'###########################################################var_db_path = "your database path"'###########################################################'-----------------------------------------------------------' set the database connectionset db = server.createobject("adodb.connection")' open database connectiondb.open "provider=microsoft.jet.oledb.4.0 ; data source="&server.mappath(var_db_path)' set the recordsetset rs = server.createobject("adodb.recordset")%>then, in your page you can do something like this.CODE<%set rs = db.execute("select * from table")%>

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