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Images not showing up in FF


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Hello Everyone.I am having an issue where a simple image based hyperlink is showing up correctly in IE6 and IE7, but in FF, the images do not show up at all. I have verified that everything in my css is compliant and validates. Is there some sort of bug or issue with FF handling png files?Here is the code for the hyperlink:

<p><a title="TIA Banner Advertising Program" href="Default.aspx"><img src="ads/ad.jpg" alt="TIA Banner Advertising Program" width="120" height="300" border="0" /></a></p>

This is the exact same code that is used by all browsers.Can anyone see why this wouldn't show up in FF?Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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Thanks, I tried that as well and it did not help any.Thanks to both of you for your help and info. I just really have no clue why FF would not show it like all other browsers are.
Can you post a link to your page? Or, lacking a link, can you post your CSS as well as the HTML?
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CSS for Div in question:

#leftcontent {		position:absolute;		background:#ffffff;		font-family:Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;		font-size:10px;		left:0px;		top:137px;		height:auto;		width:140px;		border:1px solid #ffcc00;		}


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