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W3C Validation: Problem with "_GET" URLS?


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Hi Gang,I'm currently trying to clean up my webpage code and for the most part it's going well - there's only one small problem:Many parts of my site link to external URLS with long "$_GET"-inspired addresses. (For example, "http://www.example.com/abc.php?id=xyz&itemid=frog"The problem is that W3C validation throws up a red flag whenever it sees a "field=xyz" part of a url, giving the messages:

general entity "field" not defined and no default entity.
every time it stumbles across an ampersand in the URL and:
reference to entity "field" for which no system identifier could be generated.
every time it stumbles across an equals sign.I'm *sure* there must be some way around this - surely W3C can acknowledge _GET URLS somehow? If anyone can offer any suggestions I'd be very appreciative.Many thanks, - SuperGrover :-)
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