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Problem with Float in IE


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Right now I'm using float to get images to be on the right or left of text in a paragraph, but when using IE the images completely dissapear. There is a void of space for where the picture should be, but the picture isn't there. You can briefly see the picture when loading up the page, but then it goes away. Once again, this only happens with IE, firefox works fine.Any suggestions?

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check your images. when I look at the page and "save image as", I get an image that looks exactly like the 'pink blob' you describe. Might be something wrong with the image or the location you have them stored at..

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saying "screw it" to the majority of your users is a bad idea. i didnt get a chance to have a look at your page because you have edited away the link but there should be a way to achieve what you need without sacrificing most of your users. there is usually something that can be done. have you looked into css hacks ?

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