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Epson TM - T88IIIP Printer


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I'm developing a web application that needs to communicate with a Epson TM - T88IIIP printer installed at client.I nhave to capture what is displayed at the navigator window to be printed, but, in the documment, I need to send the printer some control characters, that must not appear at the window.Does anyone have an idea to solve it?

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You can't communicate directly with a printer using a web application. You will need to show the page you want to print, and then you can use Javascript window.print to open the print dialog box. But you can't communicate directly with the printer, so everything you want to send to the printer needs to be on the page you want to print.

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You can't communicate directly with a printer using a web application. You will need to show the page you want to print, and then you can use Javascript window.print to open the print dialog box. But you can't communicate directly with the printer, so everything you want to send to the printer needs to be on the page you want to print.
I'm already doing it.But even useing CSS to hide these control chars (those ones from &H00 to &H1F), o doing it not, the printer isn't to obey the control chars, and make the paper cuts I want. :)
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I'm developing a web application that needs to communicate with a Epson TM - T88IIIP printer installed at client.
Wait a second, when you say "client", do you mean the computer which is served the content from the webserver (as in client/server)? Or do you mean some business for whom you are developing the application (as in paying customer) and the printer is actually conntected to the server?If the printer is connected to the server, you may be able to find an API for interfacing with that printer.
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