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3 Params in an Array in PHP (4)


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<?php$xmlFile = "xml.xml";$xsltFile = "xsl.xsl";$args = array("category" => $_GET['category'],  "type" => $_GET['type'], "localLinkAfter" => "&type=". $_GET['type']);$engine = xslt_create();$output = xslt_process($engine, $xmlFile, $xsltFile, NULL, NULL, $args);print $output;xslt_free($engine);?>

This only works for passing two params to the XSLT, anyone know how to get the third one to work?

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This works:

<?php$xmlFile = "xml.xml";$xsltFile = "xsl.xsl";$args = array("category" => $_GET['category'],  "type" => $_GET['type'], "localLinkAfter" => "&type=". $_GET['type'], "id" => $_GET['id'], "localLinkAfter" => "&id=". $_GET['id']);$engine = xslt_create();$output = xslt_process($engine, $xmlFile, $xsltFile, NULL, NULL, $args);print $output;xslt_free($engine);?>

I had this originally...but with one minor typo.I hate typos, makes you question everything.

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