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Link to current page color


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Hey folks, I know just enough to be dangerous, and this site has been instrumental. One thing I can't find: Is there a way to specify the color of a link if it links to the page you're currently parked on. I have: a:link {color:#000000; text-decoration:none;} /* unvisited link */a:visited {color:#000000; text-decoration:none;} /* visited link */a:hover {color: #FFFFCC; text-decoration:underline;} /* mouse over link */a:active {color:#FFFFCC; text-decoration:underline;} /* selected link */ I would've thought that "a:active" would take care of it, but that just sets the color for the split-second when a link is clicked, and navigation is happening. I want the current page's link to remain highlighted. Any help appreciated, - Will The site: rockandrave.com

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iDont realy get you! In pure HTML: If you want the link that was clicked to still be highlighted even when you recieve the requested page, then highlight the requested page's link yourself. For example, if you are at the 'HOME' page and want the 'ABOUT US' link to still be highlighted when you get to the 'ABOUT US' page, then make sure that the link (about_us link) is already highlighted in the 'ABOUT US' page, so each time you visit the 'ABOUT US' page, its pre-highlighted even without clicking the 'ABOUT US' link in the HOME PAGE.

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One way is to give the <body> element of each page and the links a class name. <body class="home"> <a class="home"><a class="contact"><a class="about"> Then you can highlight any link that has the same class name as the <body> element:

body.home a.home, body.contact a.contact, body.about a.about {    color: black;    font-weight: bold;}

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