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change email


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Hi,I made a form (contact page) where people could contact the webmaster. But what I would like to do is including a checkbox to choose between 2 persons (person 1 or person 2) to contact with the same form.So for example when you create a form you have this:

<form action="mailto:my@email.be" method="post" id="verzendform" enctype="text/plain" onsubmit="return check_form(this);">

But when you choose person 1 the "action" should change to person1@email.com, and if you choose person 2 it should be person2@email.com.Is that possible in one way or another? (i have to keep the same form!)Thx in advance

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...<form action="mailto:person1@email.be" method="post" id="verzendform" enctype="text/plain" onsubmit="return check_form(this);"><input type="check" id="myCheck" onclick="changeEmail(this)"/></form>


function changeEmail(chk){  var frm = document.getElementById("verzendform");  if(chk.checked)	frm.action = "mailto:person2@email.be";  else	frm.action = "mailto:person1@email.be";}

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I dont get any radiobutton with this script... are you sure this is well written???this is the whole page:

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-strict.dtd"><html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" xml:lang="nl" lang="nl"><head>	<meta name="author" content="Peter Vercauteren 1 TINA" />   	<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" />   	<meta name="description" content="Gamcenter" />   	<meta name="keywords" content="Gamecenter" /><title>Welkom :: index</title><link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="mijnstijlen.css" />	<script type="text/javascript">		function check_form(form)		{			var errormsg = "Gelieve volgende velden in te vullen:\n\n";			var error = false;			var form = document.getElementById("verzendform");			var familienaam   = document.getElementById("familienaam");			var voornaam  = document.getElementById("voornaam");			var email   = document.getElementById("email");			var vragenopmerkingen   = document.getElementById("vragenopmerkingen");		 	if (voornaam.value == "")		 	{		   		errormsg += "Voornaam.\n";		   		error = true;			  }			  if (familienaam.value == "")			  {		   		errormsg += "Familienaam.\n";		   		error = true;			  }			if (email.value == "" || !email_check(email.value))			{			 	errormsg += "E-mail / Ongeldige email.\n";				error = true;		 	}			if (vragenopmerkingen.value == "")			{			 	errormsg += "Vragen / Opmerkingen.\n";				error = true;		 	}			  if (error)			  {		   		window.alert(errormsg);		   		return false;			  }			  return true;		}		function email_check(email)		{			  if(/^\w+([\.-]?\w+)*@\w+([\.-]?\w+)*(\.\w{2,3})+$/.test(email))			  {				  return true;			  }			  else			  {				  return false;			  }		}		</script></head><body>	<div id="bg">	<div id="container">		<div id="headerhome">			<div id="navcontainer1">				<ul id="navlist1">					<li><a href="webmaster.html">Webmaster</a></li>					<li><a href="contact.html">Contact</a></li>					<li><a href="info.html">Info</a></li>					<li><a href="gallerij.html">Gallerij</a></li>					<li><a href="index.html">Home</a></li>				</ul>		 	</div>		</div>		<div id="rechtscontent2">			<br />				<h1>Contact</h1>				<div id="kolom1">				<form action="mailto:****@gmail.be" method="post" id="verzendform" enctype="text/plain" onsubmit="return check_form(this);">					<p>						Voornaam:<br /><input type="text" size="40" id="voornaam" name="voornaam"></input><br />						Familienaam:<br /><input type="text" size="40" id="familienaam" name="familienaam"></input><br />						E-mail:<br /><input type="text" size="40" id="email" name="email"></input><br />						Vragen / Opmerkingen:<br /><textarea id="vragenopmerkingen" name="vragenopmerkingen" rows="5" cols="37"></textarea><br />					</p>					<p>						<input class="knop" type="submit" value="Verzenden "></input>						<input class="knop" type="reset" value="Herstellen"></input>					</p>				</form>				</div>			<br /> 		</div>		<div id="footer">			<div id="textfooter">				Peter Vercauteren ©    <span class="footercirkel">•</span>    ****    <span class="footercirkel">•</span>    ****   <span class="footercirkel">•</span>   Tel.:****    <span class="footercirkel">•</span>    E-mail: <a href="mailto:****@gmail.com">****@gmail.com</a>			</div>		</div>	</div></body></html>

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well if you want a radio button use.<input type='radio'>

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I dont get any radiobutton with this script... are you sure this is well written???
I didn't use a radiobutton I used a check box. You asked how to change the form action using a check box.
a checkbox to choose between 2 persons (person 1 or person 2) to contact with the same form
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i knwo that but could you please edit my code so you get 2 radiobuttons (if you click on the first one you get person1 email adres if you click on the second radiobutton you get person2 email adress in outlook)cause if I type this:

<input type="radio" id="myCheck" value="webmaster"onclick="changeEmail(this)"/>Webmaster<input type="radio" id="myCheck" value="oupost"onclick="changeEmail(this)"/>De Oupost

it doesnt work... so please edit it fully thx in advance

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I didn't use a radiobutton I used a check box. You asked how to change the form action using a check box.
I made a mistake cause i was kind in a hurry, sorry for that. I was desperate cause i need gto finish this site in a week.My english isn't that good either thats why i make sometimes mistakes.greetz
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<form id="theForm" action="mailto:person1@domain.com" method="post"><input type="radio" name="email" value="person1@domain.com" selected="selected" onclick="changeEmail(this)"/> person1<br/><input type="radio" name="email" value="person2@domain.com" onclick="changeEmail(this)"/> person2</form>


function changeEmail(radio){  document.getElementById("theForm").action = radio.value;}

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small change.... add "mailto:" to the radio button value.....<form id="theForm" action="mailto:person1@domain.com" method="post"><input type="radio" name="email" value="mailto:person1@domain.com" selected="selected" onclick="changeEmail(this)"/> person1<br/><input type="radio" name="email" value="mailto:person2@domain.com" onclick="changeEmail(this)"/> person2</form>

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