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Everything posted by zeehond

  1. It's better to use floating elements Put your images in a div<div class="imageBlock"><img src="bla1.gif"><img src="bla2.gif"><img src="bla3.gif"><img src="bla4.gif"><img src="bla5.gif"><img src="bla6.gif"></div>then in your CSS: div.imageBlock { width:550px; } div.imageBlock img { display:block; float:left; margin:0 10px 10px 0; width:200px; height:200px; } now u can add several images in the div without changing it's "personal" classnames :)I'll hope this is what u wanted
  2. The problem is that firefox not knows that de Body and HTML tag are 100% height.So put this ur CSShtml,body {height:100%;}Also is this usefull/* mozilla hax \*/html>body div.mainDiv{ height:auto;}/* mozilla hax */try it, if it's still not working let us know
  3. I hope this is what u needput overflow:hidden; in the div that need to stretchotherwise u can put a <br style="clear:right" /> AFTER the floating DIV<style type="text/css">#parent{ width: 750px; margin: auto; overflow:hidden; background-color:#F00;}#child{ float: right; width: 250px; background-color:#0F0;}</style><div id="parent"> ...Parent <div id="child"> ...Child </div><!-- <br style="clear:right" /> THIS br u can use if your not want 2 use the overflow:hidden; in the parent div --></div>
  4. put the iframe in the layer (div)
  5. Put a div in ur body and place all u want in it ( imagfes, text etc )give this div a Padding-bottom:25px;:)if your footer is 100px high then padding-bottom:100px;now ur content wil not dissappear behind your footer
  6. <html><style type="text/css"><!-- html, body { height:100%; }body { margin:0; padding:0; }div.mainDiv { position:relative; min-height:100%; height:100%; width:400px; background-color:#F00; }/* mozilla hax \*/html>body div.mainDiv{ height:auto;}/* mozilla hax */--></style><body> <div class="mainDiv"> content Text </div> </body></html>
  7. not a size ..give it a WIDTH that wil work
  8. try my code belowcopy/paste en give a smile :o <html><style type="text/css"><!-- html, body { height:100%; }body { margin:0; padding:0; }div.mainDiv { position:relative; min-height:100%; height:100%; width:400px; background-color:#F00; }/* mozilla hax \*/html>body div.mainDiv{ height:auto;}/* mozilla hax */--></style><body> <div class="mainDiv"> content Text </div> </body></html> I hope this fixes ur problem
  9. It's not that difficult Put ur text in a div <div style="width:100px;overflow:hidden;white-space:nowrap;"> put your text here</div> the text wil stand there but u won't see it
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