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appendTo does not work


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I am trying to append content on an input element on keyup but my code does not work:

Here is the fiddle link:




What is wrong with the above code?

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you can't use appending to input VALUE, you could retrieve current value, and add new text, THEN apply it to the input value using .val()


<label class="label" for="current">Tωρινό</label><input id="current" >


note no 'for' attribute in input

$('input#current').keyup(function () {    var appendword=" BRAVOOO ";    $(this).val($(this).val().replace(appendword,'')+appendword); //replace appendword with '' and add appendword to end on every keyup});
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Neither of the above achieve what I want...for clarity take a look at the the picture




Copy And paste the whole link.

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Then you either need to wrap label and input in a containing element such as div, OR place input within label

<label class="label" for="current">Tωρινό <input id="current" ></label>

then target the inputs parent (the label) to append span after child elements already present ie in this case the input.

$('input#current').keyup(function () {    $(this).parent().find('span').remove();    $("<span>BRAVOOO</span>").appendTo($(this).parent());});
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Now your code works.

But lets's for a moment that I do not want to put the input element inside the label.


Is there another method that can do what I want-achieving the same effect WITHOUT as I said putting the input inside the label.


I just want to avoid changing the markup as the form has many fields.


I USED After instead of appendTo

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here is the code that does what i want...almost finished.

$('input#name').keyup(function(){      var remove=$('.OK').remove();    if($('#formall #name').valid())    {        $(this).after('<span class="OK">OK</span>');    }});

My problem now is that the OK does not stay there after I go to another an input element-that is reasonable because I am using the keyup event, I want the OK though to stay besides the input element even after I go to another input...

Tale a look the code at fiddle to see the issue now.



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It seems suspicious that you need a selector with two id's when id's are unique.


id="name" is unique to the entire document, but I guess it doesn't matter. Looking at your code I could tell you what to do in Javascript, but I don't know jQuery. I can only fudge.


To me it seems odd that you add "OK" on a keyup. What if they just hit the spacebar? Try this...

$('#name').keyup(function(){       if ($(this).val().trim() != ''){        if(!$('#nok').length){          $(this).after('<span id="nok">OK</span>');        }    }else{        $('#nok').remove();    }});$('#lastname').keyup(function(){       if ($(this).val().trim() != ''){        if($(this).next('span').length==0){          $(this).after('<span>OK</span>');        }    }else{        $(this).next('span').remove();    }});

Two variations.

Edited by davej
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You have to trigger the event and process to the specific element related using $(this)

<label class="label" for="name">name</label><input id="name" value="" ><br><label class="label" for="lastname">lastname</label><input id="lastname" value="" >
$('.label + input#name, .label + input#lastname').keyup(function(){     // var remove=$('.OK').remove();    if($(this).val()=="" || $(this).val()== this.defaultValue)    {     $(this).next('.OK').remove()       }    else    {    $(this).next('.OK').remove() // next element following the element $(this) that triggered the event    $(this).after('<span class="OK">OK</span>');       }     });
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Oh, tricky!

$('#name,#lastname').keyup(function(){       if ($(this).val().trim() != ''){        if($(this).next('span.ok').length==0){          $(this).after('<span class="ok">OK</span>');        }    }else{        $(this).next('span.ok').remove();    }});

Can't get away from needing the .ok class.

Edited by davej
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you can just use

$('#name,#lastname').keyup(function(){     // var remove=$('.OK').remove();    if($(this).val()=="" || $(this).val()== this.defaultValue)    {     $(this).next('span').remove() // next element following the element $(this) that triggered the event    }    else    {    $(this).next('span').remove() // next element following the element $(this) that triggered the event    $(this).after('<span>OK</span>');       }     });

without ref to class, you can style the span with

input+span {color:red;}


#name+span, #lastname+span {color:red;}
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Well, I wanted to trim and to protect innocent spans. Oh, I see in your version you were going to add .trim() but forgot it.

<!DOCTYPE html><html lang="en"><head><meta charset="utf-8"/><title>jQuery add OK</title><style></style><script src="http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.10.1/jquery.min.js"></script><script>$(document).ready(function(){$('#name,#lastname').keyup(function(){       if ($(this).val().trim() != ''){        if($(this).next('span.ok').length==0){          $(this).after('<span class="ok">OK</span>');        }    }else{        $(this).next('span.ok').remove();    }});}); </script></head><body><label class="label" for="name">name</label><input id="name" /><span>Don't delete this</span><br/><label class="label" for="lastname">lastname</label><input id="lastname" /><span>Don't delete this</span></body></html>
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You have to trigger the event and process to the specific element related using $(this)

<label class="label" for="name">name</label><input id="name" value="" ><br><label class="label" for="lastname">lastname</label><input id="lastname" value="" >
$('.label + input#name, .label + input#lastname').keyup(function(){     // var remove=$('.OK').remove();    if($(this).val()=="" || $(this).val()== this.defaultValue)    {     $(this).next('.OK').remove()       }    else    {    $(this).next('.OK').remove() // next element following the element $(this) that triggered the event    $(this).after('<span class="OK">OK</span>');       }     });




I do not want to comment on the whole code mentioned in the whole topic but I just want to focus in the above segment and say some things:


Why do you persist on using (this) and not using the selector itself...I know you are right but I want to here some explanation on it.


I do not use code to look for empty string as shown above as this is taken care from the jquery validation plugin...http://jqueryvalidation.org/

Here is the code using the plugins methods:

$('input#name').keyup(function(){      var remove=$('.OK').remove();    if($('#formall #name').valid())    {        $(this).after('<span class="OK">OK</span>');    }});
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Why do you persist on using (this) and not using the selector itself...I know you are right but I want to here some explanation on it.

Because you have multiple class of 'OK', previously inputting of any text would trigger keyup event and it would target ALL classes of 'OK', you only want to target span with class 'OK' to remove() and append (using after()) directly following the element that triggers the event.


#name input trigger event = use this input that triggered event to move through DOM hierarchy using next() to only target very next span with class 'OK' and stop. DON'T move to next span with class and remove()/after(), OR if from #lastname input, remove()/after() previous span.

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you need some method as identify them as using the span placed after the input.

IF its all text inputs you could just use

$('input[type=text]').keyup(function(){     // var remove=$('.OK').remove();    if($(this).val()=="" || $(this).val()== this.defaultValue)    {     $(this).next('span').remove() // next element following the element $(this) that triggered the event    }    else    {    $(this).next('span').remove() // next element following the element $(this) that triggered the event    $(this).after('<span>OK</span>');       }     });

of cycle those specific with a specific class container

<div class="required"><label class="label" for="name">name</label><input id="name" value="" ><br><label class="label" for="lastname">lastname</label><input id="lastname" value="" ></div>
$('.required input').keyup(function(){ ....   });

or again if you wish to target a specific type

$('.required input[type=text]').keyup(function(){ ....   });

or as mentioned give class name to those specific inputs

$('input.reqiired').keyup(function(){ ....   });

in each case you would use exactly the same function code

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<!DOCTYPE html><html lang="en"><head><meta charset="utf-8"><title>Validate by Class</title><style></style><script>window.onload = init;function init(){assignHandlerToClass(checkIt,'ok','form1','onkeyup');}function assignHandlerToClass(handler,sclass,formId,event1){var form = document.getElementById(formId);var list = form.getElementsByTagName('input');var iclass, idx;for( var i=0 ; i<list.length ; i++ ){iclass = list[i].getAttribute('class');if (iclass!=undefined && iclass.length!=0){idx = iclass.indexOf(sclass);if (idx>=0){eval( 'list[i].' + event1 + '=' + handler);}}}}//end of funcfunction checkIt(){form = this.parentNode;var nexte = this.nextSibling;if (this.value!=null && this.value.trim() != ''){  if (nexte.nodeName != 'SPAN' || nexte.getAttribute('class') != 'ok'){    //add ok-span    var e = document.createElement('span');    e.setAttribute('class','ok');     e.innerHTML = ' OK';    form.insertBefore(e, nexte);  }}else{  if (nexte.nodeName == 'SPAN' && nexte.getAttribute('class') == 'ok'){    //remove ok-span    form.removeChild(nexte);  }}}</script></head><body><form id="form1"><label class="label" for="name">name</label><input id="name" class="ok" placeholder="Name"/><span>Don't delete this</span><br/><label class="label" for="lastname">lastname</label><input id="lastname" class="blue font1 ok" placeholder="Last name"/><span>Don't delete this</span></form></body></html>
Edited by davej
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I was thinking you could also change the class and use that after: content css thing...




...but it won't work with input or br. I guess that was in the earlier part of this discussion where there was the question of wrapping the input in the label.

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It seems suspicious that you need a selector with two id's when id's are unique.

Yes you are right...no need for both Id's

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