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Okay, I don't know anything about javascript. But I'm using this blog, and I'm trying to use javascript to replace the text in a div. (Which is what the person running the site told me to do.)This is the script.

<script>  var links = document.getElementsByTagName ('div.nublog_title'); for (var l = 0; l < links.length; l++) { str = links[l].innerHTML; if (str.match (/Praetorian's Reading Room/i)) links[l].innerHTML = str.replace (/Praetorian's Reading Room/i, "The Library of Cira Karohn"); } </script>

And here's the link. My blog

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It would be helpful to break the lines after certain syntax in your javascript code. :)Like this:

<script>  var links = document.getElementsByTagName('div.nublog_title');for (l=0; l<links.length; l++){ str = links[l].innerHTML;  if (str.match(/Praetorian's Reading Room/i))    links[l].innerHTML = str.replace(/Praetorian's Reading Room/i, "The Library of Cira Karohn");}</script>

Reads a lot better. But you are free to do it your way :)

Edited by Dan The Prof
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I'll do that, but is there something wrong with the script? Because it doesn't work..

var links = document.getElementsByTagName ('div.nublog_title');
There is not tagname div.nublog_titleyour code will work if you just use div
var links = document.getElementsByTagName ('div');

If you need to access the class then you will need something like getAttribute()

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It still doesn't seem to work that way. Originally the tag was supposed to change the text of a link, so I just changed the tag type to replace (from 'a' to 'div', and then changed the text to be replaced). But that didn't work.Here's the css that I have and am allowed to adjust.

a{color: #000000;text-decoration: underline;}.module_heading{background:#000000;color:#BDB76B;font-family:verdana;font-size:14px;width:250;padding:4px;margin:2px;border:1 #3399FF solid;text-alignment: left;} .module_content{background:#66CC66;color:#000000;font-family:verdana;font-size:12px;width:250;padding:4px;margin:2px;border:1 #3399FF solid;text-alignment: left;} .nublog_title{background:#000000;color:#00CED1;font-family:verdana;font-size:14px;width:550;padding:4px;margin:2px;border:1 #3399FF solid;text-alignment: left;} .nublog_date{background:#696969;color:#00CED1;font-family:verdana;font-size:12px;width:550;padding:4px;margin:2px;border:1 #3399FF solid;text-alignment: left;}.nublog_entry{background:#696969;color:#00CED1;font-family:verdana;font-size:12px;width:550;padding:4px;margin:2px;border:1 #3399FF solid;text-align: left;} body{background: #000000;background-image: url("http://www.tsrealms.com/background.jpg");background-attachment:fixed;}img.background{attachment:fixed;width:100%;height:100%;}

And here's the html straight from the source code. Near as I can tell, this is the html that I'm trying to adjust. Now bear in mind that I do not have access to the html. Only to the css.

<table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 id=nuTable><tr><td valign=top><div class=module_heading>Recently Added</div><div class=module_content></div></td><td valign=top width=100%><div class=nublog_title> Praetorian's Reading Room </div><div class=nublog_date>   </div><div class=nublog_entry><table border=0 class=reading><tr><td><b>Title</td><td><b>Author</td></tr>	</table></div></td></tr></table></div> </td></tr></table> </td></tr></table> </td></tr></table> </td></tr></table></div></div></div></div><title> NuTang.com • Praetorian's Weblog Site  </title>

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This is you javascript that should be added to the page, i haven't touched the css or html and it works.

<script>  onload=function check(){var links = document.getElementsByTagName('div');for (var l = 0; l < links.length; l++) {  str = links[l].innerHTML;  if (str.match (/Praetorian's Reading Room/i))  links[l].innerHTML = str.replace (/Praetorian's Reading Room/i, "The Library of Cira Karohn"); }}</script>

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