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Kevin M

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Posts posted by Kevin M

  1. Couldn't you use a span tag? Font tags are deprecated in XHTML. Try this maybe:

    <html><head><style type="text/css">h1 {color: #000; }.color2 {color: #HEXCODE; }</style></head><body><h1>Counter Srtike : <span class="color2">First Person Shooter</span></h1></body></html>

    I think you can put span elements inside of heading elements.

  2. With a .htaccess file, you could automatically redirect the index.php page to a page of your choice, and it wouldn't be too hard. But some hosts don't support .htaccess files. To save the hassle, you may as well just name it index.php, but the other method is there if you wish to use it. :)

  3. Ok, I'm going to start the basic designing and coding for this application. I'm going to start with figuring out a good sort of "framework" for it, and do the plain XML/XSLT coding. Once I get a good working version of that, which will just be the basic template for the updates and comments, I'm going to work on the admin panel, which will give you the ability to add news, pages and more. Once the admin panel is designed, I'll go onto the PHP/Database part, which will be the user system, and where the pages will be generated. Finally, I'll make an installation script which will create all of the necessary tables in the database, and do the other things needed. When I get a Alpha or Beta working, I'll post a link so that you can try it out. I don't expect that to come for at least a couple months though.Any suggestions on how I should sort of "re-order" my series of events are appreciated. :)

  4. Alright, I wasn't really sure. I could always just edit the database stuff to make the application available for S3Ls other than PHP (Which is probably what I'll start with), or even other database systems as well. I think I'll get a working version done with PHP and MySQL, and if that goes well, maybe make a version that uses ASP(.NET) as well.

  5. Guess the file name was a stupid idea, I have those a lot. Sounds like both would definately be a good method, but I agree using them to their best capacity would be a bit of a challenge. The thing is, in terms of users, I wasn't planning on the register option (at least in the first version). The only "registered" users would be the people making the updates/entries. This means that the file to encrypt/decrypt wouldn't get incerdible huge, and it wouldn't be too much of a hassle to do the encryption. It would still be possible to use both, maybe I will. That sounds like a good idea actually. Most of it would be XML/XSLT based, except for the user/log-in system then right? By using SQL not a specific database system like MySQL, would this make it easier to port to other S3Ls (That's a good acronym) since most of the different actions are similar?

  6. I realize that, I just figured having a harder name would make it harder to find. That wouldn't be the only thing I would do in terms of security though. It would just be one aspect of different things that I would do to protect the data in the select files. I'd also maybe change my password frequently, and have a hard password to guess. Along with other sexurity measures as well, like encrypting the select files.

  7. Great post. You're right, I'm sure there's drawbacks to both methods. That's why I'm going to think about it for a few days. I've been looking through the XSLT tutorial at W3Schools (The XPoint one as well), and I think I've got a good grasp on the basics of it. It doesn't seen too hard to use, but I'm not thinking of anything complicated right now. I'm glad I've got a forum like this, with people that have way more knowledge than me. To me, a forum where you can ask questions and get answers from great people is better than any tutorial (to learn more than the basics). :)EDIT: Now that I've been thinking about it for a few minutes, I would only have to encrypt the files that had all of the username/password stuff right? (I think someone might have said that. I'm talking about XML right now). I could also give it a crazy file name like u1750se95.xml, which I know wouldn't be the best way to protect something, but it would only be a step of the protection. It's also better than having the file like uers.xml . I could also use .htaccess files to help as well (I think boen_robot said that earlier in the topic too). I'll still think though, just a few ideas that popped into my head that I didn't want to forget.

  8. It's not that I'm more comfortable with it, it's just I don't want to decide to do it with XML/XSLT, then half-way through find out I made a bad decision, or vise-versa. I know no one's forcing me to do it one way or another, you're all just giving suggestions. I want to consider all of my options, and then decide what's best for me. Hopefully that way I won't make the mistake of choosing the wrong thing, and spending time doing something I'm not capible to do, if that makes sense.

  9. I'll think about it. It's just that a database sounds so much more reliable, fast and even easier to use too. I'm sure I could figure out how to do it with XML, I just don't know. Gah, sometimes this all get's too complicated, lol. I'll think about it for a few days, and make my final decision. I'll have to look into some encryption methods, and some other stuff too. Wow though, you wrote ParaTrooper when you were 12, that's pretty good. What did you use, C++?

  10. Thanks Prateek, good video. I've heard of Ruby on Rails, but I had no idea what it was. I've had a look around their site. So is it a program to create good web applications in? Or is it something that you upload to your host, sort of like a Java Script library?Unrelated to the above paragraph, but I think this seems to be getting a bit too complicated for me. I know I said I wanted a challenge, and I do, but I don't even have that much database experience either. Thanks for all the suggestions and help on this guys, you are all really helpful with many different things. It's just that some of you have probably been programming and coding half as long as I've been alive (trust me, I'm probably younger than you may think.) and I just think while this may have been a possible solution for the application, it just doesn't seem probably with my stage in web development.Don't get me wrong, I really appreciate all of the helpful comments and suggestions, I just don't think that with my ability in programming that it would be a good idea for me. Maybe in a few years when I've developed as a developer (that was awkwardly phrased) I will consider making something similar to this, but not for a while. :)

  11. and the topic takes a turn for the worst...LOL
    Lol. I guess I could store all of the data in files, that's what Cute News does. But I'm trying to expand my knowledge of stuff I already have a clue about, I have no idea how to do flat file storage.I'm going to start on the basic design and XHTML/CSS of the pages right now. I figured that would be a good place to start, then do the database/PHP stuff.
  12. Good point, that would not be very fun to do. Looks like I'll be going with a database for this project at least. In future maybe I'll consider the alternative, but a database just seems like a better idea. Unless someone has an amazing way to store all of this without having all the hassle.

  13. Sounds like I may go with MySQL. XML just seems a big hard to manage if I were to have quite a large blog. For the older posts (say 1-2 months old) I was considering getting rid of the comments and storing more than one post in an XML file. But that would probably be more trouble than it's worth. Maybe I'll come back to some sort of XML/XSLT application in a few years when I have a lot more experience.

  14. Thanks. I'm slowly getting a good idea on how to get this working. I did get it working for a few minutes, but I had to add in that line that I wanted to omit from above, and put in the URL of the page that I wanted to change too. The code was very buggy though, and it didn't do exactly what I was planning on. Hopefully I'll get it fixed. If you look at this page: (Link) and click the about link then see that the page content chages. It messes a few things up a bit, but I'm sure it's nothing that can't be fixed. My one problem that I can't figure out a good way to fix is this though:In the code, for it to sort of work properly, I need this:

    var xmlHttpfunction changePage(str){if (str.length==0)  {   document.getElementById("content").innerHTML="";  return;  }xmlHttp=GetXmlHttpObject()if (xmlHttp==null)  {  alert ("Your browser does not support AJAX!");  return;  }var url="about.php"; url=url+"?q="+str;url=url+"&sid="+Math.random();xmlHttp.onreadystatechange=stateChanged;xmlHttp.open("GET",url,true);xmlHttp.send(null);} function stateChanged() { if (xmlHttp.readyState==4){ document.getElementById("content").innerHTML=xmlHttp.responseText;}}function GetXmlHttpObject(){var xmlHttp=null;try  {  // Firefox, Opera 8.0+, Safari  xmlHttp=new XMLHttpRequest();  }catch (e)  {  // Internet Explorer  try    {    xmlHttp=new ActiveXObject("Msxml2.XMLHTTP");    }  catch (e)    {    xmlHttp=new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP");    }  }return xmlHttp;}


  15. Good points. I'm not sure if it's going to be worth having to excrypt files and other security measures that I would get from a database. For the log in and password, I could always use PHP and MySQL for that couldn't I? But still store the posts and comments in an XML file? The only reason I was planning on having more than one file was because I remember boen_robot saying in another topic that it would be faster to parse a ton of smaller XML files rather than a few huge ones. I'm still in planning mode as of right now, I'm not even 100% sure whether or not to use XML or a Database. I'll have to consider the pros and cons of each, and deside which I think will be the best to use.On a completely unrelated note, thanks for all the suggestions, I'm really learning a lot from everyone here. :)

  16. I've seen it done on a site where the URL in the status bar changes when a link is clicked, but the page content changes. I'm going to research this further, and hopefully come up with something. For users without Java Script, I'm probably going to figure out a way to display a message (would the <noscript> tags work?) saying nicely that they do not have Java Script enabled. Then I would link to the "text only" version, which would be similar, just without the Java Script stuff. I would also set up a page that would give instructions on how to enable Java Script in different browsers. If there's any other suggestions on things I could do, please suggest I'm always open for them.EDIT: Yay 100 posts. :)

  17. I'm actually leaning more towards a news/blog system rather than a full CMS sort of thing. I've decided to store most of the data in XML files. Here's sort of that I have planned so far:

    • Form to submit news that inputs into XML file. Each seperate news/blog entry gets it's own seperate XML file
    • XML File would look something like this:

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?><entry><post id="1"><author>Kevin</author><date>Date</date><title>Title</title><content>Content of post</content></post><!--Comments Below--><comment id="1"><user>Name of poster</user><comment>Comment Here</comment><ip>User IP address (Not exactly sure how to get this)</ip></comment></entry>

    Then I would select the nodes I want to display VIA XPath or XML DOM (Which is better??). Then with XSLT I would transform the XML file so that it would be readible in a XHTML File. Then in the XHTML, I would display the XSLT formatted version of the file.Does this sound possible, and if so is it somewhat of a good idea? That's not all obviously, just what I have right now.

  18. Ok, thanks! What I'm planning to do is have all of the layout stuff on the Index.php page, with the index content in a div called <div id="content">. The other pages will only have content in them. Then when a user clicks a link, it gets rid of the content in the div, and then adds in the content of the linked page once the request is done.Do you really think it's worth doing? If my coding is all valid CSS/XHTML, and most of the images are contained in the CSS too, would the page load fast enough because the style sheet would become cached?

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