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Everything posted by Obi1-Cannabis

  1. ah now i got ya... what's the browser your using?I'm in another computer and it's also ok here
  2. i have the ADOdb connection in the constructor of a class in a variable $conn but when i try to use it in another function forexample $var=$conn->GetAll("Select * from table where id='$id'") it gives me this error in the output:Fatal error: Call to a member function on a non-object in C:\Trabalhos\Apache\estagio\teste\classes\class.php on line 24can anyone explain?
  3. Obi1-Cannabis


    i'm not sure if this will help you: http://www.desilva.biz/php/bbcode1.html
  4. maybe if you try to do a counter that counts the number of lines of the menu in the main code and give a diferent class in css for that 5th line...but i don't now i'm quite new at this and i'm not even sure if i've got your problem right...
  5. click it to see a bit bigger
  6. in my browser there's no white line i would send a print screen but i have no where to upload it
  7. I don't see what is the problem it seems to be like all the others...
  8. imagine i'am creating a site for blind people...does this type of media works on any browser?do i need something special to make it work?and what about the language, is it only available in english? or is it possible to select another language like portuguese for example?>>>Obi1
  9. Yes i found the problem already, the thing is that i was trying to use integer for the name. but thanks anyway.
  10. Finnaly solved it using the way i was before, the problem was that i was trying to use an integer variable for form's id if i use a string it works.To think i took 3 days to see the problem lol.
  11. That would work fine if my DB had only one element, but that's not the case... foreach($tipop as $k2=>$v2 ){if ($tipop[$k2]['IDFamilia'] == $familia[$k]['ID']){ $this->idt=$tipop[$k2]['ID']; print" <tr> <form method='Post' action='index.php' name='".$k2."' id='".$k2."'> <input type='hidden' name='comando' value='escolhi'> <input type='hidden' name='idt' value='".$tipop[$k2]['ID']."'> </form> <td width='200' align='left' onclick=\"document.".$k2.".submit();\"style=\" cursor:pointer; cursor:hand;\" onmouseover=\"bgColor='lightyellow';\" onmouseout=\"bgColor='white';\"> ".$tipop[$k2]['Descricao']." </td> </tr>"; }} This is what's not working...
  12. nah... nothing seems to wor here i've got to find another way to do this...
  13. nope it dosn't work either i've tried it already. i also tried something like:<td width='200' align='left' onclick=\"document.forms[0].submit();>but since i have another form in the same page it doesn't work either...
  14. what if i have more then one form?
  15. it's not that i can't use a submit button, but it isn't very pleasant to see so i just wanted to use text from a table cell...<form method='Post' action='index.php' name='".$myForm."'><input type='hidden' name='comando' value='escolhi'><input type='hidden' name='idt' value='".$tipop[$k2]['ID']."'></form> <td width='200' align='left' onclick=\"document.".$myForm.".submit();\"style=\"cursor:pointer; cursor:hand\" onmouseover=\"bgColor='lightyellow';\" onmouseout=\"bgColor='white';\">".$type[$key]['Value']." </td>this one isn't working, tough the onmouseover and onmouseout are working.
  16. i'm working on a form that for each product of a DB has a diferent valuehow can i do this without having to use a submit button? because the onclick="document.form.submit();", where 'form' is a php variable doesn't work however the name of the form can be a php variable.please help
  17. i'm working with javascript and php to make a form that for each product of a DB has a diferent valuehow can i do this without having to use a submit button? because the onclick="document.form.submit();", where 'form' is a php variable doesn't work however the name of the form can be a php variable.please help
  18. Do i have to make any function before i use an<td onClick="Document.Form.Submit">? if yes, does the form needs to be inside? it's not working for me...
  19. Thank you it's working now.
  20. Is it possible to force a link on php.my idea is: i have a form that takes me to another page but i want it to stay in the same if the fields are not complete, if they are wrong or if i already have that same data on my DB.how am i suposed to do such a thing?
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