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Posts posted by aspnetguy

  1. It matters because that is the datatype you setup and that is what it uses. I string is nto the same as an integer. The column doesn't knwo what to do with it. Post your sql statement I'll see if I can get it to cast the column as a different type before sending to the DataTable because once it is in the DataTable it is stuck as that datatype.

  2. HTML

    ...<form action="mailto:person1@email.be" method="post" id="verzendform" enctype="text/plain" onsubmit="return check_form(this);"><input type="check" id="myCheck" onclick="changeEmail(this)"/></form>


    function changeEmail(chk){  var frm = document.getElementById("verzendform");  if(chk.checked)	frm.action = "mailto:person2@email.be";  else	frm.action = "mailto:person1@email.be";}

  3. you can use javascriptpage.aspx

    <html><head>...<script type="text/javascript">  function isNumeric(box)  {	if(isNaN(box.value))	{	   alert("The value must be numeric!");	   box.focus();	}  }</script>...</head><body>...<asp:TextBox id="txtNumeric" runat="server"/>...</body></html>


    //in Page_LoadtxtNumeric.Attributes.Add("onblur","isNumeric(this)");

  4. It should be closed. If someone wants to contribute they can PM you. Perhaps you could mention that at the top of the post. Take a look at how Skemcin is managing the Javascript Snippets. It is working well.Thanks for gettting involved. It is much appreciated.

  5. in this block

    <form runat="server"><asp:Repeater id="Table" runat="server"><HeaderTemplate><table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0"></HeaderTemplate><ItemTemplate><tr><td class="td2"><p><a href="<%#Container.DataItem("url")%>"><%#Container.DataItem("url")%></a></p><p><%#Container.DataItem("desc").Replace(search,"<b>" & search & "</b>")%></p></td></tr></ItemTemplate><FooterTemplate></table></FooterTemplate></asp:Repeater></form>

    you only have 1 set of <td></td> (1 column).I only see a <td class="td2"></td> not a td1 like in the above and below blocks.

  6. It also depends on where the contract came from. If you get contracts from sites like Scriptlance.com you should expect that the pay will be lower. I get a lot of work from SitePoint and usually the pay is pretty good. Developing the skill to know which contracts to accept and which to turn down is a huge asset and will save you alot of time and money.Like it has been said before, experience is a big factor. You can't expect to get paid what a 20 year progtrammer would get if you have only been programming for 1 year. So as your experience increases you will be able to increase your rate but that doesn't mean you gooted ripped off for past projects.

  7. Yahoo and others offer developers API's to use their authentication for various things. For example ebuddy.net let's you log into MASN, Yahoo, and AIM messengers online with the accounts you already have for those IM's and you see all the same contacts, etc. They are using the API's provided by those companies.So it doesn't necessarily mean that Yahoo is associated in any way witht hat site. You still need to be careful when giving out that information.

  8. you have to set the email's Body Format to accept HTML then put this string in the bodystr = "<a href=\"" + Request.Url + "\">Check out this link</a>";

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