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Posts posted by aspnetguy

  1. jquery is a javascript library. Anything to do with it can be asked in the JavaScript forum. We don't need a forum for each library, etc.Plus the jquery site would probably be the best place to ask questions about it.

  2. PHP is definately better than ASP in many ways. ASP is limited to windows servers which can cost more for hosting space. ASP is a final version, there will never be anymore updates or additions to the language while PHP is still being developed regularly. There is a much larger PHP commmunty for support than ASP.Keep in mind that ASP is not the same as ASP.Net, they are very different. ASP.Net , IMO, is pretty much tied with PHP with reasons for and against so it boils down to preference and what your needs are.IMO, PHP would be easier for a beginner unless you already know C# or VB

  3. Yer kidding me. IE7 doesn't support <br style="clear: left;" />? What else are they willy-nilly going to attempt to change?
    I blogged about it here http://www.aspnetguy.com/blog/index.php/20...g-floated-divs/More specifically I had <br class="clear"/> with.clear{ clear:left;}which is essentially the same thing.My guess is that IE6 ignored it too except we didn't notice due to its box model bug which caused the containers to fit the floated divs regardless.
  4. hah. I knew that, I must have not been thinking. Thanks!
    That was what I was thinking when I responded. I was thinking I hope he isn't offended by my response because I know he knows that :)
  5. I would have ot agree there. It is true that while internet does have almost everything you need it doesn't have everything and for that it has online book stores for you to get Games Programming books for example :) That is one topic I have had a hard time finding well documented help on. For me downloading source code doesn't help much when you haven't got a clue where to start.

  6. first of all in the html/asp side of things you will need to keep track of a counter as you loop through your recordset and append the counter number to the end of the id.Then for the link do this

    <a href="java script:SubmitForm('AddToBasket',<%= counterNum %>)"><font color="#000000">Add to basket</font></a>

    Then change the function to this

    <!--function SubmitForm( selectedtype, num ){  document.getElementById("WhichType" + num).value = selectedtype;  document.textsubmitform.submit();}-->

  7. ok then. (X)HTML/CSS are sufficient for Web UI and JavaScript/AJAX can make them more interactive and pretty.I have only every written desktop apps in C# with Visual Studio so I don't really know abut Java but everything regarding the application is handled with the programming language unless you throw a library like DirectX or OpenGL into the mix but they are generally for animation and gaming not standard desktop apps.

  8. It is called a lightbox. Basiccally it creates 2 layers. First layer is a semi-transparent black div that fills the entire screen preventing you from clicking on anything. The second layer is the new window it makes. Then when you close the window it removes the 2 layers making everything accessible again.You do not need AJAX unless it is used to load the content of the window. It is pure Javascript

  9. We all know that IE6 falls short when it comes to web standards but it is a very commonly used browser so most developers choose to take the extra time to make it work with IE6 aswell. Read about conditional comments, it lets you use different stylesheets for IE so you don't have to resort to CSS hacks.Most of my clients still use IE6, if I told them that I was no longer going to support it then I would be bankrupt in a week because nobody would hire me because my websites would be unusable for 50% of their users.It is not a matter of liking IE6 or thinking it is a good browser, it is a matter of making myself and my skills marketable and accomodating as many users as possible.

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