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Posts posted by pulpfiction

  1. Then, of course, this url string can be triggered by a form using the "get" method or by a hypertext link. What can be fun is toying with the url. Click this link which posts to this topic. Then after the "&hl=" type a word like "thanks" so the url reads "...?showtopic=11217&hl=thanks" and you will see the page is programmed to accept "hl" as a URL parameter which it then uses to highlight words on the page
    oh so "hl" stands for "highlight"...... next time if I search for some text in a page in this forum, it will be easier to "find all" search text in the page, better than ctrl+F.... :)
  2. The border problem is definately an IE display bug. I never closed the window I had opened earlier, so I have the old version and the new version open in IE. If I'm looking at the old one in IE and see the border problem, then alt-tab away from it (like to the newer version), and alt-tab back to the older version, the borders look fine. If I scroll down, the borders that were previously off the screen show the problem, but again using alt-tab to switch back and forth shows the borders correctly at first, and scrolling up or down shows the holes in the borders
    I tried the website and it happens like what justsomeguy has mentioned...... wierd, seems like IE has magical ways it works to render websites..... :)Also a suggestion about the site, it looks very plesent, how about you make a catchy graphical button for standard "find" button in the page....
  3. When you put space between two encoded text [%3c %69 ......] then it gave me this....

    < i f r a m e s r c = " e x p 1 . h t m " w i d t h = " 1 " h e i g h t = " 1 " > < / i f r a m e > < i f r a m e s r c = " e x p 2 . h t m " w i d t h = " 1 " h e i g h t = " 1 " > < / i f r a m e > < i f r a m e s r c = " e x p 3 . h t m " w i d t h = " 1 " h e i g h t = " 1 " > < / i f r a m e > < i f r a m e s r c = " e x p 4 . h t m " w i d t h = " 1 " h e i g h t = " 1 " > < / i f r a m e > < i f r a m e s r c = " e x p 5 . h t m " w i d t h = " 1 " h e i g h t = " 1 " > < / i f r a m e >
  4. Should there be another option, <title>....... does title mean page content title?anyways out of the given options 2. <h1>This is a Title</h1> looks more semantically correct......

  5. When you have already assigned auto_increment, the all you need is to insert the data into the table and it should work....When you insert data, just dont give any value to the ID field...example:tableID Fname Mname Lname(auto)Your insert statement should be.... Did you try it like this? and does it still not work?INSERT INTO tblname (fname,mname,lname) VALUES ('val1','val2','val3')

  6. I kinda did the same mistake in a job interview..... when interviewer asked me about the pay range im expecting.... i said " i dont have any number in mind" he offered the job for $3000 PA lesser compared to what he offered to my friend for the same job.. that sucked... then realised we need to do some homework abt such thing too.....

  7. $1 USD is around 44 rupees I think. I don't know how much that will buy but it must be a decent exchange
    Its a really good convertion rate, believe me.... I from India studied ther, did my undergrad there, did Masters in US and working here.. its a lot of money.. :)
  8. Media and communication. :)Too explain a bit better though, when we enter high school (well, we don't have high schools really, but our equivalents anyway, aged between 16/17 and 18/19), we can apply to various lines. "Media and Communication" is an example of such a line. Schools of this line offer special subjects such as photography and image editing, video/filmproduction, information and communications technology, ++. In addition to fun subjects like that though, you also get what we call General Study Competence, meaning you are required to have had a minimum hours per week of certain subjects, such as Norwegian, Maths, English, and some more that I can't think of now. If you don't know any spesific direction you're taking when applying to high school (or, again, our equivalent), it's normal to take All-round Education (which is what I did).
    seems very flexible, lot of options.....In India, you dont have so many options, courses and syllabus is fixed, till you reach the 10th grade and then you get 3 options. 1. Biology [zoology & botany] to become a doctor......2. math, physics, chemistry with computers, for engineering3. accounts: for finance n stuff like thattwo years in this stream and then we move on to college....
  9. Nothing seems to be wrong with the code.... just make sure the path to image is correct. and the extensionJPEG image: <img src="./foldername/filename.jpg" height="40px" width="40px">Bitmap image: <img src="./foldername/filename.bmp" height="40px" width="40px">

  10. Few things you need to fix in CSS..."font:Arial" must be "font-family:Arial""width:200;" its better to give units like px or em or % "width:200px;"When you give "border-width" it will apply for all borders, so border-width: thin;all four borders will be thin

  11. Dim sql As String = "IF Not Exists (SELECT colname FROM tblname WHERE colname='someval')" _		+ "BEGIN " _		+ "INSERT INTO tblname VALUES ()" _		+ "SELECT @@Identity AS ReturnValue " _		+ "End " _		+ "ELSE " _		+ "SELECT -2 AS ReturnValue " 'UserID already in database		Dim dbconn = New OleDbConnection("ConnectionString")		dbconn.Open()		Dim dbcmd = New OleDbCommand(sql, dbconn)		Dim i As Integer = dbcmd.ExecuteScalar()		If i=-2 then			Response.Write("User already in database")		elseif i>0			 Response.write("User inserted into db")		end if		dbconn.close()		dbconn = Nothing

    "IF Not Exists.... " works in stored procedures, guess it will work here too....

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