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Posts posted by pulpfiction

  1. Basically what they are sayign is we should have 1 language, 1 browser, one OS....not really based in reality. Besides that is how we ended up with the IE6 mess to begin with.Well if C++ has to go I guess we can through out Linux and Windows, and probably Mac OS cuz they are written in C++ not to mention 99% of all games are written in c++.
    So true, its be monopoly again...... its like dreaming about "perfect happy world"... :) looks good on paper.
  2. Does Access have a problem with the presence or absence of spaces around the equal sign?
    Think this could solve your error, try thissql="UPDATE [members] SET "sql = sql & "[First]='Granville' WHERE [iD]=1"
  3. "wwwroot" is your root directory, irrespective of where your current page is, when you use virtual, you need to give the path from inside wwwroot<!--#include virtual="./maneager/subfolder/filename.asp"-->

  4. "Include virtual" tells ASP where the include file is relative to the web root directory, "include file" tells ASP where the file is relative to the current directory. Use either of the following tags to include files in ASP:<!-- #include virtual="/includes/header.asp" -->(tells ASP where the file is located relative to the root web directory)<!-- #include file="../includes/header.asp" -->(tells ASP where the file is relative to its current directory)[bottom of page]http://www.hardcoder.com/scripting/php/include_files.php#asp

  5. This may be a setting in your browser. In IE, go to "Tools->Internet Options" and select the "Advanced" tab. Scroll down to the "Printing" section and make sure that "Print background colors and images" is selected.In Firefox, go to "File -> Page Setup" and select the "Format & Options" tab. Make sure that "Print Background (colors & images)" is selected.
    Guess this is the solution, I tried and the print preview which was in B/W, and after changing the setting it came up in color..... couldnt check by printing though [no color printer]
  6. Hi, im trying to repeat an image, but it only appears one time, at the top-left. I want join an image to the border of a table to make it a background.
    Oops... I did not see the echo'' in code you posted.
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