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Posts posted by pulpfiction

  1. And I just realized something.I find this statement, and a few others you make, to be slightly offensive. I want you to clarify exactly (specifically) what service you are providing to your users that Microsoft, the Mozilla Foundation, and Opera Software are not doing. Specific examples. Please do not ignore this question or reply with something that does not answer it.He ignored that.
    I missed reading that part about the initial warning....
  2. poor notjustbrowsing :), just shows not to mess with the top 5 posters of this forums..... :)

    Sorry, it is wrong place for me. I apologise for my presence in this forum
    change your login name as justbrowsing and do that, you wouldnt invite so much trouble.... :)
  3. a.menu { style for the menu here }This is a CSS class [classname: menu], so when you need that style in a particular <a> then you need to use that class <a class="classname"..... And other part is styling elementa { other links get styles from here }this is styling the tag itself, so when you use that tag anywhere in the page the style will apply.This might help a bit..http://www.tizag.com/cssT/class.php

  4. Its the same in VB just remove the ";". i kinda had the similar problem, remove the try...catch block and see if it works...

    postedFile.SaveAs(savePath + fname)

  5. There is a small change in the Javascript part and commented the <div> in HTML.....

    <html><head>	<title></title>	<script>			//clickable item ids		var items = ["item0"];		// EDIT: Modify this to add/remove menu		//function to open and close items		function toggle()		{			//get item			var item = this.parentNode;	//note: this = anchor from attachEvents			//get subitem			var subitem = document.getElementById(item.id + "sub");			//toggle subitem			if(subitem.style.display == "none") //closed				//open it				subitem.style.display = "block";			else //open				//close it				subitem.style.display = "none";						//prevent anchor from following href			return false;		}		//function to attach events		function attachEvents()		{			for(i=0;i<items.length;i++)			{				//get next item				var item = document.getElementById(items[i]);				//get item anchor				var anchor = item.childNodes[0];				//attach onclick event				anchor.onclick = toggle;			}		}				//initial setup		function init()		{			//hide all sub items			for(i=0;i<items.length;i++)			{				//get next item				var item = document.getElementById(items[i]);				//get subitem				var subitem = document.getElementById(item.id + "sub");				//hide subitem				subitem.style.display = "none";				//indent subitem				subitem.style.paddingLeft = "10px"; 			}		}		</script></head><body>	<div id="menu">	   <div id="item0"><a href="#">Item 0</a></div>		<div id="item0sub">			<div id="item00"><a href="#">Item 0.0</a></div>			<div id="item01"><a href="#">Item 0.1</a></div>			<div id="item02"><a href="#">Item 0.2</a></div>		</div>		<!-- <div id="item1"><a href="#">Item 1</a></div>		<div id="item1sub">			<div id="item10"><a href="#">Item 1.0</a></div>			<div id="item11"><a href="#">Item 1.1</a></div>			<div id="item12"><a href="#">Item 1.2</a></div>		</div>-->	</div>		<script>		init();		attachEvents();	</script></body></html>

  6. Try this....

    dim arr(9)arr(0)=1arr(1)=2arr(2)=3arr(3)=4arr(4)=5arr(5)=6arr(6)=7arr(7)=8arr(8)=9Call RemoveElementFromArray(1,arr)' parameter ind is Index of the element in arrayPublic Function RemoveElementFromArray(ind,vals)dim ii = 0'ind = 9lTop = UBound(vals)lBottom = LBound(vals)response.write(ltop &", "& lbottom &", "& ind)If ind < lBottom Or ind > lTop-1 Then  response.write("ERROR: Index out of range")Else  for i = ind to lTop-1	  vals(i) = vals(i+1)  nextEnd Iffor i=0 to 8response.write("<br>")response.write(vals(i))nextend function

  7. Use this in the second page.... all the data entered by user in the previous page will be available, except for "password" fields..<form><input type="button" value="Back to Previous Page"onClick="java script: history.go(-1)"><form>

  8. Check you datatype of the "date_added" field, cos if its type is "date" then if you give string or number then it will give an error, also what database are you using? as jesh mentioned the date format might be different [eg: US format - mm/dd/yyyy]

  9. rather than giving min-height, try giving height: 252px; [equal to height of image]......#menu { position: absolute; left:auto; right:auto; top: 200px; margin-left: 500px; width: 170px; height: 252px; background-image: url(menuback.jpg); background-repeat: no-repeat; background-position: left top; padding-left: 30px;color: #F7931D;font-weight: bold;}

  10. It must be some "reserved keywords" problem.... in that case you need to use such words within square brackets []. try this.... guessing reserved word must be "date" so, your query should be like this....INSERT INTO emails (email,[date]) VALUES ('admin@enterf2.co.uk','13/03/2007')code:insertSQL = "INSERT INTO emails (email,[date]) VALUES ('" & emailadd & "','10')"

  11. Its because of the width of #content, reduce it and it should work fine.....#content { top: 266px; position: relative; left: 20px; color: #000000; width: 475px; padding-bottom: 29px; text-align: justify;}

  12. I dont think thats how IE works, but it tries to maintain the ratio, say image size is 100X50 [W X H] and you try to increase the height from 50 to 100 [double] then the width also doubles 100 becomes 200......

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