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Posts posted by sweetysweety

  1. hi everyone,i have a structure on my attachmenti'm trying to expand the height of my red block under the buttons.i want to see 2px top and bottom of that block.i think if i can write a mathematical expression on height method,i can do what i want.but i search on net and couldnt find anything.can anyone help me to solve this problem?


  2. hello everyone.i have problem about mouse movement situation. my site is like this:

    <div class="point" id="point">		 <div id="greypoint"></div>		    <div id="redpoint"></div>	 </div>	 <div id="menu">	  <ul id="example-two" class="group">		 <li class="menuItem" id="current_page_item_two">			 <a href="#"></a>		    </li>		 <li class="menuItem">			 <a href="">				 <img  src="" alt="thumbnail" width="80" />			    </a>		    </li>		 <li class="menuItem">			 <a href="">				 <img  src="" alt="thumbnail" />			    </a>			 </li>		 <li class="menuItem">			 <a href="">				 <img src="" alt="thumbnail" width="80" />			    </a>			 </li>		  </ul>	   </div>

    i'm trying to make id of greypoint and redpoint divs sliden according to hovering on the menuItem's links to that links position.i wrote a script and make slide but the points sliden according to page position. plase help me to solve this problem!!!

  3. hi,i have problem about my code.i have a site something like that:

    <div id="gallery">    <div id="slides">       <div class="slide"><img  src="" width="920" height="400" alt="" /></div>    <div class="slide"><img  src="" width="920" height="400" alt="" /></div>    <div class="slide"><img  src="" width="920" height="400" alt="" /></div>    <div class="slide"><img  src="" width="920" height="400" alt="" /></div>	     </div>    </div><div id="menu">       <ul id="example-two" class="group">	    <li class="menuItem" id="current_page_item_two"><a href=""></a></li>	    <li class="menuItem"><a href=""><img  src="" alt="" /></a></li>	    <li class="menuItem"><a href=""><img  src="" alt="" /></a></li>	    <li class="menuItem"><a href=""><img src="" alt="" /></a></li>    </ul>          </div>

    my problem is about the menu div side.i trying to make a colorized div under the link.at the home page,this div appears on the left side of the links.i have icons in the img tags which has space sides have no alphas.when user clicks any link,the colorized div will slide to the pressed button and that buttons icon will become colorized div's color.i hav a jquery code for this but when i load the page,the colorized div is not sliden.it changes only the colour of the icon. i'm stack on this.how can i make this situation working???

  4. Hi i'm new in web programming and have a problem about my site developing with javascript.i'm trying to make a content slider.i wrote many codes about that but they did'n work.My site have a logo,after that a page section which should be sliden when user click buttons which appearing at the bottom side of my page.site logic is like this:

    <body><div id="mainpage" ><div class="container">    <div class="header"><img src="TERRAN SITE GIFFLER/anasayfa giffler/logo.gif" alt="Insert Logo Here" name="Insert_logo" width="20%" height="40%" id="Insert_logo"	 style="background-color: #f2f2f3; display:block; margin-left:40%" />  	    </div>	 <div class="Content">	 <div class="overflow-img">		 <ul class="slider"  style="list-style:none;">			 <li id="anasayfaContent"  >				 <div id="anasayfaContent"> [/color][color=#464646]				    </div>			    </li>			 <li id="hakkimizdaContent" >				 <div id="icerik2">				 </div>			    </li>			    <li id="islerimizContent">				 <div id="icerik3" >				    </div>			    </li>			    <li id="icerikContent">				 <div id="icerik4" >				    </div>			    </li>		    </ul>	    </div>    </div>	 	    <div class="point" id="point" onMouseOver="onmouseover()" onMouseOut="onmouseout()">		 <div id="greypoint" style="height:10px; width:10px; background-color:#999; -moz-border-radius:5px; -webkit-border-radius:5px; border-radius:5px; position:absolute; margin-top:15px; visibility:visible">		    </div>	    </div>    <div class="upperline" id="upperline">	    </div>	 <div class="menu" id="menuButtons" >    <ul id="sayfalama" style="list-style:none;">	    <li id="hakkimizda" ><a href="javascript:sayfakaydir(250,'')"><form method="post" ><input name="hakkimizdaButon"  type="button" id="hakkimizdaButon" /></form></a></li>		   <li id="islerimiz"><a href="javascript:sayfakaydir('',-120)"><form method="post" ><input name="islerimizButon" type="button" id="islerimizButon" /></form></a></li>		   <li id="iletisim"><a href="javascript:sayfakaydir('',50)"><form method="post" ><input name="iletisimButon"  type="button" id="iletisimButon"/></form></a></li>	   </ul>  </div>  <div class="bottomline" id="bottomline">  </div>	    <div class="footer">	    <span class="copyright" style="margin-left:600px; font:Tahoma, Geneva, sans-serif 4px; color:#666;">©TerranArtworks</span>    </div></div></div>[/color][color=#464646]

    i'm trying to slide the content of li's of slider ul when user click the menuButtons.the anasayfaContent will be the main page and appearing at the first load of page.the other li's moves according to buttons click event.the explanation was complicated,i know but my mind is toocan anyone help me to solve this problem.thank you...

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