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Posts posted by mpoer

  1. Na, BigAl75, there's nothing wrong with Dreamweaver. Especially not after you've paid for it :) Some people just prefer working direct on the code and don't mind alt+tab-ing to their browser and reloading the page. My alt+tab ctrl+r reflex is amazing :)

  2. Geocities = Yahoo, Adsens = Google. I'm not sure it's really right to have those two adverts on the same site, anyway.But if you are planning for a web site that will get a lot of traffic, Geocities may disagree. There is a daily bandwidth limit on all Geocities web sites, meaning that after about 15 people view your site, you're done until that 24 hour period is over with.There are tons of books available about online marketing. A good blog I follow is www.askdavetaylor.com and his other (more businessy) one at http://www.intuitive.com/ , try those for starters

  3. I found this javascript that seems to almost do what I want (below). I haven't altered it yet, because it looks like it should work when I mess with the CSS for this. Basically, I want when you click the link for it to show the info, and click again to make it dissapear. I want it to start out hidden, though, hence the css at the bottom of the following code.

    <script type="text/javascript"><!--// toggle visibilityfunction toggle( targetId ){  if (document.getElementById){        target = document.getElementById( targetId );           if (target.style.display == "none"){              target.style.display = "";           } else {              target.style.display = "none";           }     }}--></script><style type="text/css">#item01 {display:none;}</style>

    The page is here: http://thinktank.ichyware.net:81/~matthew/herd/services.phpthe darn thing works without the CSS, but since I want it to start out hidden, that's the only way I can think to do it. What am I doing wrong?Also, I would like a way to show all the hidden texts from one link, and for non javascript browsers to show the texts by default.

  4. Like I said, a small team per language to make the content. That would divide up the work evenly, but it would still be a large project. I think the end result would be good, though, in that there would be a new, easy way for people to learn new languages.

  5. RSS: Really Simple Syndicationbasically it is a way for users to read through blogs and news by reading the title and description of an article/post, then clicking the link to read the rest of the article. These descriptions, or 'feeds', are sent to the reader's email client or RSS client.A little more from wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/RSS_(protocol)and an example from my blog:blog: http://thinktank.ichyware.net:81/~matthew/wordpress/feed: http://thinktank.ichyware.net:81/~matthew/...ress/?feed=rss2viewing the feed in a browser will just show you a messy text file. However, Mozilla, Firefox and Opera users can easily integrate the feed into their browser. Thunderbird users can as well, and so can most other Email clients.I don't think I'm explaining this well... like I'm over-complicating it. Can someone help?

  6. I think I see what you're saying, but, if a user already knows (in my case) PHP pretty well, they won't be wanting PHP tips, and it could become a waste of time for him to check the feed. Suppose the user knows PHP, C, HTML, CSS all very well, and only needs to learn Javascript and ASP. Well, if he gets a PHP tip one day, CSS the next, then an HTML and a C, that four days of tips are useless to that user.I actually like the idea of differant feeds, one per language, Although I do understand that it would be difficult to find a new one every day. I'd settle for one ever three days, I think that is fair, and keeps the user learning. It also gives them the chance to keep up if they don't live on the computer, just like real_illusions said.That said, it'll be a pain in the bum to write a new email every three days for however many languages this is done for. So, before the program starts, we sould create a small team of writers for each language. They could use W3Schools tutorials and examples to create a mini-site at W3Schools.com/whatever that archieves each 'quick-tip' (or whatever it may be called) for each language.Then, in ASP or PHP, create the feed-maker for each language. It would select one quick-tip every three days and add it to the top of the RSS Feed.Eventually quick-tips will run out. At that point, it will re-start and the user will be educated enough the language that he/she will not need them any longer.

  7. yeah, an RSS feed would work great. A lot of email programs can use RSS feeds as well, so that's just as good as coming to by inbox.I bet it could be very automated, too. Maybe a PHP script that would send out the update javascript.rss file every day with a link to the appropriate page. I bet I could draft this if the project were given a 'go'

  8. I'm all set with XHTML and CSS, and PHP even, but when it comes to javascript...well... it doesn't go to javascript :) And I don't have the time to just sit and learn a lot about it.However, I understand the concepts of functions and variables as I've used both in PHP and a little in C. So what I was thinking (after reading this) is: could there be a email/newsletter type thing from W3Schools to learn a differant javascript function/feature every day? Almost like one of those "Word of the Day" calanders, except a "Javascript of the Day". I think if it were just one or two things a day I'd learn javascript a lot easier than if i had to sit and study.This is also feasable (I think) to do this for PHP and/or C++, as long as the user has basic understandings of the way the language is structured.What do you guys think?

  9. I would like to make a blog, with a post system in php or something, but I don't know how to make one, and I don't have a webserver that supports php at the moment. What layout issues do you want me to fix? Feedback is welcome, but you have to say what you're referring to. :)

    well... It seems that as soon as I say things lately they turn out to not be true. Your layout works perfectly, although before there was some text overlapping and such. Looks great now, good job :)as far as blogs go, if it's a just-you sort of thing i might be able to help out. I made some scripts for such things before. I can do it in PHP+MySQL. Just get those and you're ready to go :(
  10. Jonas, make a blog in your ipod :)(but first fix the layout issues) (not insulting just saying)I've never made a site that was graphic-intensive, because I don't do graphics. I've made one advert for my company that I put on a personal web site but that's it, and it was just an animated banner wtih green text and such on it.I'm horrid with graphics. I'd actually like to learn, though. Maybe W3schools could get some GIMP tutorials?

  11. I've been working for a few hours on redesigning my company's web site, and I'm curious how long it takes people to build their web sites?I've got seven pages, one CSS file, and I'm learning the javascript as I go. I've put about 4-5 hours into and I'd say I'm around halfway there. I'm using some of the content from the old site, but some of it I'm editing as I go.Also, i use one file for layout, main.php, then include that into each file (about-us.php, services.php, etc.) with the $content defined. kind of like theming, it seems a lot faster to me :)So how about you guys? How long does it take to design a decent web site (also say how big the site is, because obviously that makes a differance).

  12. I've never done a theme for Joomla, but I am making one for my Wordpress blog (eek, don't look yet...it's not done), so I am familier with the concepts.Themeing can be a bit easier than designing everything yourself, depending on the program. I'm sure you can find a designer willing to work with it :)And Joonla does look very good, I'd say you'll get what you're looking for out of it. I don't really have enough time right now for commercial web design work, but I just know some on here do :)

  13. what are you looking for, a forum, blog, informational web site...or all three?/me is sacrificing a job...google around for 'mambo CMS': a CMS (Content Management System) is a web program for making and managing a web site. It has multiple themes and layouts, and I think you can set up a blog with it. You don't have to know any (or at least very little) HTML or CSS, and it's *free* because it's open-source.Also, for blog-only web site try WordPress, and for a forum try PHPbb, both are free and open-source solutions. They're easy to install, configure, and use.:sigh: when more people figure out about mambo they'll be less jobs for us :)

  14. I may include that load time is affected greatly when you use tables. Unlike division tags, tables wait until the whole table is loaded before displaying. Division tags display as the code is read, which IMO, added with the smaller file sizes because of less code (which also helps with quicker load time) is enough in its own to use division tags and CSS.~Aphotic

    I did not know that. now i do :)
  15. eh, close it. sorry again i guess i just wanted a quick rant. they've fixed their problem so it's no longer a *great* example of a crappy web site. Althought their code could be improved and standardized i'm sure... they've fixed the original subject of my anger.So, close please :)

  16. We need to see it other wise its like shooting in the dark.
    He's right.Luckily, the goal of most web designers/developers here is to use standards-complient code that renders the same (or at least very very similarly) in all major web browsers (IE, Firefox/Mozilla and Opera). Just give us some details and we'll do what we can to help :)
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