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Posts posted by mpoer

  1. using Firefox, I see what you mean.BUT if you haven't declared your DOCTYPE, browsers act oddly with things. Usually firefox tries to render it in standards anyway, but there's no guarantee. Try putting the DOCTYPE in it and see how it renders. XML Declaration doesn't hurt either. Try putting this in the very beginning, before you open the <html> tag.

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-strict.dtd"><html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" xml:lang="en" lang="en">

    also, throwing it into the validator, I see that you didn't define your charachter encoding and also used the same IDs for multiple things. The XML declartion should take care of the character encoding, but you can also put this inside the head of your document.

    <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" />

    Instead of IDs, try using

    <element class="classname"></element>

    and in your css that means it is


    instead of


    One more thing I noticed: <meta keywords..> is widely regarded as useless as very very few search engines even check it anymore (so I've read). If you're looking for good search engine results, make sure to use an appropriate page title and the meta tag <meta descriptions...>, as it tends to be much more effective.hope that helps :)

  2. @smiles: If you're asking why they render things differantly, it's because Firefox uses the Gecko rendering engine, the same that Netscape and the Mozilla suite use :). IE uses it's own engine, made by Microsoft & Co. Opera, along the same lines, uses it's own rendering engine that they've made themselves. It's the rendering engines that make the browser, not just the UI (user interface). It's the engine that has the CSS bugs and such.So when someone complains about the "new" IE 7, they're most likely complaining that it will have many UI improvments, but little to no improvements to the rendering engine that would fix any of the multiple notorious CSS bugs that IE currently has.I think I summed that up well, but can anyone else add anything?

  3. I use FF for most of my browsing, but I've noticed that if I leave it up and switch users on XP, it has a tendency to become somewhat unstable once I log back into my account.  But I still use it probably 90% of the time.  Although I am curious as to how the new and improved IE 7 will be once it's released.

    "new and improved" to Microsoft is basically GUI-related. They forgot to fix all those bugs and insecurities... they have a new logo though!http://blogs.msdn.com/ie/archive/2005/08/12/451099.aspxthat aside, this seems like (gasp) spam advertising for firefox, and that's oxy-moronic. real web developers understand various browsers, and your first post here shouldn't be an attempt to pursuade anyone about anything.
  4. ok so all I am doing is making
    .pdmenu li:hover ul {visibility: visible;display: block;position:absolute;z-index:1;width:175px;padding: 0;margin: 0;border:1px solid black;}


    .pdmenu li a:hover ul {visibility: visible;display: block;position:absolute;z-index:1;width:175px;padding: 0;margin: 0;border:1px solid black;}

    ?if thats the case, then i tried it and the result is, drop downs no longer work in ANY browser instead of just IE lol

    that's how I was taking it also, and it wasn't working for me.Can someone that knows what to do give us the step-by-step of what the code should be? I think this is a learn-by-example situation.
  5. I have little to no clue how video codecs work on my computer, much less on the web.I know to use SMIL if I want to put a video or slide show presentation on the web, right? But don't I still have to have a video file?What format and what codec should I use for videos on the web? How many people will be able to see them? And, if you would, how the heck to video codecs work? I don't understand it at all.Any help appreciated, thanks :)

  6. alright, more specifically:

    .pdmenu li:hover ul {	visibility: visible;	display: block;	position:absolute;	z-index:1;	width:175px;	padding: 0;	margin: 0;	border:1px solid black;}

    should be changed. I messed about with it myself, but I'm not quite sure what to do as I've never done this before. But that is the problem code, I believei think. i'll test before i post this.

  7. Also, real quick before I log off, I do recommend you get a working solution for IE as quickly as possible. Then back-up your site to domain.com/testsite/ or something to that effect until you work out the kinks. and like I said, if you google, the javascripts are out there :)OH yay! I just remembered a great web site that may help here (CSS wise): http://www.cssplay.co.uk/. That place had everything you can do with CSS and just :wow: things I didn't know were possible until today when I saw them. There are really great menus, as well, and maybe something you can use to at least guide you the right way :)Give that a gander. The author is really a genious.

  8. this is your first CSS use? this is really impressive!to use

    li a:hover

    just make each piece of text in your list a link, and then instead of saying



    li a:hover

    with the same code....if that made sense. if not, let me know and I'll try again tomorrow when I have a bit more sleep :)

  9. Gosh, I must be old.Anyone ever here of 'vi' ???Now-a-days I use 'vim' and 'cream'.Vim is a nicer more powerful version of vi. and Cream is the same thing with windoze type menus and a cleaner integration with windows.Jefkin

    Vi.. not unless I have to! Nano is superior, in my opinion. It is much easier to use and just as functional. I can't imagine a situation that I would use Vi, although, if I needed to, I can manage with it.unrelated: glad to see my list got added to the poll :)
    • Like 1
  10. Hmm... looks like you've used W3 standard-complient code here. You should have known IE wouldn't render it! :laugh:just kidding of course. IE is quite notorious for having CSS bugs, especially older versions which have little or no support for CSS at all.Seriously though,this looks like a good solid navigation. I just looked through the source for the javascript behind it, and it took me ten minutes to realize that it's CSS-powered. That is normally good, but I'm questioning the


    readability in IE. I know i've never heard of this, although it does seem to validate. I'm sorry I've never made a drop-down navigation menu, in javascript or CSS, so I guess I won't be very helpful here. The only thing I might advise, is until someone more experianced in this helps you, opt for a javascript navigation that has worked in IE. There are scripts available if you google for them.I'm sorry I'm not much help in this case. Just ask me an HTML question sometime and I'll help ya out :)

  11. If you're doing web design (aka markup), XML isn't really the way to go. Try XHTML, a combination of XML and traditional HTML. There are plenty of XHTML tutorials on w3schools.com

  12. I think there is a bit of a community here, and I don't hate the idea of a general-chat/off topic chat section. I definatly like the news section, and I wouldn't mind seeing a show-off-your-graphics and show-off-your-web-site areas. I agree about images and post-attachments. There is an option in IPB forums that does this, if I remember correctly.As far as post-count worries, I'm not concerned. Anyone who is here for the post-count is just silly. The only thing I see in a post count is whether someone is new or has been around for awhile. I think this could be accomplished just as well by removing post-count displays altogether and only showing degrees like 'new member', 'member', 'advanced member' and of course 'mod' or 'admin'.My $0.02 for you all.

  13. After real_illusions post about Google banning BMW web sites, I starting wondering why these forums don't have any kind of news section. There are a lot of web developers/designers here, and it would be handy for us to have a place to read and discuss web happenings.It could also have a stickied post with links to sites like CNN.com, reuters, BBC tech news, etc, and RSS links as well.We could post and discuss things involving standards, web development, ISPs, and other technology news.What do you guys think?

  14. I read about this too. go google!hmm... this is relevant to web development. maybe the forums should have a news section? I read a lot of things that might be of interest to other developers/designers.

  15. okay, that stuff makes sense :)ems it is, I think. I'll be experimenting with a site i'm working on now.I'd still like a link to a good tutorial, though, anyone of you know of any?

  16. what am I supposed to do to define font sizes. is it differant than for images sizes? what's up with this. these are the ways I know of: em, %, pt, px, and there may be others, still.so what do i use, when, and how?

    In Awe

    I'm making a theme for my WordPress [2.0.1] blog. Whenever I'm making a CSS file, I have to go in and make sure I have room to define every indivdual piece of the page. My Blog is big, and it produced a really big CSS file.It just struck me how efficient CSS is when I looked at some of the pyramids I've created in this file.Long Live CSS!

    /*  Theme Name: BasicTheme URI: http://thinktank.ichyware.net:81Description: basic theme with minimal colours or images. good for text browsers and mobiles.Version: 0.1Author: Matthew PoerAuthor URI: http://thinktank.ichyware.net:81*//* this one is blank. have fun */body{}/* header */#header {}#header h1 {}#header h1 a {}#header.description {}/* sidebar: search, pages, archieves, categories, and meta (on the left side of the page) */#left {}#left ul {}#left ul li {}#left ul li h2 {}#left ul li h2 div.searchdiv {}#left ul li ul {}#left ul li ul li {}#left ul li ul li a {}#left ul li ul li a:hover {}/* content (in the middle, duh) */#middle {}#middle .blog-head {}#middle .blog-head .title {}#middle .blog-head .title h2 {}#middle .blog-head .title h2 a {}#middle .blog-head .title h2 a:hover {}#middle .blog-head .info {}#middle .blog-head .info a {}#middle .blog-head .info a:hover {}#middle .blog-end {}#middle .blog-end .link {}#middle .blog-end .link a {}#middle .blog-end .link a:hover {}#middle .blog-end .info {}#middle .blog-end .info a {}#middle .blog-end .info a:hover {}#middle .blog-end .edit {}#middle .blog-end .edit a {}#middle .blog-end .edit a:hover {}/* these are for the posts. be sure to define every element that an author may use */#middle .blog-content {}#middle .blog-content p {}#middle .blog-content blockquote {}#middle .blog-content a {}#middle .blog-content a:hover {}#middle .blog-content ul {}#middle .blog-content ul li {}#middle .blog-content ol {}#middle .blog-content ol li {}#middle .blog-content img {}/* links (on the right side) */#right {}#right ul {}#right ul li {}#right ul li h2 {}#right ul li h2 ul {}#right ul li h2 ul li {}#right ul li h2 ul li a {}#right ul li h2 ul li a:hover {}/* footer */#footer p {}#footer p a {}#footer p a:hover {}

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