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Everything posted by yaragallamurali

  1. Hi friends, I have 20 html pages. For all the pages footer and header is common. I dont want to use div's and paste header and footer in all 20 pages. It is because if there is a change in header i have to change in all 20 pages. I want to keep header as a single html and want to include in all 20 html pages. For this we can use frames but in html 5 frames are absolute. So what is the way of doing this? Please help me out. Thanks in advance.
  2. sir when i posted this topic i am really struggling. After a while i got the solution. I got the solution so i thought it will also be helpful to u.
  3. I have done this with div's. it is easy. i will post it on my blog and will post the blog link here. So that you can have a look.
  4. I strongly believe that this can be done with div's as well. Any suggestions?
  5. Hi i have a Div and underneath that there is another div. By default the second div is not visible. Now on mouse over of the first div i am displaying the second div and also on mouse out i am hiding the second div. But the problem is on mouse over i display the second div and when i try to move the mouse on to the second div the second div gets disappeared. I am trying to do menu and sub menu. I need the second div to be displayed when i directly drag the mouse from first div to second div. how can i achieve this?
  6. I got a rough idea. thank you so much.
  7. Can u help me with the code of getting clicked element inside the handler. I will be so thankfull. I am struck at this point.
  8. Hi i have a textarea. Text area is to enter label names. When i enter first letter of the label name the matching labels appear as dropdown so that they can select the label from the drop down instead of typing the whole name. This drop down is a div. Now i need to hide the div when i click elsewhere on the document except on the dropdown. how can i achieve this? I tried with onblur on the textarea but there is a pronblem with that. the problem is when drop down appears there will be list of tags in the drop down. now i have to capture the clicked tag from drop down but as onblur is geting fired the drop down is getting hiden and onclick event on the labels is not working. In the drop down every label is a div. Thanks in advance for helping?
  9. The following is my html code. This code contains one absolute div. The div with id "mydiv" is an absolute div. Only half of the absolute div is being displayed. I want the div on top of all elements and fully displayed. What could be the problem? Even after specifying z index to 20,000 it is stillbeing half displayed. the html file is also attached.Thanks in advance. [*]<html> [*]<head> [*] [*]</head> [*]<body> [*]<div style="overflow:hidden;margin-top:22px;position:relative;"> [*]<div style="float:left;height:100px;" class="label libLabel" > [*]jhjhjhhjhlhlll [*]</div> [*]<div style="float:left;position:relative;"> [*]<div> [*]<textarea rows="2" cols="70" name="book.allTags" onkeyup="displayAvailableTags(this)"></textarea> [*]</div> [*]<div style="font-size: 15px;height:30px;"></div> [*]<div id="mydiv" class="label" style="position:absolute;left:50px;width:200px;height:100px;z-index:20000;border:4px solid #C85D25;">I am here,i am here</div> [*]</div> [*]</div> [*]</div> [*] [*]<div style="width:990px;text-align: center;padding-bottom: 20px;" > [*]<input class="nextButton" type="button" Value="Save" onclick="disableAndsubmit(this,'addBook.mms?&MODE=NEW')"/> [*]</div> [*] [*]</body> [*]</html> as.html
  10. if that is the case why is it happening in case of forms. I mean when post is used directly with <form> element in html? what is the difference between ajax post and form post?
  11. Normally when we use post method with forms, the requests are geting cached. I mean when we use the back button to visit the previous page the request is not being sent to the server to display the previous form. It just loads the form from the cache and loads the field values from the cache. But it is not the case with ajax. when we use ajax with post method the requests are not cached. when we use the back button also the ajax gets the content from the server which is contrary to its "get" method. So why this difference?
  12. Thanks to all of you. To an extent my problem got solved.
  13. one decent solution. I fond one more using ajax. Anyway thank you for answering my question and for the time you spent.
  14. I am not using jquery. I am using just javascript. My code is simple. I am coding for html-4 as html-5 is not yet supported fully by any of the browsers. The following is the snippet <html> <head> <script> function insert(){ var str="<div>Enter The Value :<input type='text' name='magic'></div>"; document.getElementById("sky").innerHTML=str; } </script> </head> <body> <form action="xxx" method="post"> Name : <input type="text" name="name" > <div id="sky" onclick="insert()">Press here for magic</div> <input type="submit" value="submit" > </form> <body></html>
  15. Hi we have developed a web app. In the 1st html page based on the user interaction we are inserting some html into the page using javascript. when user moves to the 2nd page everything is fine. Now if user presses the back button then 1st html is displayed without the content that has been added to it using javascript. this is the biggest challenege now. if the users presses the back button it is not a problem but the content that we added is very important and it is missing in the 1st html when user comes back to it using back button. How to solve this problem? Note: i am using post method to submit the data. when user presses the back or forward button the request is not comming to the server so unable to handle from the server side code.
  16. ya but when use ems, it grows relatively and also decreases relatively. I don't want this to happen. Anyways my problem is the display in IE and that has been fixed by using specific font family. Any way thanks for your suggestion and time.
  17. ya i found the mistake. Thank you so much.
  18. Hi before adding <!DOCTYPE html > to my html, my javascript code is working fine. But by adding this to my html, the below part of the code is not working div.style.left=x;div.style.top=y; i am not able to set left and top values to an element. What could be the problem?
  19. Hi i have found what the problem is. It is with using generic family like "serif". when specific font family like "Times New Roman" is used everything has been fixed. Thanks a lot.
  20. Hi the following is my complete css. The font-size is having a different look in all other browsers but in IE-9, it is worse. How can i fix this problem? .label{font-family: serif;font-weight: bold;font-size: 20px;} This css have different appearence in chrome and mozilla. In IE it is pretty bad. If anybody have an idea on dealing this, please help me out.
  21. Hi in my javascript i need to increase an int value by one after every 5 seconds. How to do this?
  22. only the top visible item that gets displayed in the select box after closing the list.,
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