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Everything posted by joecool2005

  1. Hi,In my xsl file, I'm not able to add this character "&". Anytime I add it, I always have an error.Is there other way to add this character?Thx
  2. STR_TEXT="This is a test abcdé";document.write(STR_TEXT);
  3. Can you give me an example how to display é?
  4. Hi,I want to add this letter "é". But sometime I have the error Unterminated String constant. When I replaced "é" with other letter, it works.How can I add the "é"?thxJoe
  5. Hi,tabindex=-1 doesn't work on Netscape and mozilla. Is there something else that I can do?Thx
  6. Hi,When I used this<input id="t1" name="t1" size="8" disabled style="text-align: right; color: black; >with disabled by default the font color is gray.Is it possible to put it in black?ThxJoe
  7. Hi,I have a file. Is it possible to change a specific line?For example:I want to change the line number 3 "this is a good day" to "Hello World"I dont know how. I have the code belowdim fs,f,t,xSet fs=Server.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")set t=fs.OpenTextFile("D:\Ufile\www\chart\permission.txt",1,false)x=t.ReadLiney=t.ReadLinez=t.ReadLinet.close ThxJoe
  8. joecool2005

    Draw chart

    Is it possible to draw a chart with ASP?thx
  9. Hi,This is my xml tag.<taxe>5</taxe><taxe/>How can you define the type in XSD when the taxe is empty or is a integer?thx
  10. Hi,I have a tag in XML like this:<myemail email="john@hotmail.com" />and I define my regular expression to validate the email.But sometime the email attribute can be empty like this<myemail email="" />How can you define a regular expression for that situation?ThxJoe
  11. Well, I guess it supports the attribute.I went to this page for the attributehttp://www.w3schools.com/css/css_ref_print.asp
  12. Yes I did.The "print preview" is still in portrait on explorer.
  13. Hi,I define print page like this:<style>.print{size:landscape}</style>If I want to print all the page in landscape where can I insert my ".print"?Thx
  14. By doing what you said, on which form you put the submit button? By clicking submit, does both form will submit in the same time? Can you give a quick example?Thx for your answer
  15. When I use the tag form like this<FORM NAME="uploadForm" METHOD="POST" ENCTYPE="multipart/form-data"ACTION="progress_upload.asp?<% = PID %> "OnSubmit="return checkKey()" >The ENCTYPE="multipart/form-data" don't allow to use Request.Form.Is there other way to get your data?
  16. Is it possible to validate a form before submit?
  17. Yes, the ASP code is on server side. But when people do view source, they can see my javascript. That's why I want to run on the server side
  18. How can I run this code on the server side?I know that should add runat="server", but I don't know where.<script LANGUAGE="JavaScript">var keyArray= new Array();var i=0;</script><% Set fs=Server.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") Set f=fs.OpenTextFile(Server.MapPath("permission.txt"), 1) do while f.AtEndOfStream = false%><script> keyArray="<%= f.ReadLine%>"; i++;</script><% loop f.Close Set f=Nothing Set fs=Nothing%>
  19. Hi,How do I increment the variable i inside the arrayKey(i) variable?<script>for(i=0; i<5;i++){ document.write("<%=arrayKey(i)%><br>");}</script>thxjoe
  20. Hi,I want to do something like this<myTest> <h1>hello world</h1> </myTest>Is it possible to add HTML in XML?ThxJoe
  21. Hi,I'm not very good in XMLThis is my XML<Text><Banner display="false" >This is my Banner< /Banner><Banner display="true" >Another banner </Banner> </Text>How can I access the one that has attribut "display="true" "?Right now I'm using this to access to itset xmlDoc=CreateObject("Microsoft.XMLDOM")Response.Write(xmlDoc.childNodes.item(1).text);ThxJoe
  22. Thank you for your reply.My .js is called inside the html file.For now, on my js file I have only 1 function. What happen if I have a lot of function on my js file? I dont want to call all of them in the same time. I just want to call when I need it.Thx for your help
  23. Hi,On my html page I call a .js file like this<script src="test.js" language="javascript"></script>display()On test.js I have this code:<script language=javascript>function display(){ document.write("this is a test");}If I make any changes on test.js file, how can I refresh the .js file anytime a user call the html page?I have add those 2 lines already on my HTML page<META HTTP-EQUIV="Pragma" CONTENT="no-cache"><META HTTP-EQUIV="Expires" CONTENT="-1">and it still not working.ThxJoe
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