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Everything posted by joecool2005

  1. Thx it works for Internet Explorer and Firefox.But it doesn't work for Mozilla and Netscape. Do you know how to fix it?Joe
  2. Hi all,How do I remove a field from tabIndex?I understand that we should put a number for index but I don't want a specific field be part in the index. How?Thx Joe
  3. Here's the codeUfileReg.ASP if oCompany.mActiveFlag = "Y" then oUser.mFirstName = Request("FirstName") oUser.mLastName = Request("LastName") oUser.mCountrycode = "001" 'sCountryCode oUser.mPhoneNumber = Request("DayPhone") Response.Write("ufilestatus=1")else Response.Write("ufilestatus=-1") It's supposed to display "ufilestatus=1" or "ufilestatus=-1". UfileReg.ASP it's written by somebody else. I can't change it.Now on other file, by doing execScript("https://support.drtax.ca/im/scripts/Ufilereg.ASP")I want to use the "ufilestatus" to compare if it's 1 or -1. With this, I know if a company exist or not.ThxJoe
  4. ASP or javacript.The one that I can handle the output easierJoe
  5. Hi all,I want to execute a URL like this:execScript("https://support.drtax.ca/im/scripts/Ufilereg.ASP")If you execute the URL alone you will see the output like this "ufilestatus=1"How can I put the output in a variable. Or how can I compare the the output with a variable.ThxJoe
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