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Posts posted by L8V2L

  1. I read the top, and even went into the link of quotient value... Thank like mister cat(that you)said. I played with it... You or wiki couldn't just tell me it's minus the remainder... Jump in the corner looking at you all foaming at my mouth. "GET YOUR DAM HANDS OFF ME YOU DAM DIRTY APES, ALL OF YOU! YOU'RE NUTS YOU HEAR, YOUR NUTS, YOUR HERE!"All number have a pattern, so (I look back to the name I was referring to(I forgot it)Than I saw this "Modulus (division remainder)" Note the remainder... With that said, I'm back in the corner growling at you all.) with the modulus, it's more of the... remainder... (back in the corner "YOU ALL! DAM YOU ALL, YOU DAM DIRTY APES, ALL OF YOU.") THAT REMIND ME! STILL DIDN'T FINISH THAT MOVIE, The Rise Of Planet of The Ape...Is anyone on this site a wizard by any chance... I know no one is a cardboard hole punching wizard... That's more a mad wizard to me. Just a high rank wizard... If you don't know what I mean, than never mind. Thanks for helping and everything.
  2. Thanks for the links! I only have three module(count the one I'm on) on codeacademy with JavaScript. I came across his video searching through youtube video to find video on JavaScript, but pass him up cause of the fact I felt it'll be more of a lecture than an engage hearing list-in-on(I need something that going to keep my attention.) I already came across that online book, which didn't really seem to lay the basic for me as a tutorial for JavaScript... but might have been cause of the layout not being pleasant to me, but I'll go back at it ones I have a strong foundation to stand on of JavaScript and it's building blocks.Again Thank you, I appreciate the fact of you doing something that you didn't have to do. I will check out some of those videos and see about that online book again. As I said, I wish to have a basic understanding, a strong foundation of JavaScript become I even move on to anything else. That include advance JavaScript.Again, thank you.
  3. You don't want a tutorial, you want a class or a book. Tutorials, by nature, are shallow.


    I want to learn the basic before I move on... I am reading books, One or more I got knowledge of from the website you give me. Thanks again. I can't afford a class room. nor can I handle the environment.Try asking for free passes on online video, but was refuse it.


  5. No one touch this!!! ... as if anyone watching this question. I'm saving this for later... if I ever come back to it.<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><script>/*function setCookie(cname,cvalue,exdays){var d = new Date();d.setTime(d.getTime()+(exdays*24*60*60*1000));var expires = "expires="+d.toGMTString();document.cookie = cname+"="+cvalue+"; "+expires;}function getCookie(cname){var name = cname + "=";var ca = document.cookie.split(';');for(var i=0; i<ca.length; i++){var c = ca.trim();if (c.indexOf(name)==0) return c.substring(name.length,c.length);}return "";}function checkCookie(){var user=getCookie("username");if (user!=""){alert("Welcome again " + user);}else{user = prompt("Please enter your name:","");if (user!="" && user!=null){setCookie("username",user,30);}}}*/</script><script>function setCookie(cname,cvalue,exdays){var d=new Date();d.setTime(d.getTime()+(exdays*24*60*60*1000));var expires = "expires"+d.toGMTString();document.cookie"="cname+cvalue+"; "+expires;}function getCookie(cname){var name=cname+"=";var ca=document.cookie.split(';');for(var i=0; i<ca.length; i++){var c=ca.trim();if (c.indexof(name)==0) return c.substring(name.length,c.length);}return "";}function checkCookie(){var user= getCookie("user name");if(user!=""){alert("Welcome again "+ user);}else{user=prompt("please enter your name:","");if(user!="" $$ user!=null){setCooke("username",user,30);}}}</script></head><body onload="checkCookie()"></body></html>

  6. I don't understand your question. Don't you understand what the code is doing? Do you understand the for-loop and how it sets and changes the value of the variable "i"? Do you understand the use of innerHTML? In each pass through the for-loop a line of HTML text is added to the innerHTML of each output div.

    When it print out the paragraph onto the web page, what cause it to number it from 0 to 2? That is what I'm asking. What is numbering the paragraph out? The array? I don't think it could be that, for I am not printing out number too. What cause it to print the number beside each paragraph?If you still don't understand that's okay.I have another question, and as I said again, I don't want to risk spanning the tutorial help section, for I feel these are not to be all that important... to be consider to others mins me to be all that important to post.<!DOCTYPE html><html><body><p>A script on this page starts this clock:</p><p id="demo"></p><script>var myVar=setInterval(function(){myTimer()},1000);function myTimer(){var d=new Date();var t=d.toLocaleTimeString();document.getElementById("demo").innerHTML=t;}<br></br></script><h1 id="demo12"></h1><script>var myVar=setInterval(function(){myTimer()},1000);function myTimer(){var d=new Date();var t=d.toLocaleTimeString();document.getElementById("demo12").innerHTML=t;}</script></body></html>Why want it show the time two time? I even but nodes break in the html field. It only show the time ones even know I have it in two separate nodes paragraph. I been staring at the screen for quite some time, until I got the ideal to put comment in the nodes script to comment out the code to the first one, and the time still shown, showing me I hade the code right, so I change the node paragraph for the second one to node header 1, and still no different, for with the first comment it out, it'll show, but uncomment out, and it only show the first one disregarding the second one. Please help me... With the first question also before the code if you want/can.
  7. variable x is an array of paragraph elements. Each paragraph element has contents. You can read the contents of such an element or assign new contents to it. The most commonly used method is innerHTML. Javascript uses the plus (+) to add numbers or to concatenate strings.

    ...Thanks but I already knew about concatenating strings, and additional numbers... I was referring to the print out with the number beside it. Even know I know that the first child is ground 0 base, why is it printing out that.If you don't know how to explain or just don't really feel like referring back to this, it's okay. Thanks for the help so far.
  8. It's beautiful. Now questions to simplify it:


    <!DOCTYPE html><html><head><meta charset="utf-8"><title>t</title></head><body><p>Hello World!</p><p>The DOM is very useful!</p><p>This <i>example</i> demonstrates the <b>length</b> property.</p><hr><div id="out1"></div> <!-- id equal assign to out1 --><hr><div id="out2"></div> <!-- id equal assign to out2 --><hr><div id="out3"></div> <!-- id equal assign to out3 --><script>var out1 = document.getElementById('out1'); // id value equal assign to var out1var out2 = document.getElementById('out2'); // id value equal assign to var out2var out3 = document.getElementById('out3'); // id value equal assign to var out3out1.innerHTML = ''; // out1.innerHTML equal assign to '';out2.innerHTML = ''; // out2.innerHTML equal assign to '';out3.innerHTML = ''; // out3.innerHTML equal assign to '';var x = document.getElementsByTagName("p"); // tag name p equal assign to xfor (var i=0 ; i<x.length ; i++) // var is equal assign to 0; i less than p(s); plus 1{out1.innerHTML += i +': '+ x[i].innerHTML + '<br>'; // placing the node text in the divout2.innerHTML += i +': '+ x[i].innerText + '<br>'; // placing the node text in the divout3.innerHTML += i +': '+ x[i].textContent + '<br>'; // placing the node text in the div}</script></body></html>


    Where did the number come from? the array of x added them? And why nodediv.idname.innerHTML equal assign to ' ';? Can it just be printed in? ...I'm looking at it... I'm still a noob, could you explain it to me, how every loosely you want, if I don't get the syntax order, than I'll just move on. Farther down the line it will hit me with celerity clarity.(p.s. accidently misspell clarity as celerity, but look up the word to see why an error message was not thrown, i.e. the red squiggly line that would go under it... long story short, I kept it! :))Still looking at it: So the +=i +': ' is what add on the number. i=0, as it loop through the function to add the next line of node text... right? Then x of this array is the text node in the node p where it go through each p, than print out the result, as either innerHTML, innerText, textContent print out the result in the the p + the node <br> putting it on another line beneath it... right? Why when I take out the + before =i +': ' it only print out the last line x[2] and not the first x[0]? It as if it is printing them down backwards... Please a clear explanation of the step and process... or loosely, how ever you feel like writing it.So again +=i + is the same as 1=0, so than the second time around 1=1 and the last time around for x[[2] 1=2.. Right? ...That can't be right... Where are the number coming from! Please explain.
  9. I have another question, but don't really want to make a topic for it, for I feel like I'll be spanning then. Please consider having a tutorial help section... Yes I know that what this is... but I see that it seem most people are asking of complicated programming question here, not really any simplex. If all in all, than please tell me if this would have been okay to make another topic to ask this so I can feel less caution about having to worrying about spanning, please. In this problem, I don't want to use document.write so I try this:<!DOCTYPE html><html><body><p>Hello World!</p><p>The DOM is very useful!</p><p>This example demonstrates the <b>length</b> property.</p><p id="para3"></p><script>x=document.getElementsByTagName("p");for (i=0;i<x.length;i++){document.write(x.innerHTML);document.write("<br>");}</script><script>x=document.getElementsByTagName("body");for (i=0;i<x.length;i++){y=document.getElementById("para3");y.innerText=(x.innerText);}</script></body></html>It's printing out to the page, but not the same. I'll be simple if you could copy this and past it in: http://www.w3schools.com/js/tryit.asp?filename=try_dom_nodelist_length <-- Here! Try it yourself page, to see what it is I am referring to.

  10. Oh... I through I was okay cause of the function name... I give up to soon... go back through the HTML tutorial!!!???? .... Not a bad ideal, I already went through them, so now I'm just going back over JavaScript to make sure I have a good foundation underneath me before I move on to php. I did jQuery too, and also plan on going back over that too. Matter fact after this go over with JavaScript, I'm going to go through the example one by one, as I rewrite them underneath them. If I'm still lost.. not really lost, but not have a basic understanding for each of the few components of JavaScript. Than I'll go through the reference, and more tutorial. Really I'm reading books, and doing other tutorial. I want to make a game with HTML5, CSS3, and JavaScript(+ jQuery). I want to make this game I have in mind with these components.


    :lol: Thank you both for the feed back on what I did wrong. :good: Likes for both of you! :D Thanks! :D

  11. the second input field want work, and the function by the look of it seem to intertwine with each other by typing in the first field than clicking out nothing change But than when typing in the second field, and than clicking out the letter change; depending on the last letter in the first input field, if capital lower case, if lower case capital.<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><script>function myFunction(){var x=document.getElementById("fname");x.value=x.value.toUpperCase();}</script><script>function myFunction1(){var y=document.getElementById("fname");y.value=y.value.toLowerCase();}</script></head><body>Enter your name: <input type="text" id="fname" onchange="myFunction()"><br><br/>Enter your name: <input type="text" id="fname" onchange="myFunction1()"><p>When you leave the input field, a function is triggered which transforms the input text to upper case.</p></body></html>I have another question to ask too. What is this font, it's very easy to read. The one you are looking at that is being displayed, not the editing version.


    for( initialization ; test ; increment ){}for(var i=0, len=myarray.length ; i<len ; i =i+3){alert('i = '+ i);}
    The only way to learn this stuff is to play with it.


    True. Thank you. Truthfully that what I been doing... I'm in the process of going back through the JavaScript tutorial. I'm going to gain a strong foundation of JavaScript before I have more. I went through it ones along with jQuery, and through a few of other tutorial.Are you a programmer? I mean as in a career?
  13. First of all the code you posted does return -1. You then add 1 to it and so it displays 0. These are the same:i = i + 1;i += 1;i++; The statement j = i++ means set j = i and then increment i by 1. The statement j = ++i means increment i by 1 and then set j = i.

    I know in in complex equation it's different.How does it different it?Does i++ increment j after it is run through the program or just after it is assign to j?++i add i to 1 than assign j to 1 or vice versa (knowing that variable are property and property are variable depending on what side of the = sign it is on at the time).... lol you know saying property are variable and variable are property speak true of the saying you are what you take in to be.(reedited for more understanding of what I'm asking)Such as this:<!DOCTYPE html><html><body><script>cars=["BMW","Volvo","Saab","Ford"];for (var i=0;i<cars.length;i++){document.write(cars + "<br>");}</script></body></html>Even know change this:<script>cars=["BMW","Volvo","Saab","Ford"];for (var i=0;i<cars.length;i++){document.write(cars + "<br>");}</script>To this:<script>cars=["BMW","Volvo","Saab","Ford"];for (var i=0;i<cars.length;++i){document.write(cars + "<br>");}</script>Change nothing(not entirely true mind you) about how the data is input and than out put to display.What is it saying?Neo! What is the matrix saying?! I got to know!
  14. first off... You need a help section(if you have one already, my apologies) I know this is the help section, but I feel as if these is more as a moderator section to give information on things that could be helpful to look at... That don't really make sense, but in away it do. Even know you do have "pinned" to notify...<!DOCTYPE html><html><body><p id="p1">Click the button to locate where "locate" first occurs.</p><p id="p2">0</p><button onclick="myFunction()">Try it</button><script>function myFunction(){var str=document.getElementById("p1").innerHTML;var n=str.indexOf("hi");document.getElementById("p2").innerHTML=n+1;}</script></body></html><!--Finding a String in a StringThe indexOf() method returns the position (as a number) of the first found occurrence of a specified text inside a string:Examplevar str="Hello world, welcome to the universe.";var n=str.indexOf("welcome");Try it yourself »The method returns -1 if the specified text is not found.it doesn't return -1-->

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