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Everything posted by Jonathanks

  1. For the navigation, try listing the parent category as bolded text and the child categories as normal, indented text below it. You may use an image (logo) to contain 'rain's site, programmer and hobby photographer' and make space for the navigation links, login and search field below it. (for the mobile site). Check this site for and example of everything I mean http://www.doomby.com/
  2. Concerning the CPs, you can modify your code to display the form under the login link when clicked. You can just display 'registeration' as a header text over the reg form and remove the duplicate links from the page. The categories are not displayed on mobile views. Check it.
  3. On your registration page, the text in red is poorly visible on smaller mobile screens. The page is also titled 'user control panel'. Maybe something like 'Rain - registration' or 'join rain' would be good. The 'login' and 'registration' links are duplicated on the registration page when opened -- you already have those links at the top. Would you like to make it a blog or forum? You did a good job. Add categories for photography and programming, as your site entails, and make comprehensive navigation. Wouldn't it be fun to search and add some info about those organisms? Like fun facts about them. Each download tells your visitor a new thing about an image. Good work there.
  4. Jonathanks


    Guy, I'm best described as a novice, so I can say little. Your adamance to change's fascinating. It seems you're teaching yourself though, so it can be along road; but why not accept lifts here and there--must you walk all the way? Find a way to learn first before you criticise. Sorry if I sound rude.'The illiterates of the 21st century will not be those who cannot read or write, but those who cannot learn, unlearned and relearn'.
  5. Jonathanks


    Why not go for the real thing and stop cutting corners? It seems you're teaching yourself. Learning solo can be difficult, but try getting it whole. Buy books--you lose nothing buying a book. Get good materials. Get the full stuff.
  6. Yea. Check your browser and your internet connection. It opens completely on my cellphone.
  7. Jonathanks


    Relational database model is tabular because it is used to store information unique to each entity. E.g form details of each member of an organisation. Get it easy. Database is a collection of information stored in an orderly manner and is managed by a DBMS ('Database Management System': a software that's used to create, organise, store and access a database). I'm just trying to simplify my naivity so I might get it wrong. I welcome corrections. The collection of data make up the database, just as a collection of pictures can make a gallery. That's step-1.
  8. Jonathanks


    Why not do some googling? These concepts are simple.
  9. You want each navigation link to glow when it's hovered. I did not find any styling or html event code up there; or maybe I missed it. Read up html events and css links well. Try to finish everything. Something like this might be a tip:<nav><a href='#' onmouseover...javascript code> or in css - a:hover {font-weight. Color. Etc} just a novice's - or maybe a learner's - thought.
  10. funny @chocolate brownies. Have you considered niche's suggestion? You can have different stylesheets. Make them responsive. Google it. One stylesheet takes care of larger screens, the other takes care of mobiles.
  11. I hope this helps a bit. Your cellphone is a hardware, just as Justsomeguy said. Get that. The hardware cannot run that browser (software) without an OS. If you're using a java phone, then you're using javaOS. If you're using an iphone, then you're using iOS, etc. Then these operating systems are regularly updated and upgraded to improve functions. That's why you see different versions of MS DOS, UNIX, JAVA, ANDROID (e.g jellybean) etc. Consequently, these upgrades are followed by upgrades in softwares run on these OS. That's why you can have new softwares to support new features. Softwares like browsers can run on different OS. They just need to be coded to run on each one. That's why you have extensions like .jar, .sis, .apk, etc. IMO.Regarding my education, it's not better here than over there. You get.
  12. Seems you're a master. Try css media. (@media handheld) set the max size and style on. *in a novice's words*
  13. Did you offer I.C.T in high school? These are simple concepts. The OS controls the functions of your system; UNIX and LINUX are examples. Google what a CMS is. It allows you to create a website easily without hardcore programming - just light coding here and there. I'm also a learner: pardon my ignorance. IMO.
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