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Posts posted by Eric

  1. i hate it when people have a myspace and they refer to it as there "website".Real webmasters like us never get the credit the deserve people think designing a website is easy.

    Yeah, I hate that too.Them: "Hey, do you want to see my website?"Me: "Sure what is it"Them: "Myspace"Me: "That's not your website, it belongs to some guy named Tom"Them: "I have an account on there"Me: "And your point? At best you have a PROFILE on Myspace, but Myspace isn't YOUR website"Them: "Whatever"-__-
  2. Yep, black background and red text isn't very pleasing to look at.black background with a white or yellow text would be better.black background with blue text... probably not.black background with a light shade of purple might be ok, not sure I'd have to see it.I don't know what else.For sure yellow or white text would look fine with a black background.

  3. That kind of trash belongs on myspace"Look at me i have a myspace""Wow so do 30000000000000 other 12-20 year olds!!!"*sigh*

    Myspace would be better if it wasn't for all the garbage people put on their pages.Usually it's hard to read (text and background colors are the same, or similar shades) and they add so much crap that slows down the page load (falling objects, music, large animated images, etc.)It's a nightmare :) I use Myspace, but only for networking. And I'm well past the age of 20 so I don't know about those stats :)
  4. I remember a long long time ago when AIM was the only "popular" Instant Messenger and Message Boards wasn't "popular" at all, almost everyone in AIM chatrooms would post this one particular hyperlink to a webpage that when loaded would make the CD tray open (this was also before "alternative" browser became "popular" so like 99.9% of people used IE).This topic makes reminds me of those days :)Luckly now, Message Boards are popular and there are a lot more Instant Messengers to choose from. :)

  5. I was hopping for tomato ;/Are all web design classes just "bad" ? is it just that the teachers are stuck in their outdated web design/development methods and dont want to learn the modern way of doing things?

    Yes and Yes :)I had a semi-friend once that took a web design class. She told me "we're learning how to use MS Frontpage" and I was like "Why aren't you learnings to use raw code?" and she said "The professor showed us the code in the 'html' tab but said we don't need to know how to use it". I then said "but html is the basis of webdesign", and she replied "The professor said it's unnedded code". :( Unneeded :)
  6. Instead of a ranksystem, I would like to see, in the profile, a list of which areas you are good at. Of course, it would have to be selfproclaimed, but it would help a bit as for who you would want to ask for help on what area. As long as people are honest and don't brag, it would be a cool system.

    You can do that now actually :) (what I mean by that is, no modification needed.)create custom fields in the ACP and they'll show up in the Additional Information section of your profile.You could put a title like "Skills" and a text area for people to fill in with things like "php, asp, xhtml, js, etc."You just need someone with administrator premissions to do it *never sees admins online* :)
  7. Sorry :D

    thirdly, did I mention it was an example?
    No you didn't.NO WHERE in your reply did you say "this is just an example"Not until your second reply with my quote in it did you say it was an example.I respect people :) Edit: nice update :(:)
    NOTE: Eric has much better information available somewhere. Since this page was copied and pasteed (without a formal review) as an example, it has out dated tags and is therefore a horrible web page to learn from.Ask him what you should do.ERIC
  8. I still think a .htaccess section would be a good idea.There are many things you can do with .htaccess

    • you can change the content type of webpages (content type isn't determinded by a <meta> tag like most people think, it's determinded by the header your server outputs.)
    • you can set-up "guessable" urls (let us say you have a website that teaches CSS, someone may come to your site knowing this and put yoursite.com/css and get a 404 page because the real url is yoursite.com/stylesheet you can have /css redirect to /stylesheet making a "guessable" url. people "guessed" it was /css when it was really /stylesheet and since .htaccess redirected them, they don't get a nasty 404 page
    • you can set-up password protected directories with .htaccess and .htpasswd
    • you can set-up hotlink protection
    • you can set-up "url masking"
    • you can add MIME extensions (maybe you want .html to parse PHP?)
    • you can do more things than just the basics that people associate .htaccess files with

  9. In future know that you only add the "Frameset" doctype when the page has <frameset> tags in it.This would usually be the index.html page of a framed website.The indivual pages don't have <frameset> tags so a "Frameset" doctype isn't needed. In that case go with either "Transitional" or "Strict". It's your choice.

  10. The problem is that your HTML is sloppy.You have:<head><title>Cat Info-Introduction</title><style type="text/css"><meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html;charset=utf-8" /><link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="file:///c|\Documents and Settings\Kevin\Desktop\Website\CSS\base.css" /></style></head> And it SHOULD be like this:<head><title>Cat Info-Introduction</title><meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html;charset=utf-8" /><link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="file:///c|\Documents and Settings\Kevin\Desktop\Website\CSS\base.css" /><style type="text/css"></style></head> You ONLY put CSS inside <style> tags, NOT <meta> and <link> tags.You may also put @ rules in <style> tags. Example:@import@screen@printetc.

  11. Unfortunatley, it's only safe javascript. From what I remember, not DOM--- :D

    Yep, that's why I said "some" :)What's good about JS in posts though is that, for example.On one of the boards I manage, there is a signature size limit, so in the post below the main part that describes the size limit I have something like *click to check size* and I had a JS script there that puts a box around your signature area to see if your image stays within the box or extends out :(If extended out, it means it's too large :)On others boards however, I just wrote a modification so if a signature is too large it is shrunk.
  12. when you enable html you can just many of the elements.You can even use some JavaScript.It's not just the basic ones (<b> and <i>)I should know, I've been using IPB for several years and probably know more about it than the admins on here :)

  13. I think it should also distinguish between those who post questions and those who answer them.Someone could be an advanced member if they post 30 questions or answer 30 posts.Why not have two rankings for people, one for how many questions they post and another for how many they help with.You could even have a "rate this posts usefullness" after each reply to a post, this would allow the person who asked the original question or others to rate each of the replies that are received....  this could add or deduct to the helpers rank.Just an idea, could be abused though.

    It's possible, but it would require a modification. IPB doesn't come standard like that. Someone would have to write a modification for it.
  14. :)Yep, Firefox has the coolest extensions :DYou should have seen that extension in its original form, half the stuff it has now :)I remember when they first added "validate local __" to the Tools list, originally you could only validate files on the internet :)And they've improved on some other stuff since the original release too :(

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