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Everything posted by proudly

  1. if you want to use one css file, you could use classes in order to give differant style in everyone class. If that is impossible you can use more than one css
  2. Dave? you where who blame a newbie not to use ''like link''. I'm saying that the same way moderators work. I dont blame dave
  3. I know his username, you know too. His is a moderator , and uses the bad schema ''like link'', blame him first and then the newbies
  4. hello hisoka , I found that sentence in a book , maybe is going to give you an idea ''JavaScript embedded in SVG typically resides within a <script></script> tag. Because SVG is actuallyXML''
  5. ...we learn from what we see : '' Devoted Member [*][*]Moderator[*][*]3,060 posts [*]Gender:Male[*]Location:STL[*]Interests:Learning web development. Posted Today, 01:49 AM Due to the "same origin" policy I think you need Php to do that. http://en.wikipedia....e-origin_policy See... http://php.net/manual/en/book.curl.php ''
  6. if you have access to modify the code on the other website, you could give the variable ''number'' the value ''1845.54'' inside a script, and then dislpay that variable in your site. If you don't , maybe you could create a link to that td (i don't know how)
  7. maybe , i m not sure , you have to enclose it between <svg> </svg> like https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/SVG/Element/svg
  8. notice that when you click on the EXAMBLES (on http://www.w3schools.com/html/default.asp) and then you click on CSS Exambles you go to onother page , onother href, the CSS .That is why the left side changes
  9. as I can see the ''conversation'' up to now, a table could give a shorter and cleaner code
  10. also you can use a table
  11. where is the ''brightness'' in your code?
  12. I think that it is not the backround that youhave to change. You could change the opacity when the kensor is hover an image eg .overlay { background:rgba(0, 0, 0, .90); opacity:0; } .img:hover .overlay { opacity:1; } Imagine that the overlay is a glass above your images and it is transparent, and when the mouse is hover it the opacity changes from 0 to 1 try it andtell me.
  13. proudly


    Lets say that you want to make a website . Create a directory with the name Mywebsite. Put there all your files , including css, html, js, and wwhateve.Upload your directory to a server. Then is enough to ''call '' by using <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="mystyle.css">
  14. proudly


    I mean that : your 65 html <!DOCTYPE html><html><head><meta charset="utf-8"><link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="mystyle01.css"></head><body> <p class="class1p"> some text</p> </body> </html> and the in the css file (common for all the html's) .classs1p{ background-color: green;margin: 15px; } Is that working?
  15. proudly


    just to name it (is taken from one of my codes). But i think that is working, althought davej said that can't be done with css
  16. proudly


    in your ''number 65.html'' you have to add a connection with your css file also a class for the paragraph eg classp1 . If your css file has the name ''mycssfile.css'', you have to add that in the html <link rel="stylesheet" href="mycssfile.css" title="style1" /> also in your css file you have to refer to the class for your paragraph eg .classp1{ color:green; }
  17. ..the problem you are showing is a headache first on the html file you need this : <form method="post" action="results.php" onsubmit=""> <input type="text" name="name" required > then on results you need that $name = $_POST["name"]; Those two files communicate via a server eg Apache. You have to install one
  18. yes , when I restart my computer I find it to run. For some reason it stars automaticaly when I start my computer, but the autostart checkboxes are unchecked. Somewhere in an config file there must be a setting that I dont know.
  19. on that picture you can see the status of the control panel when I have close all the servers. It seems to me that all had been stopped. Hear is the comment on that screen : "Status change detected: stopped"
  20. No, I'm using the stop button, then I'm checking if they are stoped and they are stoped. When I restard the lapttop I find them to be again running.
  21. if register_globals is set to off, can someone use freely the software or not? Also if register_globalls is set to off, the risk is eliminated or not, and then the page is readable and working well? the prevous abstract is from the book ''PHP and MySQL Web Development'', Fourth Edition by Luke Welling and Laura Thomson, page 380
  22. http://www.w3schools.com/css/default.asp
  23. I was reading a book and I saw that paragraph ''The only trick to these settings (..on php.ini)it that if you choose to use legacy software written inPHP, it may very well require that register_globals and/or register_long_arraysbe turned on. In this case, you must decide whether using the software is worth thesecurity risk.You can mitigate this risk by checking frequently for security patches andother updates for such software'' The author does n't explain what could be the ''security risk''. Could anyone explain?
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