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Everything posted by thibo1025

  1. thibo1025


    Thanks a lot I see how it works by now.
  2. thank you I understand a bit more now eaven if I don't see how to use require() to print the comments on a html page.
  3. thibo1025


    I understood that but how to know where to save the file to make it appear in my local host? for example if i use XAMPP and installed it in C:\Program Files\XAMPPwhere should I put the file?
  4. thibo1025


    I do not get your message scott but I think it is because I didnt understand how an Apache server works.How can I know the adress to go at after having saved my file
  5. my idea is to do the first technique but I do not know how to sent the information in the html(or php I don't mind) page.I tryed a PHP method using post but I cant make the coment stay.I have no Idea of how to make it create a paragraph contaning the text posted in the sheet.Do you see what I mean?
  6. thibo1025


    right I forgot that one Thanks for your help.But My other question is Will I be able to read PHP files on my computer and if yes how should I do that?
  7. I understand part of it but rater little.As I already use javascript I understand the global idea of scripting language.And using blogging existing on the net dose not interest me as I want to understand how it works alone.But thank you for your advice anyway
  8. thibo1025


    is there an easy way to install PHP with an apache server and a MYsQl database without installing each seperatly?My problem is that I do not have such thing on my computer. And I want to be able to read php comming from files of my computer so that I can verify if the pages work before hosting them.
  9. true when I looked around for the the techniques used by professional nlogging sites they mainly used php pages(pthml to be exact) but the matter is that I do not understand PHP that well I tryed to understand ot but never got to it while I do understand partly javascript.For so, I would need help to understand the kind of protocol to use for it to work
  10. thibo1025


    I am trying to create a site as a blog form but I would like to know how to let people leave comments on the pictures I set in. what technique should I use? what scripting language? I would like help thank you
  11. yes in the <noframes> part of the document.
  12. thibo1025

    a:hover help

    not speaking of the anchor tag but the hoover propretie can be used for other tags but IE won't understand that. is there another way of making, for example a cell change background color without using the hoover proprety.
  13. thibo1025


    I think bgsound is not apreciated by W3.is there anotherway of doing it? in css or other language?
  14. this isn't practical isn't there a way to make the bar appear without having so much items?
  15. and if I want it to work with FF...what kind of code should I use?
  16. actually I need to know the way of doing it in FF or to hide it in FF so that the people using FF do not see what dose not work on FF
  17. true but cant you tell me the codes that can help me because I have a lot of problems with javascript
  18. otherwise you can get a free domains.to know where you can find these look around on google and you might find what you are looking for.
  19. I have a dropdown form using java to have a sound on the page and 1 want to make it compatible with FF my script is this <html> <head><title>title</title><script LANGUAGE="JavaScript"><!-- Begin songNum = new Array(); songNum[0] = "#"; songNum[1] = "song_1.mp3"; songNum[2] = "song_2.mp3";var music = null;var track = 0;var ver = navigator.appName;function audioCheck(plugName) {for (var i = 0; i < navigator.plugins.length; i++) {if (navigator.plugins[i].name.toLowerCase() == plugName.toLowerCase()) {for (var j = 0; j < navigator.plugins[i].length; j++) {if (navigator.plugins[i][j].enabledPlugin) {return true; }}return false; }}return false;}function chooseSong(s) { // ietrack = s.options[s.selectedIndex].value; if (ver == "Microsoft Internet Explorer") {document.all.music.src = songNum[track]; } else {songPlay('play'); }}function songPlay(cmd) { // netscapeif (audioCheck("LiveAudio")) {if (cmd == 'play') {document.musicSource.play(false, songNum[track]); }} else {alert("Sorry this option is only compatible with internet Explorer"); }}// End --> </script></head><body><script language="JavaScript"><!-- Beginvar ver = navigator.appName;if (ver == "Microsoft Internet Explorer") {document.write('<bgsound src="#" ID=music loop="1" AUTOSTART=true>');} else {document.write('<embed type="audio/midi" src="#" AUTOSTART=true hidden=true VOLUME="90" name="musicSource" MASTERSOUND></EMBED>');}// End --></script> <form name=choose> <select size=1 name=track onChange="chooseSong(this);"> <option value="0">Choose your song</option> <option value="1">Song_1</option> <option value="2">Song_2</option> </select></form></body></html> tell me how I can make it compatible with FF.Or is there an easier way to do this? I mean more efficent and with less code.
  20. thibo1025


    thank you I thought of down but I prefered asking just to be sure.
  21. thibo1025


    is it possible to make the content of a cell be at the bottom of it? I know how to put it at the top or center but not in the middle I just want the value if it exists.
  22. thibo1025


    thank you now I see how it works!
  23. thibo1025


    what about cellspacing and cellpadding?
  24. thibo1025


    I have a table in my page with a table header(th) and cells(td).I would like to know how to set the border size and color of each as the cellspacing, the margin and the align feature.only I do not know what syntax to use in the case of tables in css.
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