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Posts posted by Ingolme

  1. An id attribute needs to be unique, which means that only one element on the page can have a specific id. If you have more than one element with the same id then the browser will not know which one to choose.

    For each of the groups you will need a different id to mark which button should be clicked, which you can call defaultOpen1, defaultOpen2 and defaultOpen3.

    Then you need to write three lines of Javascript, one for each tab group:



    Your HTML has a few mistakes which you should consider fixing because they might interfere with the Javascript and CSS. Here's the list of problems shown by the W3C validator: https://validator.w3.org/nu/?doc=https%3A%2F%2Fcodestudy.w3spaces.com%2Fpricingtablev4-2021-10-27.html

    The two most notable problems are:

    1. Certain elements as direct children of a <ul> element. The <ul> can only have <li> as children, so other elements should be inside an <li>
    2. Missing space between attributes here:
      <button class="tablinks"style="width:33.3%"
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  2. The forum does have a private message system which you can attach files to.

    It would be better if you could describe the problem in a general way on the forums so that any active member can help you find solutions.

  3. Since you only have three tab groups, you only need three classes, not nine.

    You will just need to add classes tabs1, tabs2 or tabs3 to the buttons depending on which group they belong to. The content boxes will have classes content1, content2 or content3 depending on which of the three groups they belong to.

    You won't need a unique class name for each item, but you will need a unique id attribute for each content box.

  4. The W3Schools code needs a bit of tweaking if you want more than one on the page because its code affects all of the elements with the "tablinks" and "tabcontent" class name, no matter where on the page it is.

    To fix this with few changes to the existing code, each set of links and content boxes will need to identify which tab group it belongs to with a class name. The easiest way is to replace "tablinks" and "tabcontent" with variables that are passed into the openCity() function.

    A tab would look like this:

    <!-- A tab in the first tab group -->
    <button class="tablinks tabs1" onclick="openCity(event, 'London', 'tabs1', 'content1')">London</button>
    <!-- A tab in the second tab group -->
    <button class="tablinks tabs2" onclick="openCity(event, 'Paris', 'tabs2', 'content2')">Paris</button>

    The content box would look like this:

    <!-- A content box from the first group -->
    <div id="London" class="tabcontent content1">
    <!-- A content box from the second group -->
    <div id="Paris" class="tabcontent content2">

    And the openCity() function would updated to work with the above changes like this:

    function openCity(evt, cityName, tabclass, contentclass) {
      // Declare all variables
      var i, tabcontent, tablinks;
      // Get all elements with class=[contentclass] and hide them
      tabcontent = document.getElementsByClassName(contentclass);
      for (i = 0; i < tabcontent.length; i++) {
        tabcontent[i].style.display = "none";
      // Get all elements with class=[tabclass] and remove the class "active"
      tablinks = document.getElementsByClassName(tabclass);
      for (i = 0; i < tablinks.length; i++) {
        tablinks[i].className = tablinks[i].className.replace(" active", "");
      // Show the current tab, and add an "active" class to the button that opened the tab
      document.getElementById(cityName).style.display = "block";
      evt.currentTarget.className += " active";

    I've kept the tablinks and tabcontent classes on these groups so that the CSS styles would apply to all of them in the same way, they're not needed for the Javascript to work.

  5. This line of your CSS is causing that:

    .active:after {
      content: "\2212";

    I'm not sure why it's there. If it's being used for a different part of the page, then you'll have to use a more specific selector which doesn't apply to the pagination links.

    • Thanks 1
  6. It looks like the links are generated using a content management system like Drupal, so I don't think they have a way to change the HTML directly.

    Ideally, it would be best alter the content management system to generate the links with the correct text. How this is done depends on what CMS you're using and how you're using it.

    If that's not an option, then you could use Javascript to loop through links and edit the text for each one of them. You will have to specify what text you want for each link, which I've done with an object.

    function editLinks() {
      // THe left indicates the current value and the right indicates what we want to change it to
      var replacements = {
        "http://example.com" : "Visit Website 1",
        "https://example.com" : "Visit Website 1",
        "http://example2.com" : "Visit Website 2",
        "https://example2.com" : "Visit Website 2"
      // Loop through every link on th page.
      // If you have more information, you can select a smaller range of links to test.
      var links = document.getElementsByTagName("a");
      for(let i = 0; i < links.length; i++) {
        let link = links[i];
        // If a replacement was found then change the link text
        if(replacements[link.text]) {
          link.text = replacements[link.text];
    // The above function should start running when the page has finished loading.
    window.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", editLinks);


  7. It's not easy and Javascript alone wouldn't be able to do it. You need a server-side language and a database or access to an API.

    There are two possible approaches:

    1. Get the country from the user's IP address by using an IP address database or API. This can only be done by a server-side language.
    2. Get the user's coordinates with the geolocation API and use a database or API to determine which country the coordinates belong to.

    Both of these would take a few hours of work to complete, so it's not something I can write in a forum post.


    If you want to avoid this complication, the best solution is to ask the user what country they're in, using a dropdown or an autcomplete text field.

    • Like 1
  8. The child selector ">" selects children of anything on the left which match the selector on the right.

    I only mentioned <div class="grid-container"> because it was the only element in your example code that matches the selector, but it doesn't mean that it needs to be a div. To be more precise, the previous code would work on <div> elements which are children of any element with class="grid-container"

  9. You have to do more than just change the value from false to true.

    With asynchronous requests, the code which uses the response data needs to go in a callback function. This function needs to run when the onload event fires. W3Schools has an asynchronous example with a callback function here: https://www.w3schools.com/js/tryit.asp?filename=tryjs_ajax_get

    If you're running code from your filesystem, Firefox will block all AJAX requests for security. AJAX needs to be tested on a web server.

  10. The code looks correct and it is working properly in Firefox on my device.

    I first opened this page to write values to the session:


    Then I opened this page and can see the correct values:


    If the problem is happening with the code on your web server then show your code here and maybe I can find out why it's not working.

  11. Javascript does not have any kind of command which stops the program until something has been completed. It is asychronous, the program continues running while callback functions are called when specific events occur. For this reason, anything you want to wait for has to be in a callback function.

    When the program starts, it runs the queries. For each query it adds 1 to a counter (numQueries) to indicate that the query is now running.

    Each query has a callback function that runs once the query has completed. This callback function stores the results of the query in a global variable for later use and then calls the handleResults() function.

    The handleResults() function subtracts 1 from the counter I created earlier to indicate that this query has ended. I seem to have made a mistake though, it should look like this instead:

    if(numQueries > 0) {

    If there are still unfinished queries, then the counter will be a value bigger than zero, so we will return from the function and do nothing. Once all the queries have ended, the counter numQueries should be zero, so we know that we can start processing the query results. The results will be stored in the global variable globalResults.

  12. The DISTINCT modifier doesn't apply to fields, it applies to the query as a whole. You can think of "SELECT DISTINCT" as a single keyword which searches for unique rows.

    The AND operator will return a row only if both conditions are true. The OR operator will return a row if either one of the conditions is true.

    The query is looking for rows where Country is not Germany AND also Country is not USA.

    If you used OR instead then it would return all of the rows.

    • The expression (NOT Country='Germany') means "all possible values except Germany"
    • The expression (NOT Country='USA') means "all possible values except USA"
    • The union [OR] of those two sets is all possible values, because any value that one of the sets lacks exists in the other set.


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  13. I'm not entirely certain what the problem is. PHP does not prevent you from outputting at any point in the program before it halts.

    Warnings are not catchable, they're printed right on the screen, so a try-catch block won't work. I would print out the values of the variables right before they're used and then, once the program is done running, the values shown immediately before the warning will be the ones you are looking for.

    // Debug
    var_dump($Dim['bays'], $Dim['purlins'], $Dim['qty']);
    echo "<br>\r\n";
    $numPieces = ($Dim['bays']*$Dim['purlins'])*$Dim['qty'];

    I suspect that some of the keys in $Dim are not set.


  14. If the link is a block element then the border cannot be used as an underline.

    The only way to work around the problem on your website is to put all of the block styling, such as padding and borders, on the parent element of the link and make sure that the link is an inline element.

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