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Everything posted by Ingolme

  1. It might be on a free web host that gives strict limitations. Either that or the server is badly configured. How short does a video have to be to only be 200kb?
  2. That's not an object, that's an HTML tag. An object would be the HTMLElement object which represents an element on the page. This page has the "blueprint" for the HTMLElement object: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/HTMLElement When you access an HTMLElement object, as with document.getElementById(), you can access any of its properties and methods which were shown on the page I linked. // Get the object var element = document.getElementById("headerSubNav"); // Access one of its properties alert(element.offsetWidth);
  3. Javascript does not have attributes. That's why we talk about the DOM rather than Javascript. This is an interface: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Protocol_%28object-oriented_programming%29 Don't ask me to simplify, if you have trouble understanding then look up words in the dictionary and look up concepts on Wikipedia.
  4. You are not writing in general, you are asking specific questions. How can you ask for the meaning of words if you did not read them somewhere? Where did you read about parsing log files?
  5. There was an error. The error code says that the file you uploaded is larger than the maximum file size allowed by php.ini.
  6. I meant to give .info a width. It does not have a specific width, so its width changes based on what content is inside it.
  7. If you give the parent container .info an explicit width then it will not be manipulated by the position of the elements inside it. By moving the button you're making the container wider, which causes everything in it to shift.
  8. I don't know, there are a multitude of possible reasons. Perhaps we can find out the intentions behind it if you tell us where you read about parsing log files.
  9. If the parent has position relative, absolute or fixed then the following technique will work for any element inside it: .my-element { position: absolute; top: 50%; left: 50%; transform: translateX(-50%) translateY(-50%); } If you wish to support older versions of Internet Explorer the solution is more complicated.
  10. I assume a "banning script" is a script somebody created to ban people from their website. "log file parsing" would refer to having a program read and interpret a log file. The lock out an IP address means to prevent users with a particular IP address from seeing your website. You really should provide more context for the terms you're finding.
  11. It has an error code of 1 which you can look up in the PHP manual: http://php.net/manual/en/features.file-upload.errors.php According to the manual, error code 1 is this: It means the file you uploaded is too large. You should have your script handle errors and tell the user in words what happened.
  12. I would check to see whether $xml is properly encoded or not. If it is not, then I would check the source where $xml came from. If it's from a database then you need to make sure you set the proper encoding for the database connection.
  13. You can get the value from the URL using PHP's $_GET array and then change the link on the page based on the given value.
  14. You can have Javascript play the video when the modal opens. The simplest way is to give an ID to your video element. <video id="my-video" controls autoplay> In the function that opens the modal window add this line: document.getElementById("my-video").play();
  15. You would first register to a web host, then buy a domain name (example.com is reserved, so you will have to find another one). You have to point the domain name to the web host's name servers. Once that is done, you can use an FTP client to upload your file to the web host.
  16. Remove w3-card-4 and w3-half classes from the element. Give it its own class name, such as "important-dates" and then apply some CSS to that. .important-dates { margin: 0 auto; max-width: 860px; }
  17. The string "easter-holidays" is probably a unique identifier for the article.
  18. That question was already answered
  19. I would recommend for you to stop using console.log() and use alert() instead to display values, because the values console.log() is displaying are confusing to you and change depending on the browser.
  20. Your XML file and PHP file need to be saved as UTF-8 from your text editor. Just telling the browser that the encoding is UTF-8 is not enough. The encoding attribute just is an indication of what encoding the file is supposed to have, if it's not saved in that encoding things will not be displayed properly.
  21. Please do not post the same thread on multiple forums. There's another thread here: http://w3schools.invisionzone.com/index.php?showtopic=55284 Please do not use the W3Schools forums as an advertising platform for your products.
  22. Please do not use the W3Schools forum as a platform to advertise your browser.
  23. What part are you having trouble understanding? There is nothing more to it than what was explained.
  24. There are a few problems. First, document.write() will always remove everything on the page before printing its content. Don't use it. You can replace it with innerHTML. Secondly, the with statement should never be used. It's bad coding practice. The name attribute on the <form> element is deprecated, you should give it an id attribute instead and access the element using its ID: <form id="evtForm" method="post"> document.getElementById("evtForm"); Whichever book you're getting this code from is at least a decade out of date.
  25. A simple fix would be to join the array elements into a string. foreach ($books as $key => $value) { print "<p>$key: " . implode(', ', $value) . "</p>\n"; }
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