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Everything posted by Ingolme

  1. You can use margins to add more separation between elements.
  2. It's possible that you have to wait for the file to load. Another important thing is that the file has to be on the same domain, and may not work from within the Windows filesystem. var n = window.open("file.html");n.onload = function() { var data = n.document.getElementById("idname").innerHTML; document.getElementById("idname2").innerHTML = data;} It is required to open the HTML document in a window if you want to access its DOM tree.
  3. You can load data from XML files. Though getElementById() is only from HTML, you would need to access XML nodes with getElementsByTagName(), childNodes, nextSibling, previousSibling, parentNode and other tree navigation properties. If you want to get data from another HTML file, you need to open it with window.open() and then access it using the window's reference. var n = window.open("file.html");var el = n.document.getElementById("id");
  4. Ingolme

    hide image url

    Check that the file path is correct. If you remove the header() line and open that file in the browser you can check for error messages.
  5. A callback is a reference to a function that is given to another function so it can be called later on. function a(callback) { callback();}var b = function() { alert("This is a callback");}// Make A call Ba(b );
  6. I'm not sure what "80" is supposed to represent. You can substitute 80 for a dynamic value, like the offsetHeight of another element. Perhaps you want the scrollHeight of the current element. Perhaps this meets your requirements: if(hh == document.getElementById("coverlogin").scrollHeight) The best way to get the right answer from us is to ask the right questions. If not, I can only make guesses.
  7. If you want a different background for different pages, give the <html> element an ID. <html id="page1"> #page1 { ...} <html id="page2"> #page2 { ...}
  8. Ingolme

    hide image url

    Actually, put all the images in one folder. The htaccess of the folder only has to have this: Order Allow DenyDeny From All This prevents HTTP access but allows PHP access.PHP can load and display the image content using file_get_contents(), so you can tell it to do that only if the user is logged in and has paid.
  9. Well, given your particular situation, if you don't want to rethink your page code and structurePut the text in this part: <td rowspan="10" colspan="2" style="position: relative"><img width="321" height="157" alt="" src="images/search_04.gif"> <div style="position: absolute; left: 100px; top: 100px;"> <!-- All the script tags and other things go in here --> </div></td> Your entire page could be done without a single image if you made it properly. Images cause delay in page loading, the more images there are the longer the delay will be.
  10. I viewed it in multiple resolutions. You told the element to be 803 pixels from the left of the screen. In an 800x600 screen 803 pixels is out of view. This isn't a flaw of CSS, it's a flaw in your design. You should actually want this element to move, not to stay in one place. Given that the rest of your page seems to be sliced up images, I'd consider changing that so that you put the geolocation text within the rest of the text and allow the page to flow normally.
  11. I don't see it adjusting itself. It's staying in the exact same position while the rest of the page is moving. The text does seem to wrap when the browser window doesn't fit the text, which can be solved by setting "white-space: nowrap" in the CSS of the element.
  12. It sounds like Internet Explorer's friendly HTTP messages. I believe they can be deactivated in the browser settings.
  13. You would have to build an entire browser engine in order to read, interpret and render the HTML document. There isn't a simple function that will do that for you.
  14. Ingolme

    hacker paid

    It happens, of course. This is a corrupt world. Are you looking into getting into the hacking business?
  15. Functions, constants, global objects, things that don't need to be executed immediately. Often you can put absolutely everything in the head.
  16. Opacity sets the opacity of the entire element, that includes borders, text nodes and other content within it. If you want just the background to be transparent rather than the content inbside it, use a transparent PNG or the CSS3 rgba() color format.
  17. Adding javascript: void(0); is a very outdated technique and is not necessary.. Since void() is a method, the parenthesis are required. I don't know what the parameter is for so whether or not you put a 0 is beyond my knowledge, though I could look at the mozilla developer network to find out.. semi-colons are optional in Javascript, as line breaks indicate the separation between statements. It's a good practise to always put semi-colons because if the whitespace happens to be stripped out your code will become useless. These days, you should always have a proper URL in the href attribute, you can prevent the link from working in the onclick event handler.
  18. There is no point in using an <a> element as a submit button. You can already style a submit button to look like whatever you want.
  19. What do you mean "stay in place"? You couldn't possibly have an element be more static than using absolute positioning. The only problem that could happen is that the rest of the page is moving while the image is not. Your attachment doesn't explain the problem at all, I don't know what's going on in it.
  20. Ingolme

    header ()

    <br> is HTML syntax and <br /> is XML / XHTML syntax.
  21. There are no rules to XML, besides making sure that the syntax is OK. If instead of calling your nodes <data> you call them <author> and put them in an <authors> element it's just as easy to acess the <author> nodes in both examples. bookElement.getElementsByTagName("author")
  22. Though testing in Internet Explorer does yield an unresizeable window for some reason.
  23. Ingolme

    header ()

    The line breaks and spaces will be sent to the client if the empty lines are outside of the <?php ?> block. You don't need to worry about it unless you're going to send cookies, start sessions or send headers after that line.
  24. Ingolme

    header ()

    "Line break" is the character that makes one line of text separated from another. It's like the <br> tag in HTML. It's invisible, but it's actually an output character like any other. If your <?php tag is not on the very first line of your document you are sending line breaks to the client, which is causing the headers to already be sent.
  25. Ingolme

    header ()

    Look for line breaks at the beginning of your code. Do you know what a line break is?
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