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Everything posted by Ingolme

  1. Ingolme


    Well, when the internet was unreliable and downloaded files could be corrupted, what you would do is MD5 the file you downloaded and compare it to the MD5 they're showing you. If they weren't identical you would have to download the file again.
  2. It means there's no short solution to the problem. You have to look at all the checkboxes to see which ones are true and which ones are false.
  3. It's very difficult to build your own system. Installing a content management system like wordpress is much faster and easier.
  4. Ingolme

    Own cursor

    You don't use Javascript for that. Use CSS: http://w3schools.com/cssref/pr_class_cursor.asp
  5. The value of the rating is either in the $_POST array or the $_GET array. If you don't know, just print_r($_POST) and print_r($_GET) to see if it's getting there. Of course, you need to use AJAX to send a request to a PHP file. At the moment all you're doing is printing out some Javascript code that will get the rating. Javascript and PHP run in two completely independent environments.
  6. If it doesn't work then you didn't do it correctly. If you can show me a sample page I can see where you went wrong. Be sure your page has a proper doctype declaration.
  7. I always use localhost, myself. It's just something wrong with your Windows hosts file. Though writing the IP address rather than localhost will certainly ensure there are no domain name errors.
  8. You're looking for a "sticky footer" A good solution to the problem is here: http://ryanfait.com/sticky-footer/
  9. !! is a quick way to cast a variable to boolean. Though I don't think it's extremely important here.
  10. Localhost means, so that's the IP of your database.
  11. Only if the windows hosts file says it is. It seems if you're running the server in a virtual box or sometimes simply because the hosts file got manipulated localhost might not be pointing to You can search online about the windows hosts file if you want to learn more about it. With that file you can assign names to any IP address.
  12. Why not use the library you're linking to? What they did isn't something you can code with a couple of lines which is why they built it for people who are looking for something like that.
  13. This is a form of array sorting. I guess what I'd do is add the value to the beginning with array_unshift() when I found the one I was looking for. The question is how you're going to identify the value. Without more information about the problem I really can't get more specific than this: $data = array();while($row = .... ) { if($row['something'] == 4) { array_unshift($data, $row['something']); } else { $data[] = $row['something']; }}
  14. My only guess is that you styled the <br> element with CSS. I can't really help much if I can't see the problem for myself or at least see the code that caused the problem to happen.
  15. Hmm, I can't say why they're different but I generally don't rely on font sizes being the same in different devices. Perhaps absolute units such as cm or pt would give a more accurate representation. Yes, px is considered a relative unit by the W3C because it depends on the real size of a pixel which is different for every screen though that should mean that 14px should be the same for any application on the same screen. cm isn't very reliable either, I tried to make a box 1cm big and it's actually exactly 9 millimeters so there's a systematic error of 10% on my device. I really don't know what to trust, perhaps checking sizes in a PDF document is a good way to calibrate a computer.
  16. As far as I know, a global "event" object only exists in Internet Explorer. I believe jQuery has everything already sorted in the function argument, e.
  17. Yes, W3schools doesn't really have a good tutorial to explain page layout. Fixed, fluid, grid and responsive are not all mutually exclusive, and I personally see them as just words that people keep throwing around. I wouldn't teach them to people, but rather teach actual useful techniques such as how float can be used to position things or how margins put things into their place.
  18. The link will appear as visited as long as the destination of the link is in your browser's history.
  19. If the click event handler is on a link, return false prevents the link from opening another page.
  20. OK, so do you have MineQuery and know how to use it?
  21. I'm looking this up on Google and maybe changing localhost to will fix the problem.
  22. A program on the server knows what Minecraft is doing and sends the information to the browser when requested. Perhaps the minecraft server itself was modified to perform that function. I don't know exactly how they did it because there are many possible solutions. And I'd have to look up documentation first if I wanted to program a system like that myself. It's not easy.
  23. They have server-side systems checking the information. Probably written in Java since that's what Minecraft runs on. HTML and Javascript on their own aren't going to be able to obtain that information.
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