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Everything posted by number47

  1. The top of my page here is absolutely impressive and nicely laid out, However I keep on clicking my way out of the Forums page and landing in the "Http://www.w3schools.com/ " page. It would seem to make better sense to have the link up there open w3schools page in a separate window, not change this window to target over to the homepage. Or better have the top banner part of the page where it states "w3schools forums"-- http://w3schools.invisionzone.com/ at left could have to the right of that a new page opener link instead of the one below that points to home page" http://www.w3schools.com " which would open new window as to not lead you away from the page you are logged into (or not) this one. to better elaborate on what code division in the source; that I am talking about. It is this below "<li id="nav_home" class="left"><a href="http://www.w3schools.com" title="Homepage" rel="home">W3Schools.com</a></li> <a href="http://www.w3schools.com" title="Homepage" rel="home">W3Schools.com</a>" could be changed somehow to open in a different window? If this is a difficult or impossible thing to do. or if it would not make sense please help me with understanding that if you have a min.
  2. what to study about the examples and code types, How to study

  3. I don't know which is best method to follow understanding how the javascript and html tends to function and syntax correctly; or Remember each and every part of the "vocabulary" of the two. Or both?
  4. answers are nice sometimes. thanx

  5. is there any code language that is common for interacting with circuits, general hardware, like for automotive OBD systems, or say, Make your own breadboard circuit for controlling lighting or something. and using a laptop or computer to work with it?
  6. interfacing a computer with home made circuits hardware

  7. other languages Is there an origin for the code of the computer that is terrestrial, is it something that just happens to be english language; as in HTML (hypertextmarkuplanguage) or whatever, or is this adapted from somewhere else. If a web site is created in france and french person is writing the page, do they use the same words for tags? if a chinese person is making a page, do they use the same keyboard layout and or because the character list is so extensive wouldn't that make it a bit easier to code for them like each character could equal far more 1011001010 stuff? Is there any answers to this? other languages I am assuming humbly that our good old boys in the states are not responsible for the complexity that is the internet and computer code language does that sound correct? another way of asking part of that would be are code definitions euphemism for foreign and not worth dwelling on? and by who?
  8. other languages Is there an origin for the code of the computer that is terrestrial, is it something that just happens to be english language; as in HTML (hypertextmarkuplanguage) or whatever, or is this adapted from somewhere else. If a web site is created in france and french person is writing the page, do they use the same words for tags? if a chinese person is making a page, do they use the same keyboard layout and or because the character list is so extensive wouldn't that make it a bit easier to code for them like each character could equal far more 1011001010 stuff? Is there any answers to this? other languages I am assuming humbly that our good old boys in the states are not responsible for the complexity that is the internet and computer code language does that sound correct? another way of asking part of that would be are code definitions euphemism for foreign and not worth dwelling on? and by who?
  9. Bootstrap sounds a bit like a finished optional program to use? also It seemed like when I first started seeing this page I have been learning from, that it is trying to "sell me" on the HTML5 as a good new and easier way to think of html code I wonder if this stuff has any merit? is it true? Is there any particular Web and computer code language *(scripting etc,) that are universal, or more functional for a different similar type? like for example I have read that someone wrote "there personal favorite scripting is" and similar quoted. Is there any that are not liked or favored by many, but are more sort of fundamentally necessary to and work very well, and will be around to stay? It seems like to me HTML, is the way things are done, also interactions with internet and computers happens with javascript. As I have researched more about how it all works, It seems there are database languages that are used as well, and of course web page layout - CSS, it seems like some of these must be more of a basic foundation? I would like to focus on the types of web coding that have stood the test of time? types of code that aren't going anywhere due to the nature of how they function is not likely to be outdated soon? some of the questions and comments are referring to, jSON, mySql, appML, PHP, jquery, CSS, bootsrap, html5, (html5 vs. HTML or XHTML), xml, are any of the things listed Proprietarily limited more-so than others? or do any of them duplicate function of another? all generally speaking, I am sure there are reasons for everything. but to cut down the cluster of things to learn? which is important, and if multitudes of things are important enough to learn. which order is best?
  10. is there a way to script a page to dynamically call out from databases

  11. what is the reason that javascript getTime () will only go back to 1970?
  12. anything else? would you use javascript for no particular reason if you only intended on a paragraph showing and not being directly interactive or seen to be. I notice sometimes, I copy over text with highlight as I read, Sometimes, It mixes the color of my ordinary higlight background and other times it changes it all together. It seems like I am getting swayed to make javascript state the text I wish to insert into a page. anything else for reasons why you might?
  13. I was going over some tutorial things, and attempting to make sense of the javascript language. Is there a good solid reason why you would want to use javascript to make the page display text that is able to be written with plain simple html <p> tag or something ?
  14. Having a hard time getting the CSS and Javascript files referred to, how the work together into my head. When naming text files of html, and having it in a folder along with css and javascript. It seems like when building a site with the (great) web building tutorial that I like so much. I can vary a few attributes and things like that. It seems like every time I set it up with anything other than "demoweb" "index dot html" title of "our company" as instructed I get dodgy results. I also seem to have hit and miss PHP results. I am still plugin away at this if someone knows what I mean I would appreciate it. to put the question another way: 1 how many words in the naming of the files in site folders can you have? and 2. Does the name of the file dictate weather the css is recalled or linked?, 3. if is there a way to have multiple scripting and css sheets named in the folder? here is where I am studying from lately- Web Building
  15. assembling a site, CSS, Javascript and HTML, seems

  16. I see it the same way, I do understand that it can do a lot more, but the basics of what is in the examples seems to be difficult to find a use for at the learning stage. The Examples have the () and the (demo) and that kind of thing. The problem for me is I don't know what parts are completely defined by my own shorthand words; like is the "demo" thing in the parentheses an actual command? or how about the other various ones that have words and than mid way in word it has capital letters. that seems more like a rule, Everytime I try some action like putting a button function to a secondary button function I cannot seem to get any action at all., I guess it would help to know the variables, I mean by that things that are completely individual and up to me to write? Is the myFunction or "getElementById" a set phrase of letters or is only part of it?
  17. how to figure out what to figure out about Js

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