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Everything posted by Akasha

  1. Already made a beautiful very long querie, but hey it does the job :)i also wanna know if its possible to make some kind of rollback when sombody changes the database, but because of some reason something goes wrong. Is it posiible to make an rollback with asp
  2. Hello i want to have 2 multiple comboboxesthe first one contains people that are on the project.The second one contains the other members that are not on the project.I filled my first comboboxby doing that i also created an array with the names of the people in the project.Now i want to fill my combobox with all users except for those names.But i can't figure out how.i have already tried StrComp perhaps i should try for statement to change the select query and use where notdoes anyone has a solutionthanks in advance
  3. Akasha

    Radio button

    Thnx alot that's so much easier :)
  4. Akasha

    Radio button

    Hello I have a form with 3 radiobuttons.Depending on which radio is selected , they will be redirected to a pagebut it doesn't matter which button i click all 3 are going to the same page (add_project) what am i doing wrong? here is the code of my form <p class="gen"><b>What would you like to ...</b></p> <form name='form' method='post'> <input type="radio" name="choice" value="Add" onclick="goto()"/> add a project? <input type="radio" name="choice" value="Edit" onclick="goto()"/> edit a project you have added? <input type="radio" name="choice" value="Delete" onclick="goto()"/> delete a project you have added?</form> here is the code of my javascriptfunction function goto(){ for (i=0;i<document.forms[0].elements.length;i++) { if (document.forms[0].elements[i].checked) { if (document.forms[0].elements[i].value = "Add") location.href = "add_project.asp" else if (document.forms[0].elements[i].value = "Edit") location.href = "edit_project.asp" else if (document.forms[0].elements[i].value = "Delete") location.href = "delete_project.asp" } } }
  5. Hellotake a look at this pagethere are some various wayhttp://www.irt.org/script/311.htmi hope it will help you
  6. Akasha

    Can't figure it out

    FINALLY..... IT WORKS i found out how it works pffiieeeuuuwww!!!!hahaha i' am starting to become a real programmer i looked at the documentation of AspUpload and found out you can indeed use Upload.form to retrieve data from a form.But when i used it i got this error Microsoft VBScript runtime error '800a01a8' Object required: '' i found out that the page was trying to use an object that wasn't created yet.i only gets created after the submitso i first had to check if a submit was donedid it with the line: if Request.ServerVariables("REQUEST_METHOD") = "POST" then so got the variables out of the form and send it to the databasework absoluty fine and my file was also uploadedthe only i needed to do now was to send te filename to the databasetherefore i used this code dim Upload, fileName Set Upload = New FileUpload Upload.Save(uploadsDirVar) for each fileKey in Upload.UploadedFiles.keys SaveFiles = Upload.UploadedFiles(fileKey).FileName next and used the SaveFiles in my queryand now it all works
  7. Akasha

    Can't figure it out

    hmz.. frontpage add-on or something :-s
  8. Akasha

    Can't figure it out

    Can't i include the upload page into my normal form or something
  9. Akasha

    ASP and sql

    SQL = "INSERT INTO m_lobby values('123')"if that's the only kolom in your table or elseSQL = "INSERT INTO m_lobby ('ft_8watt ') VALUES ('123')"if it doesn't workplease tell what the error is
  10. Akasha

    loop in sql using ASP

    maxcounter stands for how many times you want to repeat the query set conn2=Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")conn2.Provider="Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0"conn2.Open "Provider=SQLOLEDB; Data Source = ......"For i = 0 to maxcounter sql = "INSERT INTO [I]naamtables [/I]VALUES ([I]'Values"'[/I])" conn2.Execute(sql)Next for your sql query you can use dynamical variables to change the queriefor example sql2 = "INSERT INTO Simulatie_auteur VALUES ('"&request.form("titel") & "', '" & memberarray(i) & "')" the titel stays the same, but the memberarray(i) changes as long maxcounter hasn't been reachedi hope this wil help you on your way
  11. try this function ClipText(TheText, TheLength) ' Test if needed first if TheLength > 0 then if (Len(TheText) > TheLength) then TheText = Left(TheText, TheLength - 3) & "..." end if end if ClipText = TheText end function and where you want to write the tekst you enterfirst you have to load your text into a variable like summaryand specify the amount of characters you want to show <%=ClipText(summary, 300)%> for examplethis will get the first 300 charactersthe text will be finished with three dots ...i hope it will help you out
  12. Akasha

    Can't figure it out

    hello after some research on the internet i came to the conclusing that you cannot use request.from and uploading a filebecause you get this error:Cannot use the generic Request collection after calling BinaryRead. the gave several solutions like use Upload.form or FormUploadRequest instead of request.form I have tried it but it still won't work :)I use the code from FreeASPUploadit would be nice is i could use variables from my page and use the file uploador else i have to split te form in 2 parts :)does anyone has a solution??greetings Leandra
  13. Akasha

    Combobox values

    Found a solution to work around the problemI collect the values from a databaseThen I replace all spaces within the value with a _ then the combobox will be filledThe onchange event is envokedThen I want to use that value in the queryso I replace the _ in the value again with a spaceworks fine
  14. Akasha

    Combobox values

    Helloi have a combobox filled with a databaseWhen the value change it will call the onChange event.In this onChange he will get the selected valuebut the problem is that the value contains spacesso that the value that will be returned is only the first part.for example the value in combobox is Blue Tooththe value he will return is Blue is there a way to get the full value out of the combobox without editing the values in the database.because i alse need that value to use it in several query to retrieve more information from the database after the onchange eventthis is the code for the combobox <select name="projects" onchange="showProject()"><% 'Recordset set rs2 = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.recordset") rs2.Open "SELECT projectnaam FROM Project ORDER BY projectnaam ASC", conn2 Response.Write("<OPTION>-- Select a project -- </OPTION>") 'Fill variables with values Do until rs2.EOF if request("project") = rs2.fields("projectnaam") then Response.Write("<OPTION SELECTED value="&rs2.fields("projectnaam")&">" & rs2.fields("projectnaam") & "</OPTION>") else Response.Write("<OPTION value="&rs2.fields("projectnaam")&">" & rs2.fields("projectnaam") & "</OPTION>") end if rs2.movenext Loop rs2.close%> </select> and this is the code for the function function showProject(){ var project = form.projects[form.projects.selectedIndex].value location.href = "projects.asp?project="+project;}
  15. Akasha

    Email CDO problem

    Helloi want to have a button and when it is pushed it must sent an emailI have the following code Set myMail=CreateObject("CDO.Message") myMail.Subject="Sending email with CDO" myMail.From="nlv@mydomain" myMail.To="leandra_S@hotmail.com" myMail.TextBody="This is a message." myMail.Configuration.Fields.Item _ ("http://schemas.microsoft.com/cdo/configuration/sendusing")=2 'Name or IP of remote SMTP server myMail.Configuration.Fields.Item _ ("http://schemas.microsoft.com/cdo/configuration/smtpserver") _ ="smtp server" 'Server port myMail.Configuration.Fields.Item _ ("http://schemas.microsoft.com/cdo/configuration/smtpserverport") _ =25 myMail.Configuration.Fields.Update myMail.Send set myMail=nothing Response.Redirect("../main.asp?message=Newsitem has been added and users are notified") Getting this errorError Type:CDO.Message.1 (0x80040213)The transport failed to connect to the server. /Internal/Secretary/Newsitems/newsitemnotify.asp, line 192what's wrongps. for my smtp and port number i use the settings used in outlook, but this is an imap is that a problem
  16. Akasha

    text editor

    yes i know and i have tried itbut he keeps returning the value thats been giving in the beginning <%if request.form("rte1") = "" then sContent = "test"&chr(13) sContent = RTESafe(sContent)else sContent = RTESafe(request.form("rte1"))end if%> he is been giving the value testafter submitting, the value is still test even if i changed it in the frame
  17. Akasha

    asp converting

    and if i make a website where someone could load an asp file then the website tranfers it too plain html and save it localand the users it self needs to upload the file to the server with ftp
  18. Akasha

    asp converting

    Hellois it possible to use an asp script or javascript to get the source of an webpage.For example i have a dynamic page, and using asp/java to get data out of an database to build the webpage.But one of the server doesn't support asp only php (apache webserver),So is there an command to get the static source.(same as right click -> source) and save it as an HTML file.so you get the same page only not dynamic but staticeven better if there is an converter van asp to php, probably there isn'thoop it is a liitle bit cleargreetz akasha
  19. Akasha

    text editor

    thnx it works great only one questioni can't seem to get the values out of the textarea en sent them to another page
  20. Try thisFirst you need to change the request into request.formsecond in your if statement your using rst but your recordset is named rsi hope it helpedgreetzakasha
  21. Akasha

    Dynamic range

    Helloi wrote an excel macro with vbscript that makes an dynamic name (range) that works perfect.but then my asp page says that he can't find the objectwhy can't he read dynamic range names?greetz
  22. Akasha

    text editor

    helloi am looking for a simple WYSIWYG text editor in aspi only need the bold italic and underline, that should be enoughgreetz leandra
  23. Akasha

    TRY.... CATCH

    is it possible to make a try and catch block with ASP??
  24. Akasha

    add record error??

    Perhaps you forget to click on the properties firstright click on your file then propertiesand then you will see a security tab
  25. Akasha


    Can't it be solved with a virtual map connected with the other server?or perhapsi could put the upload script on the location wehre the files needs to goand include that files in this asp script
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