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Everything posted by newseed

  1. If you are not using a form tag or you require that the use of an anchor tag to submit data then you need to add display: block to the #submit1 id.
  2. Oh silly me! Thanks.
  3. You post with HTML code indicates a DocType and so we had no clue that your original page did not have it. Glad you figured it out.
  4. You will need to use em's to size everything so that it will resize itself based on the screen resolution size. You may want to read up on viewport. Just google it. Here's a meta tag to get your started. <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width; initial-scale=1.0; maximum-scale=1.0; user-scalable=0;">
  5. background positioning is fine. The issue is the image button you have is positione: absolute. It's fixed at that same position regardless of screen size. I've mentioned the solution in this post. Now you did not mention how many buttons you are going to have but if you plan on using several then I would suggest using an unordered list. Using h1 tag should only be used to describe the title of your page. <ul><li><a href="">link one</a></li><li><a href="">link two</a></li><li><a href="">link three</a></li></ul> You can add your image buttons if you like or use css background.
  6. You can click on 'view source' link near the end of the article and you can copy and past it to wherever you want it. Edit to suit. Keep in mind that this does not seem to support IE 9 (and earlier) browsers. Cannot confirm this for IE10.
  7. Pretty strange on your end. I did not experience any issues in displaying that set of codes. Try changing your class name and see what happens. In rare cases (and I do mean rare) I have had this kind of issue such as yours and I either changed the class name or delete and started a new html file. Of course it doesn't make sense but try it anyway.
  8. Sometimes css don't work because the closing bracket of the previous css is not present. Run it thru the validator.
  9. Change the display: block to be inline and remove the float: left #top-menu li{display: inline;/*removed float: left; */ line-height: 1;margin: 0 17px;text-align: center;}
  10. Not really much to go on here but let's assume that the box you want to control is div.personnal-item, since there is not width/height define you would add it yourself. Before:div.personnal-item{ border-width: 1px; border-style: solid; } After:div.personnal-item{ border-width: 1px; border-style: solid; width: 300px; height: 200px;} Adjust to suit.
  11. There is nothing wrong with using list-type-style: none for a single <li>. I have done this a few times myself. However, from a accessibility point of view it may confuse those that uses screen readers. Ideally, you would use one of the sub heading tags instead (h2, h3, etc.)
  12. I don't know much about SiteBuilder but you would set your body background to the blue and then have a div container that will house your content set to white background. Here's sample: body {background: #1c75bc;}div.container {width: 960px; /*set this to whatever width you desire*/margin: 0 auto; /*this centers the container*/background: #ffffff;}
  13. Concur. That is fine if you want to center something left/right but it doesn't work top/bottom and based on his post it seems to me that he was trying to get the block of content/image to be centered of the browser including top/bottom positioning.
  14. Your code doesn't seem to be complete but if you are trying to align the main image so that it positioned in the center of the screen then you need more css to make that happen. HTML: <div class="centereddiv"><a href"about.html><img src="images/about.png "/></a></div> CSS: .centereddiv {position: absolute;top: 50%;left: 50%;/*= this is half of the amount of what the image size is. If your image is 500px X 400px then you would set a negative -200px for the top margin and a negative of -250px for the left margin.*/margin-top: -200px;margin-left: -250px;} You can use this same concept for just about anything such centering mulitple images or text or whatever.
  15. You don't have to use height: auto. However, if you have inlined styles within your image tag then you will need to remove them so that the css will work.
  16. The issue is that you have elements within the containment of your framework. If you elements total to be 1300 pixels then something got to give when viewing it in a smaller resolution. You may need to use em's to allow the site to be responsive. Ideally, you should code it so that it looks good for 1024. You could use a browser sniffer to determine the browser size and have it call on a respective css that size. Most developers will create a fixed site so that it fits 1024 and centered. In saying, you can make it be responsive if you like but it will require more time to implement correctly.
  17. I believe this method was developed about 5 years ago but I do not think it was considered a valid CSS3. It doesn't mean that it will not be a part of HTML5. You can actually use it now but keep in mind that it is not supported in some browsers especially IE.
  18. Thanks for the reply. I will give it a go once I am back on the project later this month.
  19. Ouch! nearly 400 views and no solution? I've been doing this for 8 years and even I still can't figure it out. Thanks for taking the time to look at it.
  20. Please review this in IE:ht tp:// re/pc/viewPrd.asp?idproduct=1&idcategory=3 (remove two spaces)1. Scroll down where the color choice options are.2. Point and click your mouse over the input field of the 2nd color (031-Red). Don't enter anything and don't click anywhere else. You should see the vertical '|' cursor line flashing.3. Now move your mouse over the text '031-Red' that is on the left. It will popup a ajax popup to the right showing a full size square color image with some text info.4. Pay close attention to that popup and you will see the cursor line bleeding thru and flashing. It should not do that.Not much on the net about this issue and I have no clue what to do or look for.Here's what I done so far:A. Set the popup's z-index to be the highest number.B. Removed the overflow div frame from the color list.C. Disabled all css (except for the ajax popup).This only occurs in IE.Any suggestions?
  21. newseed

    Radio Field Issue

    I am trying to get my radio buttons to work with an optional input field. By default it should be 'I don't do CrossFit' and does not require the use of the optional input field below but for some reason I keep getting an error. I would think that it has to do with something with the 'Please tell us...' input field being empty. Here's the url. Choosing 2nd or third radio buttons work just fine with no errors. Note: I am not savvy using php. Thanks.
  22. newseed


    You will probably need to use a ready made software such as Product Cart, Lite Commerce, etc. Ebay could be another alternative depending what you are needing.I have done a number of ecommerce sites that uses Paypal as a payment method which is probably cost the least to sell and accept payment online. As a matter of fact, I encourage all my clients just that when they are just starting out.Some software are open source but then you are not guaranteed support and can expect problems that you have to resolve yourself. Others require a fee to purchase a license to use the software which can range from $100 on up to a $1500 or maybe even more but you should get good support.So in saying, don't try to reinvent the wheel. Just search the net for ecommerce software. If you think you are in way over your head about starting one up, hire a web developer that can set it up for you and even get your existing design to work seamlessly with the ecommerce site.
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