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Everything posted by newseed

  1. Hi, The code from that link you've provide is for Wordpress. The author has a response to your comment in that article.
  2. It would be best to provide a url to the page in question. The code you've provided in the initial post is not enough.
  3. The user's cursor is what helps them determine that the links are clickable or not. Taking that away may confuse some people into thinking that it's not a link. You can keep the cursor and still have the hover state buttons which will satisfying both you and the users. If you must be different and wantt to supply your own cursor then you can try this. Scroll past the CSS2 cursor styles to read about CSS3 cursors. Keep in mind that it's CSS3 and so some older browser are not supported..
  4. Are all your urls in separate lines in that txt file? Do they have the same extension? (.html) Do all them start out with http? or http://www. ? If so then you can use a find a replace method in which you can add the <a href=" to the front of the http://www like this: FIND: http://www. REPLACE: a href"http://www. Same thing for the closing tag: FIND .html REPLACE .html"></a> You will still need to add the text for each link. Once you are able to get that done then you can use php include to include into your page. I really don't know of any other way but maybe this will work for you.
  5. newseed


    You should path your image relatively and not absolute. Relative path = src="images/filename.jpg" Absolute path = src="C:/win7/user/default/webfolder/images/filename.jpg" Where ever html file is you should path it from that perspective. Ideally you should move or copy your images to a images folder.
  6. I don't know what you mean by available but https is basically used for securing an area of the site using a SSL certificate. So if you have an area that you are going to collect information that is vitally important such as personal info, credit card, etc then you need to have it encrypted so that information is protect from potential hackers or thieves.
  7. Not sure where you are going with this because it looks pretty good now but if you center your logo image it will end up being a bit tight next to the search box. However, if you must center it then just adjust your image inline styles to from left:0 to left: 50% and then add negative margin: -220px; (note, the negative margin is half of what the image width is). Not sure what you mean by the menu. Please provide exact details and provide screen shot if necessary.
  8. Seriously, a:visited is hardly used anymore. Most people will know what the clicked on. In my humble opinion I would ditch the a:visited if you want your links to be as it were not visited yet. Otherwise, the visited link is doing what it suppose to do.
  9. It's seems to me you want your image on the left with the text on the right. Based on the code you've provided I cannot give you the solution. You need to define a float: left for the image itself.
  10. It's possible. You need to review the Fancybox documentation. I believe it uses a link tank with a class name dependent for Fancybox. As for this: <tr class="url-2" onclick="location.href='images/cs.png'"> Not sure what the image is for but if you are going to actually grab data from a tab then it would look something like this <tr> <td> <a href="url to table date" class="fancybox">click here for data popup</a> </td> </tr> There are several variables you can use to allow you to either display images, contents or videos.
  11. I don't experience that issue. Tested in IE, FF and Chrome.
  12. You might check the slider's script to see if there is a setting that allows the slide show to stop rotating when a slide is clicked on and can only begin again by another click to continue. It's possible to add logic so that it knows to continue the slider once the video is finished but js is not my strong point but you can check with the developer of that slider to see if he/she can offer a solution. Otherwise, you could set your video to open up as a popup using a lightbox script.
  13. Wrap a div around that flash object tag and then give that div the same width as the flash. Add margin: 0 auto; to that div. See if that works.
  14. Looks like either the div is floated to the right or there is another div to the left that taking up space. Check that and then check the css for one or both of those div.
  15. You need to determine which code to use to be as common header/footer. You would then apply it to the header/footer of the Wordpress theme template. You can also use Wordpress's menu function to replace your html version. In most cases transitioning to Wordpress can go smoothly and if done right you can retain your design so that it looks exactly the same as your static site.
  16. My apologies. I really thought you wanted the columns to be of equal height and not necessarily of same height to fit the browser height.
  17. More than likely your code is incorrect. In most cases its the use of floats. You can see and view the source of how it's done here.
  18. Set your main div wrapper to use display:table and your column divs to be display:table-cell. This method is not supported for older browsers though.
  19. You need to set your parent li to have position: relative and then set your submenu ul to use position: absolute. Add a negative value for top and left position to place it well off the screen (hide it) - top: -9999em will work fine. When you hover over the menu you will need to adjust the top positioning of that submenu ul so that it now positions where you want it. #navbar_text li{ position: relative; } ul.submenu { position: absolute; top: -9999em; left: 0; } li:hover ul.submenu { top: 30px;} Adjust to suite
  20. If your original image is smaller than what you would like it to be then you need to rebuild or create a new image that is large enough to fit your largest format/display that you require. Otherwise, small images being enlarged via css will only cause it to become blurring and of poor quality.
  21. You page is going into quirks mode for IE which is why the menu is not working. The correct doctype should be <!DOCTYPE html> Also, you have some css style links that are not inside the head tags: <!DOCTYPE> <html> <!-- ************************ STYLE SHEETS *************************** --> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="../Stylesheets/Main_Sheet.css"/> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="../Stylesheets/Menus/Menu_System.css"/> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="../Stylesheets/Pages/index_page.css"/> <!-- ***************************************************************** --> <!-- ************************ JAVASCRIPTS *************************** -->   <!-- ***************************************************************** --> <head> Move your <head> tag to be just after the <html> tag. Change those two things and I think you menu will begin to work.
  22. You could set it up using iframe to have it display on the current page of your site; or add target="_blank" which will force it to open a new tab; or apply fancybox, lightbox or highslide to display the results.
  23. It sounds like you want to have a gallery popup displaying a group of images that was linked from a single thumbnail. If that is the case then check out highslide.com
  24. Still not enough info. I was looking for something with positioning or javascript or flash. It's hard to knows what it actually happening without a url of your site. Upload the whole thing to a temp site folder and provide a url. I should be able to see what's going on then.
  25. I've tested your code IE7, 8, 9 & 10 and it works fine for me. It's possible that you have something else in your html/css that you are not sharing that is causing a problem. The first thing I would look for is what do you have showing that is to the right of the left menu? If you have a slideshow or flash using positioning then it's possible that the slideshow (or whatever) is overlaying on top of the left menu's flyout. You can copy the code you have posted on this forum and test it on a separate page so you can see that it does indeed works.
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