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Posts posted by IndianaGuy

  1. The progress bar to go to different places on the audio file are available on Android devices. The same exact page on an Apple device will not let me have the progress bar. Why is that and how can I fix it? thank you

    <audio id="exposure" controls onplay="myplay()">
    <source src="<? echo $Exposure; ?>" type="audio/mpeg" align="middle">
    Your browser does not support the audio element.
    </audio>  <br>
  2. interesting. Excuse me for being so new. I dont really have any need for this code. I just need "y" to be sent to process.php. How can I change it to do that?

      xmlhttp.onreadystatechange = function() {
        // This event fires five times during a successful request
  3. I swear I have been trying to figure this out for two hours. Please help. The value of the input text is not getting passed to the process.php





    function RecordTime(y) {
    var xmlhttp = new XMLHttpRequest();
    xmlhttp.onreadystatechange = function() {
    xmlhttp.open("GET", "process.php?p2=" + y, true);
    Play Start <input type="text" name="PosA" id="PosA" onchange="RecordTime(this.value)"><br>
  4. WOW! I am really having fun with this lol. Why are both my outputs giving me the same result in eventB and EventC?

     <audio id="exposure" controls onseeking="myseeking()" onseeked="myseeked()" onplay ="myplay()">
     <source src="<? echo $Exposure; ?>" type="audio/mpeg" align="middle">
    Your browser does not support the audio element.
    </audio>  <br>
    Action will record to-<p id="logfile"></p> 
    <p id = "eventA"></p>
    <p id = "eventB"></p>
    <p id = "eventC"</p>
    var FileName = "<?echo $Exposure ;?>"; 
    var LogTo = FileName.replace(/.m4a|.mp3|.wav/,".txt")
    var Expo = document.getElementById("exposure");
    document.getElementById("exposure").innerHTML = FileName;
    document.getElementById("logfile").innerHTML = LogTo;
    // Showing the user did hit play.
    function myplay(){
    document.getElementById("eventA").innerHTML = "The user hit Play";
    //It worked
    function myseeking(){
    var Expo = document.getElementById("exposure");
    document.getElementById("eventB").innerHTML = "The user STARTED seeking at " + Expo.currentTime;
    function myseeked(){
    var Expo = document.getElementById("exposure");
    document.getElementById("eventC").innerHTML = "The user STOPED seeking at " + Expo.currentTime;
  5. This is what I call progress. I appreciate the help so far. Any advice on where to learn about what happens when a user clicks play/pause etc?

    <audio id="exposure" controls>
     <source src="<? echo $Exposure; ?>" type="audio/mpeg" align="middle">
    Your browser does not support the audio element.
    Action will record to-<p id="logfile"></p> 
    var FileName = "<?echo $Exposure ;?>"; 
    var LogTo = FileName.replace(/.m4a|.mp3|.wav/,".txt")
    document.getElementById("exposure").innerHTML = FileName;
    document.getElementById("logfile").innerHTML = LogTo;
  6. I have been reading a ton of stuff online today trying to wrap my mind around a solution. Any advice would be awesome. Thank you


    I have a simple page with either an audio or a video file. I am trying to create a page that will generate a .txt file. The name of the .txt file is the name of meida file played


    example- myMedia.wav will have a myMedia.txt file.



    The file will have the time range the user played. example of what the file will have


    $ThisUser played 00:00:00->00:00:17| 00:01:30->00:04:27| etc


    meaning the user played the media file from Zero seconds to 17 seconds, then jumped to 1 minute 30 seconds and played till 4 minutes 27 seconds.


    I would appreciate any guidance. Thank you



    window.onload = function(){
        var myAudio = document.getElementById(' "<? echo $Exposure; ?>" ');
        myAudio.addEventListener('played', function() {
          for (i = 0; i < myAudio.played.length; i++) {
            var startX = myAudio.played.start(i) * inc;
            var endX = myAudio.played.end(i) * inc;
            var width = endX - startX;
     <audio id="<? echo $Exposure; ?>" controls>  //still need code to fix this from "myfile.wav" to just "myfile"
       <source src="<? echo $Exposure; ?>" type="audio/mpeg">


    I know this is really wrong. It's only a gathering of some of the research I have done.







  7. Great. Thank you for your help. I have some research to do now. Any particular links you could share that would tell me more about making my CSS page mobile friendly?



    Thank you

  8. Thank you all for giving your time to help the new guy :-).


    I am looking for an easy way to display and play 1 video file. The file name will based on a variable taken from the link


    // the link is www.mysite.com/exposure/index.php?story=Tony

    I need the page to have a video box where the user can hit play and it will play the video named "Tony" from my "videos" folder. Can this be done easily?


    Two quick side questions;

    1) Can the "videos" folder be set to private where no one can go to www.mysite.com/videos and see ALL the videos at once?


    2) Will my page be mobile friendly?


    Thank you

  9. I am looking for a free and easily customized way to display audio files and for the user to be able to download them.

    I plan on displaying the files in both mp3 and m4a so both Android and Apple users can listen/download unless there is a better way.


    Thank you very much. This is not illegal music or anything like that. These are audio files created by my organization and only accessible to our members.


    Thank you. Any tips or things to check out would be very much appreciated.



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