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Posts posted by thesoundsmith

  1. I have a page that uses a lot of js buttons to control a media player (jwplayer v5, but the player is not the issue.). The goal is to play random songs from multiple albums.Everything works great in all browsers except for iOS. There are two volume button images that add or subtract 5 to the volume. They work on everything but my iPad, though the iPad sees them - the alert test shows the command is being called, but the volume does not change.)The page is at http://www.thesoundsmith.com/radio.htm but it is normally only accessed by a link from the main menu at http://www.thesoundsmith.com/index.html (probably does not matter, except for the Close button.) The functions are:

    function volDn() {var curVol =jwplayer('radio').getVolume(); if (curVol > 5)  {jwplayer('radio').setVolume(curVol-5)};  //   alert("Dn") ;}function volUp() {var curVol =jwplayer('radio').getVolume();    // alert("Up"); if (curVol <96)  {jwplayer('radio').setVolume(curVol+5)};}

    called here:

    <li><a id="vdn" class="button3" onclick="javascript:volDn()"></a></li><li><a id="vup" class="button3" onclick="javascript:volUp()"></a></li>

    Any idea why iOS does not work? Thanks.

  2. I have been swapping out pieces of that page for the last hour, you probably saw it during that mess (with no success.) It just does not seem to execute the code. Here is the deCod in situ:

    <script type="text/javascript">/* <![CDATA[  */function nuStyle (myStyle) {var theStyle = myStyle ;var curStyle =document.getElementById("container");var nuScript=curStyle.getElementsByTagName("script");function deCod(linkStr){var str=linkStr;return str.replace(/DAKa/g,"&");}


    <li><a id="btn1" class="button3" title="Buy this Song" onclick="window.open(jwplayer(container).getPlaylistItem().link);">Buy</a></li>

    performs as expected with the unencoded list, it opens a window to the link address. When I wrap the link in the deCod function:

    <li><a id="btn7"  class="button3" title="test" onclick="window.open(deCod(jwplayer(container).getPlaylistItem().link));">Decode</

    It just - hangs, tra la la, I'm going out for a latte..??? :facepalm: . I have set a break at the var str=linkStr line and it never fires. I tried adding the href="*" so it would DO something, and then tried replacing onclick with href - I'm just throwing stuff at it at this point, I don't get why I cannot get a response from the function. On its own, it returns the proper string.

  3. There are typically two ampersands in a link &cpath and &product, I had already tried your first option and it only catches the first &. The expression str.replace(/DAKa/g,"&")creates the proper string, I just can't get the calling function to see/use the return string, it just appears to do nothing, rather than link to the shopping cart page.

  4. Interesting approach, thanks. What I have done in the meanwhile is to alter the XML <link> data, replacing the '&'s with the phrase 'DAKa'. The file loads flawlessly, but i can't quite figure out how to roll the replacement back into the command.

    function deCod(linkStr){var str=linkStr;return str.replace(/DAKa/g,"&");}

    The first command works correctly with a normal (unencoded) link. The second line should decode the link, but I can't figure out the syntax - just a replace, but I'm obviously doing it wrong.

    <ul><li><a id="btn1" class="button3" title="Buy this Song" onclick="window.open(jwplayer(container).getPlaylistItem().link);">Buy</a></li> <li><a id="btn7" href="*" class="button3" title="test" onclick="window.open(deCod(jwplayer(container).getPlaylistItem().link));">Decode</a></li></ul>

    Thanks for the help. (The page is at http://www.thesoundsmith.com/radio.htm and the "Decode test link is below the red "Close" button, for testing.)

  5. OK, I'm back to this same issue: Internet Explorer... But the issues take forever to catch up. IE now recognizes the indentical XML files under new name, though it tool over 24 hours to do so (I cannot find a "clear cache" command in IE.) So I'm back trying to figure out - not how th\o solve the problem but what the ACTUAL problem is. Some files can be added to the XML list without issue, many other, apparently r\equivalent files cause loading issues. It may be just another 24-hour cache thing, so I've got to play some more to see what is in common.. If you have suggestions how to turn this around faster, I'd love it., but I think I'll have to start a new thread when and if I learn anything useful. Thanks again.

  6. I have narrowed the options down to one - something wierd in parsing the XML file. The symptoms are currently this: The page works correctly in FF, Chrome and iOS, but not IE. The playlists are all created from the one XML file that loads properly in IE - the rest simply are created by removing items from the list. I tried several things to find the error - first, I copied the file and set all the & and ; chars to just text, so the link is invalid, but the XML checker could scan the files (all I wanted was to validate the <title></title> type matching tags. No errors, all the tags match.I replaced the other XML files with the one properly loading file (radjz.xml) The links on the page all work, the file loads every time, so it's not a typo or miscode on the page. And now., the kicker: I copied the working file to the other playlist XML files, so the files are identical. IE will not open any but the first, and when i tried copying the file to a new name and opening it, IE would not...What am I missing? Again, the page is at http://www.thesoundsmith.com/radio.htmIf you click on The Jazz Joint, it loads and plays, the others do not. (xml/radeasy, radsmooth, radblues, radfull.xml)

  7. When I do that, the link does not function. This is a series of 242 Zencart page addresses. In the current version of the system, they all work, if I encapsulate anything, or alter the link info in any way it fails. All I am trying to do is find bug in the file(s) I apparently have a typo or missing.malformed element in 1700+ lines of xml, and I guess I need to create a workaround file that will let me use the checker to find the problem. Thanks. I think I know what to do, but if it still fails, I'll be back...

  8. I have a page that swaps out titles, text and XML playlist files to play music selections.I have it working fine in Chrome and FF, but iOS and IE don't get it. Especially confusing is IE - i have copied the laylist to all lists, so it is always identical. But ONLY the "jazz" list loads and plays fine, the others go into limbo - they appear to have loaded, but not selected anything (as opposed to not loading at all or creating an error msg.) It appears that there is a bug in the XML playlists somewhere, but I cannot check it - all the XML checkers I've tried stop at a link fragment that includes ";cpath=" - It wants me to add a semicolom after cpath, but then ;cpath;=" generates a different error (and the link won't work...) The page is at: http://www.thesoundsmith.com/radio.htm and the playlist I'm using (that works in all cases) is http://www.thesounds...m/xml/radjz.xmlThe main (broken) list is at http:// http://www.thesounds...m/xml/radfull.xml Thanks for any ideas, I'm fresh out. The playlists work fine in FF and Chrome, but there must be an error in the ohter lists - is there a checker that can handle the clause:

    <item><media:content url="wavs/esp2/13.Makin'_Whoopee.mp3" /><media:thumbnail url="pix/esp2_360.gif" /><title>Makin' Whoopee</title><description>Especially For You Too</description><link>private/zcart/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=71&products_id=297</link></item>


  9. The page now WORKS perfectly, but I get w3c errors, it doesn't like my loop.

        for (var i=0; i<20; i++)	  {  document.getElementById('p'+i).style.backgroundColor = bgClr;  }    if (prevPg<19)	  { document.getElementById('p'+prevPg).style.backgroundColor = myPrvClr;   }    if (nxtPg>0)

    w3c checker wants <, which will not compute. It doesn;yt like "<", but it's fine with ">"It recommends checking for unclosed quotes, but I don't see anything wrong.The whole page, again, is at http://www.thesoundsmith.com/hmd2CLR.htm

  10. Thanks, justsomeguy. That was my plan, to simply track the last selected rather than loop, but I first am just trying to get the color change to work. I implemented getElementByID (and tried the others, as well). I reset the last-viewed page back to the original colo as well, and the oldPg variable has its correct value; but there is still no change to the background. Sorry, what am I missing? It all parses, but does not perform.

        var hiddenArrayIndex = 0;    var myIndex = 0;    var PageNum = 1;    var thisID = 'pg';    var prevPg = 0; // prev page link color    var nxtPg = 2;  // next page link color    var lastPg = 0; // last SELECTED page    var MyNxtClr = '#006600';	 //Pgnxt color    var MyPrvClr = '#7E009E';	 // PgPrev color    var ThisClr = '#B25900';	   // a dark orange bg    var bgClr = '$070707';	    //regular bg color    var oldPg = 'pg0';		   // old page label to rest bg color    function showThis(indexNum){	    var newIndex = indexNum;	    myIndex = indexNum;	   prevPg =  ((myIndex+19) % 20);	   nxtPg = ((myIndex+1) % 20);	    // get the value stored in the hidden field	    hiddenArrayIndex = document.getElementById('hiddenValue').value;	    // if the value is not equal to the upper index of the array	    // then increment the value by 1 and store it back into the hidden field	    if(hiddenArrayIndex != newIndex) {		    document.getElementById('hiddenValue').value = newIndex;		    // re-assign the value to the hiddenArrayIndex variable		    hiddenArrayIndex = document.getElementById('hiddenValue').value;	    }	    // set the background-image stored at the specified Array Index dynamically	    document.getElementById("div1").style.backgroundImage = "url(" + myArr[hiddenArrayIndex] + ")";	    thisID = 'pg'.concat(hiddenArrayIndex.toString());	  if (thisID.length > 0) {		    soundManager.destroySound(thisID);	   };	    soundManager.stopAll();	    soundManager.play(thisID,sdArr[hiddenArrayIndex]);	    PageNum = "Pg: "+(parseInt(hiddenArrayIndex)+1);	    document.getElementById("pgNum").innerHTML=PageNum;//	   alert (oldPg); // returns correct page    document.getElementByID(oldPg).style.backgroundColor = bgClr;  //change to original background    oldPg = thisID;  // save current page value    document.getElementByID('p' + prevPg).style.backgroundColor = myPrvClr;    document.getElementByID(thisID).style.backgroundColor = ThisClr;    document.getElementByID('p' + nxtPg).style.backgroundColor = myNxtClr;    }

  11. i have a list of sequential page links that pull JPGs into a page. I would like the background colors of the current, orevious and next pages to change programattically. There are two ways to change display - click on the lonk or use the prev next buttons. Everything works but the color change, nothing I have tried does anything at all. The test page is at http://www.thesoundsmith.com/hmd2CLR.htm and the relevant code looks like this:

        sdArr[18] = 'wavs/b3/b3__pg19.mp3'; // more array variables above    sdArr[19] = 'wavs/b3/b3__pg20.mp3';    //  global variables    var hiddenArrayIndex = 0;    var myIndex = 0;    var PageNum = 1;    var thisID = 'pg';    var prevPg = 0; // prev page link color    var nxtPg = 2;  // next page link color    var lastPg = 0; // last SELECTED page    var MyNxtClr = '#006600';	 //Pgnxt color    var MyPrvClr = '#7E009E';	 // PgPrev color    var ThisClr = '#B25900';	   // a dark orange bg    var bgClr = '$070707';	    //regular bg color    var oldPg = 'pg0';		   // old page label to rest bg color     function showThis(indexNum){	    var newIndex = indexNum;	    myIndex = indexNum;	   prevPg =  ((myIndex+19) % 20);	   nxtPg = ((myIndex+1) % 20);	    // get the value stored in the hidden field	    hiddenArrayIndex = document.getElementById('hiddenValue').value;	    // if the value is not equal to the upper index of the array	    // then increment the value by 1 and store it back into the hidden field	    if(hiddenArrayIndex != newIndex) {		    document.getElementById('hiddenValue').value = newIndex;		    // re-assign the value to the hiddenArrayIndex variable		    hiddenArrayIndex = document.getElementById('hiddenValue').value;	    }	    // set the background-image stored at the specified Array Index dynamically	    document.getElementById("div1").style.backgroundImage = "url(" + myArr[hiddenArrayIndex] + ")";	    thisID = 'pg'.concat(hiddenArrayIndex.toString());	  if (thisID.length > 0) {		    soundManager.destroySound(thisID);	   };	    soundManager.stopAll();	    soundManager.play(thisID,sdArr[hiddenArrayIndex]);	    PageNum = "Pg: "+(parseInt(hiddenArrayIndex)+1);	    document.getElementById("pgNum").innerHTML=PageNum;//	   alert (thisID);	    document.getElementByID('p5').style.backgroundColor = myPrvClr;	    document.getElementByTagName('p6').style.backgroundColor = ThisClr;	    document.getElementByName('p7').style.backgroundColor = myNxtClr;	   oldPg =  thisID    }

    and is called by either:

    	    <a id="prev" href="#book" onclick="showThis((myIndex+19) % 20)"><span class="prevv">Previous</span></a>		 <a id="pgNum" href="#book"></a>	    <a id="next" href="#book" onclick="showThis((myIndex+1) % 20)"><span class="nxtt">Next</span></a>    <input type="hidden" id="hiddenValue" value="0" />    <br />

    to moe to the next page or

       <ul class="sidemenu">    <li id="p0"><a href="#book" onclick ="showThis(0);">1-Original Standard Registrations</a></li>    <li id="p1"><a href="#book" onclick ="showThis(1);">2-Drawbar Description</a></li>    <li id="p2"><a href="#book" onclick ="showThis(2);">3-Blending Tone Colors</a></li>..etc.

    I tried 3 variations here, none show any change, I don't appear to be addressing the correct tag. I tried putting the id into the <a> element, no difference. How can I get the background color to update? Any suggestions much appreciated.

  12. Thanks. The built-in function has never worked for me in IE. But it probably IS me, not the code. I could back it up and replace the whole DIV, perhaps. I have not tried re-running setup, but I believe you're correct. I'll try to fix the playlist reload, it may be easier in the end - and it IS more correct...

  13. I am running an audio player with large playlist. I wish to reload the actual playlist with noew data. There is a function in the player, but other constraints make it unusable, so I am trying to simply(?) replace the HTML text.The original uses PHP includes to load the playlist, but I am assuming I cannot reload the PHP via js, so I gave the entire <script> an ID and am trying to replace the section with another, different list. The paragraph descrition changes perfectly, but the new playlist text does not load.The page is at: http://www.thesoundsmith.com/radioTST.htm The scripts are in the PHP direcetory and I have saved them as TXT files, but the innerHTML of the section does not change.What am i doing wrong? The call is


    (or php/radsmoo.txt, etc.)and the script in the body is:

     document.getElementById("mStyl").innerHTML="<i>DashRadio: Smooth Electronica</i><br />All the smooth, mellow and/or spiritual/meditation-styled compositions";<script id="library" type="text/javascript">    jwplayer("container").setup({	    flashplayer: "/jwplayer/player.swf",	    playlist: [<?php require("php/phpradioBIG.php"); ?>	    ],	    skin: 'skinz/car2/car2.xml',	   "playlist.position": "bottom",	    "playlist.size": 80,	    shuffle: "true",	    autostart: "true",	    height: 480,	    width: 480 ,	    repeat: 'always'    });</script>

    This original php list is quite long, but works fine. When I change the library, the "mStyl" text updates, the playlist does not.Any ideas appreciated. This function currently uses five pages, I'd like to get it all working on one.

  14. I have a page at http://www.thesoundsmith.com/hmd2.htm that displays a series of scans, and if there is a sound involved, plays it. If you select a page from the list on the right, it loads the page and plays the sound, exactly as i wih. If you click the Prev or Next buttons, the page changes, but the sound is not called (as is the original design). There is an array, myArr, that holds the .gif filenames myArr[0] to [19] I want to add that sound function to the two buttons, so I added a second dimension to the array (myArr[19,1] and incorporated the corresponding wav file addresses.. I am not yet attemptong to link the two functions; as step one I simply want the page to function exactly as it did with only one array dimension. But despite the page variable being accepted, while initial page load displays page 1 (of 20) any change from either the menu or the buttons loads the last page. I don't see where I am losing the connection. "hiddenValue" from the right menu returns the proper value, but it is not transmitted to the array selection. The original code is:

        <script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">    // create an array to store the names of images    var myArr = new Array();    myArr[0] = 'pix/hp1.gif';    myArr[1] = 'pix/hp2.gif';    myArr[2] = 'pix/hp3.gif';    myArr[3] = 'pix/hp4.gif';    myArr[4] = 'pix/hp5.gif';    myArr[5] = 'pix/hp6.gif';    myArr[6] = 'pix/hp7.gif';    myArr[7] = 'pix/hp8.gif';    myArr[8] = 'pix/hp9.gif';    myArr[9] = 'pix/hp10.gif';    myArr[10] = 'pix/hp11.gif';    myArr[11] = 'pix/hp12.gif';    myArr[12] = 'pix/hp13.gif';    myArr[13] = 'pix/hp14.gif';    myArr[14] = 'pix/hp15.gif';    myArr[15] = 'pix/hp16.gif';    myArr[16] = 'pix/hp17.gif';    myArr[17] = 'pix/hp18.gif';    myArr[18] = 'pix/hp19.gif';    myArr[19] = 'pix/hp20.gif';    // A global variable    var hiddenArrayIndex = 0;    // this function will change the image to the previous image    // stored in the array    function movePrevious(){	    // get the value stored in the hidden field	    hiddenArrayIndex = document.getElementById('hiddenValue').value;	    // if the value is not 0 then decrement the value by 1 and	    // store it back into the hidden field.	    if(hiddenArrayIndex != 0) {		    document.getElementById('hiddenValue').value = parseInt(hiddenArrayIndex) - 1;		    // re-assign the value to the hiddenArrayIndex variable		    hiddenArrayIndex = document.getElementById('hiddenValue').value;	    }	    // set the background-image stored at the specified Array Index dynamically	    document.getElementById("div1").style.backgroundImage = "url(" + myArr[hiddenArrayIndex] + ")";    }    // this function will change the image to the next image    // stored in the array    function moveNext(){	    // get the value stored in the hidden field	    hiddenArrayIndex = document.getElementById('hiddenValue').value;	    // if the value is not equal to the upper index of the array	    // then increment the value by 1 and store it back into the hidden field	    if(hiddenArrayIndex != (myArr.length - 1)) {		    document.getElementById('hiddenValue').value = parseInt(hiddenArrayIndex) + 1;		    // re-assign the value to the hiddenArrayIndex variable		    hiddenArrayIndex = document.getElementById('hiddenValue').value;	    }	    // set the background-image stored at the specified Array Index dynamically	    document.getElementById("div1").style.backgroundImage = "url(" + myArr[hiddenArrayIndex] + ")";   //  alert(myArr[hiddenArrayIndex]);    }    function showThis(indexNum){	    var newIndex = indexNum;	    // get the value stored in the hidden field	    hiddenArrayIndex = document.getElementById('hiddenValue').value;	    // if the value is not equal to the upper index of the array	    // then increment the value by 1 and store it back into the hidden field	    if(hiddenArrayIndex != newIndex) {		    document.getElementById('hiddenValue').value = newIndex;		    // re-assign the value to the hiddenArrayIndex variable		    hiddenArrayIndex = document.getElementById('hiddenValue').value;	    }	    // set the background-image stored at the specified Array Index dynamically	    document.getElementById("div1").style.backgroundImage = "url(" + myArr[hiddenArrayIndex] + ")";   //  alert(myArr[hiddenArrayIndex]);    }    </script>

    The two-dimension version is at http:// http://www.thesoundsmith.com/hmd2ALT.htm and the code is:

        <script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">    // create an array to store the names of images    var myArr = new Array();    myArr[0,0] = 'pix/hp1.gif';    myArr[0,1] = '';    myArr[1,0] = 'pix/hp2.gif';    myArr[1,1] = '';    myArr[1,1] = 'pix/hp2.gif';    myArr[2,0] = 'pix/hp3.gif';    myArr[2,1] = '';    myArr[3,0] = 'pix/hp4.gif';    myArr[3,1] = '';    myArr[4,0] = 'pix/hp5.gif';    myArr[4,1] = '';    myArr[5,0] = 'pix/hp6.gif';    myArr[5,1] = 'wavs/b3/b3__pg6.mp3';    myArr[6,0] = 'pix/hp7.gif';    myArr[6,1] = 'wavs/b3/b3__pg7.mp3';    myArr[7,0] = 'pix/hp8.gif';    myArr[7,1] = 'wavs/b3/b3__pg8.mp3';    myArr[8,0] = 'pix/hp9.gif';    myArr[8,1] = '';    myArr[9,0] = 'pix/hp10.gif';    myArr[9,1] = 'wavs/b3/b3__pg10.mp3';    myArr[10,0] = 'pix/hp11.gif';    myArr[10,1] = 'wavs/b3/b3__pg11.mp3';    myArr[11,0] = 'pix/hp12.gif';    myArr[11,1] = 'wavs/b3/b3__pg12.mp3';    myArr[12,0] = 'pix/hp13.gif';    myArr[12,1] = '';    myArr[13,0] = 'pix/hp14.gif';    myArr[13,1] = 'wavs/b3/b3__pg14.mp3';    myArr[14,0] = 'pix/hp15.gif';    myArr[14,1] = 'wavs/b3/b3__pg15.mp3';    myArr[15,0] = 'pix/hp16.gif';    myArr[15,1] = 'wavs/b3/b3__pg16.mp3';    myArr[16,0] = 'pix/hp17.gif';    myArr[16,1] = '';    myArr[17,0] = 'pix/hp18.gif';    myArr[17,1] = 'wavs/b3/b3__pg18.mp3';    myArr[18,0] = 'pix/hp19.gif';    myArr[18,1] = 'wavs/b3/b3__pg19.mp3';    myArr[19,0] = 'pix/hp20.gif';    myArr[19,1] = 'wavs/b3/b3__pg20.mp3';    // A global variable    var hiddenArrayIndex = 0;    // this function will change the image to the previous image    // stored in the array    function movePrevious(){	    // get the value stored in the hidden field	    hiddenArrayIndex = document.getElementById('hiddenValue').value;	    // if the value is not 0 then decrement the value by 1 and	    // store it back into the hidden field.	    if(hiddenArrayIndex != 0) {		    document.getElementById('hiddenValue').value = parseInt(hiddenArrayIndex) - 1;		    // re-assign the value to the hiddenArrayIndex variable		    hiddenArrayIndex = document.getElementById('hiddenValue').value;	    }	    // set the background-image stored at the specified Array Index dynamically	    document.getElementById("div1").style.backgroundImage = "url(" + myArr[hiddenArrayIndex,0] + ")";    }    // this function will change the image to the next image    // stored in the array    function moveNext(){	    // get the value stored in the hidden field	    hiddenArrayIndex = document.getElementById('hiddenValue').value;	    // if the value is not equal to the upper index of the array	    // then increment the value by 1 and store it back into the hidden field	    if(hiddenArrayIndex != (myArr.length - 1)) {		    document.getElementById('hiddenValue').value = parseInt(hiddenArrayIndex) + 1;		    // re-assign the value to the hiddenArrayIndex variable		    hiddenArrayIndex = document.getElementById('hiddenValue').value;	    }	    // set the background-image stored at the specified Array Index dynamically	    document.getElementById("div1").style.backgroundImage = "url(" + myArr[hiddenArrayIndex,0] + ")";   //  alert(myArr[hiddenArrayIndex]);    }    function showThis(indexNum){	    var newIndex = indexNum;	    // get the value stored in the hidden field	    hiddenArrayIndex = document.getElementById('hiddenValue').value;	    // if the value is not equal to the upper index of the array	    // then increment the value by 1 and store it back into the hidden field	    if(hiddenArrayIndex != newIndex) {		    document.getElementById('hiddenValue').value = newIndex;		    // re-assign the value to the hiddenArrayIndex variable		    hiddenArrayIndex = document.getElementById('hiddenValue').value;	    }	    // set the background-image stored at the specified Array Index dynamically	    document.getElementById("div1").style.backgroundImage = "url(" + myArr[hiddenArrayIndex,0] + ")";   //  alert(myArr[hiddenArrayIndex]);    }    </script>

    What am i missing? Must be something simple, but I don't see it. Thanks.

  15. Thanks, DD. I fixed the paren, and discovered a couple other odd items that I corrected (there were two instantiations of the same slideshow) relocated the body setup data into the head, and it boils down to:With opacity added, I get: 17 #anvsoftJavaScriptSlideshow attempt to find a semi-colon before the property name. add it -1 #anvsoftJavaScriptSlideshow Parse Error null 17 #anvsoftJavaScriptSlideshow Parse Error 53); 17 #anvsoftJavaScriptSlideshow Parse Error ;} and a note that 53 is "out of range" though the spec says 1-100...Without the opacity clause, I get a green light. What is wrong with opacity? Possibly a DOCTYPE issue? (I need to convert doctype anyway, I get a body onLoad error in HTML, but when I switch to a different doctype I have a lot of other grammar changes to make, so i have not yet addreessed the issue.)

  16. I am getting errors from the CSS validator this is in the header:

      h3#slideshow {position:absolute; z-index:-100; top: 160px; border:0; width:220px;height:220px;padding:0;border:0; opacity:0.53;filter:alpha(opacity:53;}  

    and this is in the body:

    	    <div id="anvsoftJavaScriptSlideshow" style="width: 260px; height: 260px; position: absolute; left: 546px; top: 126px; opacity:0.53;filter:alpha(opacity:53);"> 

    It works fine, but generates errors

    20  h3#slideshow  attempt to find a semi-colon before the property name. add it-1  h3#slideshow  Parse Error null305   attempt to find a semi-colon before the property name. add it304   Parse Error null

    20 and -1 are from the head, 305 from the body. I assumed the problem was that opacity wasn't valid for h3 or div, so I separated the img out but got the same errors - doesn't like the opacity call. But as it works fine, I reverted. The page is at http://www.thesoundsmith.com/index.html How do I fix this? I took the command right from the w3c school site just to be sure I had the punctuation right - no change... Thanks in advance.

  17. Yeah, it's not really "my" function, and i tried to simply pass null - and failed - but leaving it aloine and passing null in the call worked (I don't do enough js to know what I'm doing, I work from example. My grammar is worse than Red Riding Hood's...) Anyway, it's fine now, thanks..

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