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Posts posted by thesoundsmith

  1. I have modified my site for HTML5, replacing a number of video players and javascripts. At the bottom of each page I have a footer, 'fotr.php' which loads successfully on all pages but the home page. For some reason, these characters are inserted into the page. This did not used to happen, and I am at a loss how to proceed. If I copy the php text and insert it into the home page it works perfectly, and all the other pages load the php file successfully. The code at the problem spot is this:

    	   <div class="clearer"></div><!-- footer ends here -->	    <div id="pend"><img id="footdiv" src="img/line700.jpg" alt="" />

    I don't know where the new characters come from. If I swap out the code and verify, it passes W3C fine, what am I doing wrong?The full page is at: http://www.thesoundsmith.com/index.html

  2. I have recently made HTML5 updates to replace .flvs and some animated GIFs. Everything looks fine on a PC in Firefox, but on an iPad, the home page loads normally, then shifts to the left, adding anonther column to the right with no content.It appears the culprit is the "line700.jpg" under div 'pend' (position:relative is all it contains.) This code comes form a php insert 'fotr'php' that loads on all pages. The line is offset maybe 50px to the right (other pages use the same footer code with no offset problem, and index.html used to do the same.I cannot see what is wrong, I assume a misplaced <div> but I don't see it, have tried several alternatives to no avail. If it IS a <div>, the new code is under "mynumov" at line 252, other changes were made also, mostly minor The page does pass W3C check..Thanks for any help you can offer. The page is at: http://www.thesoundsmith.com/index.html

  3. I have been using Amiasoft Site-Aid, it used to work great, script editor with a lot of useful features, including the ability to link to up to three browsers fo testing. $29.95. But it only operates under IE guidelines, so it's been driving me nuts - get something looking perfect in the app, then look at it in Firefox, and man! is it broken...If they would develop it to suport Mozilla, it would be a great tool.

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