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Everything posted by codeminer

  1. this works two input[type=submit] { border-radius: 5px; border: 0; width: 80px; height:25px;... }
  2. Im wondering if there is a way to to automaticly register a php file , so it wont show up when reading a directory. Doing this || $file == "somefile.php" after ten or twenty time gets to be grievious
  3. you can try this <html> <head></head> <title>File System Basics</title> <h1>File System Basic</h1></div> <?php /*this will echo out the fullpath and file name if it exsist*/ echo "<i><b>This Is The File Name And Locations 'AKA' fullpath.</b></i><br/>"; echo __FILE__."<br/><hr/>"; /*this echos out the directory name if it exsist*/ echo "<i><b>These Are The Directory Names Where The File Lives</b></i><br/>"; echo __DIR__."<br/><hr/>"; /*this will echo out the directory name and file name if it exsist*/ echo"<i><b>Does File Exsit?.</b></i><br/>"; echo file_exists(__FILE__)? 'yes':'no'; echo"<br/><hr/>"; echo"<i><b>does the directory include the file basic.html?.</b></i><br/>"; echo file_exists(dirname(__FILE__)."/basic.html")?'yes' : 'no'; echo"<br/><hr/>"; echo"<i><b>Does the file Exsist?.</b></i><br/>"; echo is_file(dirname(__FILE__)."/basic.html")? 'yes' : 'no'; echo"<br/><hr/>"; echo"<i><b>Is File A Directory Name ?.</b></i><br/>"; echo is_file(dirname(__FILE__))? 'yes' : 'no'; echo"<br/><hr/>"; echo"<i><b>is Directory A File Name ?.</b></i><br/><br/>"; echo is_dir(dirname(__FILE__). "/basic.html")? 'yes' : 'no'; echo"<br/><hr/>"; echo "<i><b>Is .. A directory</b></i><br/>"; echo is_dir('..')? 'yes' : 'no'; echo"<br/><hr/>"; /*this will echo out the number of lines being used*/ echo"<i><b>How Many Line Are In File Basic.php Right Now.</b></i><br/>"; echo __LINE__."<br/><hr/>"; ?>
  4. your input field look like this FavMonster where as in your field definition they are written like this "favmonster" they need to match also like dsonesuk said your missing curly } right before your closing delimiter ?>
  5. i just wanted to add to it makeing it some what responsive, without getting to much involved adding rem ,em, vw and vh i forgot to add this too the header <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1"> cheers
  6. hi try clicking on the xampp icon to bring up your control panel the first field is apache click adman that brings up your dashboard.what you need to do is make a folder in your htdocs folder you can name it what ever you want then type in your browser folder name click enter that should bring up your index .hope that helps. dont think cpannel is intended to be openly shown publicly
  7. <!DOCTYPE HTML> <html> <head> <style> #myForm{ max-width:390px; width:100%; height:300px; margin:0 auto; padding-left:5px; padding-right:5px; padding-top:5px; background-color:#f1f1f1; } </style> </head> <body> <!--make a div giv the div a name myform--> <div id ="myForm"><form action="" method="post"> <input type="text" name="whatever" size="50%" placeholder="something"><br/> <input type="text"name="name" size="50%"placeholder="whatever"><br/> <textarea name="media" rows="10"cols="52%"placeholder="hope this helps"></textarea><br/> <input type ="submit" name = "submit" value = "submit"> </form></style> </div> </body> </html> im sure there a better way to do this
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