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Posts posted by Err

  1. thanks for your suggestion, but i choose not to edit server files as i am not experienced in this , which might also cause some problems, is there an easier way out to remove the slash.

    You can use frames, doing it this way keeps your main url (www.bhuratea.com) the same and does not change even when changing the page. This could be considered a way around this problem...
  2. erm? aint that what i already got?????
    <meta name="keywords" content="jibos website,same as this,all the same,just longer, isnt it????">


    Nope, I was talking to the other member, sorry I didn't point it out to you.
  3. You can't blend metas repeating the words used to make a dlifference not anymore and don't use a space and comma to separate that dosn't work.

    Is that so? So something like:
    <meta name="Keywords" content=" XML,tutorial,HTML,DHTML,CSS,XSL,XHTML,JavaScript,ASP,ADO,VBScript,DOM,W3C,authoring,programming,learning,beginner's guide,primer,lessons,school,howto,reference,free,examples,samples,source code,demos,tips,links,FAQ,tag list,forms,frames,color tables,Cascading Style Sheets,Active Server Pages,Dynamic HTML,Internet database development,Webbuilder,Sitebuilder,Webmaster,HTMLGuide,SiteExpert" />

    would be correct, correct??I always thought that the keywords needed a space after the comma... well, learned something new today.

  4. RESOLVED---I was thinking to myself that I shouldn't have to absolutely place the left column, because the right column floats to the right. That means that all of the other objects, in this case, the DIV "subCol" would be pushed to the left. I removed "position: absolute" and the "left: 0; top: 0" sections from "subCol" and VOILA.---If there's a way for moderators to mark this thread as resolved, it might help others in the future.

    Cool, glad your figured it out. As for marking your topic with "RESLOVED", I remember used being able to edit the topic title, but I guess they changed the rules. So yeah, a mod has to do that part.
  5. ---I've done this before and have never had problems. In fact, I usually reuse the same CSS document over and over and edit as needed. I have all of the contents within a DIV called "container". It has the background, the left and right borders, and it dictates the width.---Within the "container", I have a "header" up top with some text within that ("menu") that I'll reposition later. Also, within "container", I have a left column "subCol" and a right column, "mainCol". For some reason, the "container" is neither showing it's background (should look like dark parchment) nor it's left and right white border lines. Note: the parchment area up top is just part of the picture.---Currently, the "mainCol" text is white so you can know something is there. The URL for the XHTML page is below, with the CSS document beneath that. I've been staring at this for four days. It might be a little sloppy, but it's valid CSS.http://www.wku.edu/forensics/media/vsoh/http://www.wku.edu/forensics/media/vsoh/default.css(edit added below)---Note that if I dictate a height for the "container" I can see the background. However, it should stretch vertically because of the DIVs that are inside it.

    Hi. Have you tried to add:display: block; to your container class? It may help out when problems like this happen.
  6. Its been a while since I was schooled on this but . . . cafeteria staff are required by law to wear because they are considered Institutional style establishments.  Safety and Sanitation are harder to control in larger kitchens.  Alot of these requirements stem from government run institutions, like jails and schools - which have these larger kitchens.Commercial restaurants, if I recall, do or used to have some requirements.  But enforcing them is a whole different story.  As I keep thinking of this, I think it is a requirement, but it is only a minor infraction on the Health Code Report - one that restaurants can tend to afford to receive.AHH, now I rememberI'm sure its a law that all hair must be contained above the shoulder where ever open food is handled.  So look at your fast food joints - they all wear basebal caps - that effectively contains the hair.  You should never see someone with not head gear on unless they are bald - if you do, find another place to eat.

    Yes. I noticed that folks that make food always have a cap on or something on there heads, but thats wack that they don't care enough to wear hairnets. Sometimes where I work at I am required to wear hairnets when I go into companies that make food, I have to put my cap UNDER my hairnet becuase they have a heart attack when they see you wearing your cap OVER your hairnet. It may look a but tacky but everyone's happy... well, at least your customers will be. :)
  7. It's not even that so much for me.  If I'm going out for lunch, I might as well have something that I actually like instead of something where the main selling point is that it's cheap.I used to know a guy who would buy 2 burgers just because they only cost a dollar and carry one around in his pocket until he wanted to eat it.  You'd see him every now and then pull a burger out of his pocket and take a bite, then put it back. I'm not sure if it's related or not, but that guy got an infection that gave him massive brain damage a few years ago and hasn't been able to speak or walk since.

    The bolded part made me chuckle... that is until I read the rest.sounds like he learned a big lesson for doing that.
  8. They don't care... I know a person at the big M and he says they once found a 14 month only hambuger and served it up. Then another time droped a hambuger on the ground and when he picked it up they serverd it and it was white in dust....

    OMG! It's a good thing that I never eat at McDonalds...It's still kind of disturbing that they do that... Well, I would guess people will complain more if they saw hair in there food then the mere fact that there food is old or dirty (Unknownly).
  9. Why do people in fast food restaurants don't find the need to wear hairnets as oppose to people in Cafeterias who DO wear them?????I have yet to find a good answer for this question.[edit] in the future these types of posts should have "OT" in the subject. This will help folks realize that this is "Off Topic" and therefore be ready to wear a different "hat" when reading the post.I'm sorry about that. I wasn't aware of that rule until today. I thought the "General" topic would be the most apropiate for this kind of things since there isn't an "Off Topic" topic I could post it in.

  10. Wait, all it did was move it. It' at 1 pixel top and it's stillnear the bottem.

    Well I was just posting what I saw wrong with it, I didn't promise it would work. You're layout would look so much better if you lost the absoulte positionings and used tables or divs with floats for a better looking, fast loading, easy editing layout. It would lessen the problems you would have and not have to worry about manually positioning things.Here is a example page of what I mean:[removed]
  11. <html><div style="position:absolute;left:83;top:535;width:88;height:31;"><!-- Harvest Moon Evergreen --><a href='http://hmevergreen.com' title='Harvest Moon Evergreen'><img src='http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v352/SafaiaRyuujin/evergreen.png' width='88' alt='Harvest Moon Evergreen' height='31' border='0' /></a><!-- / Harvest Moon Evergreen --></html><html><body><div style="position:absolute;left:150;top:10;"><!-- Start Shoutbox Include --><iframe src="http://www.shoutmix.com/box/animalmelodyshoutbox/" width="200" height="400" scrolling="yes" frameborder="1"><p><a href="http://www.shoutmix.com/box/animalmelodyshoutbox/">View shoutbox</a></p></iframe><!-- End Shoutbox Include --></body></html>

    You can only use the <html> and </html> only once, same also goes for <body> and </body>.You have it on there 2 more times, That's probably what's messing you up. Also you needed to add the end tags for your <div>'s. Try and see if that helps. It should look like the below code I have here (those last </body> and </html> tags are needed there):

    <div style="position:absolute; left:83px; top:535px; width:88px; height:31px;">  <a href='http://hmevergreen.com' title='Harvest Moon Evergreen'><img src='http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v352/SafaiaRyuujin/evergreen.png' width='88' alt='Harvest Moon Evergreen' height='31' border='0' /></a></div><!-- Start Shoutbox Include --><div style="position:absolute; left:150px; top:10px;">  <iframe src="http://www.shoutmix.com/box/animalmelodyshoutbox/" width="200" height="400" scrolling="yes" frameborder="1">  <p><a href="http://www.shoutmix.com/box/animalmelodyshoutbox/">View shoutbox</a></p>  </iframe></div><!-- End Shoutbox Include --></body></html>
  12. Thanks but Thats not quite it.I need the image to be at the top of the table and the info right underneath it.  So the image is on top and people know what is going to be underneath.

    O, I see what you mean now. Yup, you would need valign="top" added to your <td> tags...
    <td valign="top" width='134' height='150' bgcolor="#365574" padding='5'>

    It should move all contents to the top of that cell. :)

  13. If I understand you correctly... You need to just move your content to the top of your image (img) you have there. It's just the matter of placing content above the image, there's no coding needed for that. Notice that the img tag is now placed below the content. Like so:

    .: <a href="http://www.explodingdekunut.net/main.php?page=home.php" target="_blank">Exploding Deku Nut</a><br>  .: <a href="http://www.kousougames.co.uk" traget="_blank">Kousougames</a><br>.: <a href="http://www.nintendoland.com/zelda" target="_blank">Nintendo Land Zelda</a><br>.: <a href="http://www.sparelimited.com" target="_blank">Spare Unlimited</a><br>.: <a href="http://tdr.pyromanuniversity.com" target="_blank">The Dragon Realms</a><br>.: <a href="http://www.yoshilore.com" target="_blank">Yoshi Lore</a><br>.: <a href="http://www.zeldablog.com" target="_blank">Zelda Blog</a><br>.: <a href="http://zeldadimension.net" target="_blank">Zelda Dimension</a><br>.: <a href="http://www.zeldadungeon.net" target="_blank">Zelda Dungeon</a><br>     .: <a href="http://www.zeldaeternal.net" target="_blank">Zelda Eternal</a><br>.: <a href="http://www.zeldamasters.com" target="_blank">Zelda Masters</a><br><img src="http://img415.imageshack.us/img415/8780/affilatesmenu6ja.png" style="width:134; height:27;"  />

    Also, looking at some of your code, make sure all your achors (links) have quotation marks after the = (equals) symbol. If nothing is linked on that link, then you can put a # (pound) symbol in place of the url. Just a tip :)

    <img src="http://img128.imageshack.us/img128/1831/zeldainfomenu3ru.png">    .: <a href="articles.htm" >Articles</a>  <br>     .: <a href="#">Creation Of Hyrule</a><br>    .: <a href="#">Games</a><br>    .: <a href="#">Lands Of Hyrule</a><br>     .: <a href="#">Races Of Hyrule</a><br>     .: <a href="#">Timeline theory</a><br>    .: <a href="#">Oddities/articles</a><br>
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