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Posts posted by Err

  1. :) I'm a dude. I was able to do that with the help of another member here in the w3schools forums (Teh link).Firefox is trying to be like IE?! Oh no! It's the end of the world! Heck even though Firefox doesn't have some neat options (transitions, scroll bar colors, custom cursers, etc) like IE, I would still prefer FF over IE anytime mainly because of the user controlled options a FF user has. Web page things can be "fixed" to work on FF anyways. So it's not too deep of a concern for me. :)

  2. Have your tried adding a span's for your text? You can have your container with your styling, but you can also have your text with it's own styling... something like this:html:

    <div id="container"><span>Text Here</span></div>


    #container { width: 600px; margin: 0 auto; }#container span {padding: 3px;}


  3. @ Cronthenoob:That's because he's using the relative style, which so-to-speak rasies everything. So anything that doesn't have a relative position gets sent back behind the contents... That's a reason why I place everything static on my page, no absolute/relative positions, espicially for layouts. I just hate dealing with EVERY pixel to get the effect I wanted.Also, isn't that fixed position going to make his footer float and scroll down/up with the page? :)

  4. You're using span tags for background images, which is not very good, <div> is the proper tag to use. Also you are using the CSS display: inline, which looks very different when veiwing them with different browsers, which is probably the reason there is a gap between your images (in firefox you can't even tell what it's suppose to be). They have float: left you can use, which is a lot better becuase it's widely supported and it functions like it's suppose to on all browsers. As to fix it, I recommed doing what I suggested.Here's one I did in about 10min going from your code (displays correctly on serveral browsers):css:

    .bg_box div {  float: left;}.bg_box {  height: 50px;  width: 195px;  background-image: url(http://www.geocities.com/alcovespring/graphics/red_middle.bmp);  margin-bottom: 2px;  dispaly: block;}.bg_left {  height: 50px;  width: 25px;  background-image: url(http://www.geocities.com/alcovespring/graphics/red_left.bmp);}.bg_right {  height: 50px;  width: 25px;  background-image: url(http://www.geocities.com/alcovespring/graphics/red_right.bmp);}.text {  width: 145px;  padding-top: 15px;  text-align: center;}


    <div class="bg_box">  <div class="bg_left"></div>	<div class="text">Link to Page 01</div>  <div class="bg_right"></div></div><div class="bg_box">  <div class="bg_left"></div>	<div class="text">Link to Page 02</div>  <div class="bg_right"></div></div>


  5. Darn, not just one answer I guess. And I credited the wrong person, Daniel Moxon not Michael Cheney I guess.
    lol. You didn't notice but I sneaked in a few changed words from the original quote.
  6. You should be using notepad! That is all.Notepad is not the only text editor in the world, there are a ton of them out there.BTW, if you meant to link the article, you forgot to.
    I completely agree :)
  7. I can't really remember the CSS scripts, like linking the CSS file to my HTML file and background color and almost all the CSS scripts. Is there a way to remember?
    lol, forgetful I see. Well all you need is a handy-dandy notebook!If you keep on using that code then you'll eventually remember things... it took me a while but I know almost all the CSS codes, you just need to use it more often.
  8. <h3 class="entry-header"><a href="<$MTEntryPermalink archive_type="Individual"$>"><$MTEntryTitle$></a><img alt="user_edit.png" src="http://www.notjustcricket.com/images/user_edit.png" width="16" height="16" /></h3>

    That's the only entry-header I could find on that html you gave me. The only text I see there is a link, the other thing is an image. Going by this, and your CSS, your default color for your links is in fact Maroon.

    a { color: #c00; text-decoration: none; }a:visited { color: #c00; }a:hover { text-decoration: underline; }

    So your link colors are throwing your text colors off. To prevent such an occurence, you can add this to your css:

    .entry-header a, .entry-header a:visited,.entry-header a:hover, .entry-header a:active {  color: darkblue;}

    This will make all your links inside the entry-header class darkblue... thus sloving your problem. If you want to get really specific though, you can add the h3 infront of each of those styles classes I gave you (e.g. h3.entry-header a), this would be good if you had other entry-header classes that you didn't want to get mixed up with that don't start with an h3 tag. I hope that helped you out.:)

  9. You can usually add one straight off your Administration panel. If not, then I would suggest looking at your hosters' help page. If all else fails, then I guess you can just write to them asking for one.

  10. lol. Okay, but I can still see your menu way down there. I was playing around with it a bit and I noticed that you don't have an html class for your css style "menu". If you add it on there, your menu will pop back up to the top where it is suppose to be.Like this:

    <div id="menu"> <------- that right there<div class="navcontainer"><ul>   <li class="menu_topcat"><a href="topcat1.htm">Top Category 1</a></li>   <li class="menu_midcat"><a href="midcat1.htm">Mid Category 1</a></li>   <li class="menu_cat"><a href="cat1.htm">Category 1</a></li>   <li class="menu_cat"><a href="cat2.htm">Category 2</a></li>   <li class="menu_cat"><a href="cat1.htm">Category 3</a></li>   <li class="menu_cat"><a href="cat1.htm">Category 4</a></li>   <li class="menu_cat"><a href="cat1.htm">Category 5</a></li>   <li class="menu_cat"><a href="cat1.htm">Category 6</a></li>   <li class="menu_cat"><a href="cat1.htm">Category 7</a></li>   <li class="menu_midcat"><a href="midcat1.htm">Mid Category 1</a></li>   <li class="menu_midcat"><a href="midcat1.htm">Mid Category 1</a></li>   <li class="menu_midcat"><a href="midcat1.htm">Mid Category 1</a></li>   <li class="menu_midcat"><a href="midcat1.htm">Mid Category 1</a></li>   <li class="menu_topcat"><a href="topcat1.htm">Top Category 1</a></li>   <li class="menu_cat"><a href="cat1.htm">Category 1</a></li>   <li class="menu_cat"><a href="cat1.htm">Category 2</a></li>   <li class="menu_cat"><a href="cat1.htm">Category 3</a></li>   <li class="menu_cat"><a href="cat1.htm">Category 4</a></li>   <li class="menu_cat"><a href="cat1.htm">Category 5</a></li>   <li class="menu_cat"><a href="cat1.htm">Category 6</a></li>   <li class="menu_cat"><a href="cat1.htm">Category 7</a></li>   <li class="menu_cat"><a href="cat1.htm">Category 8</a></li>   <li class="menu_cat"><a href="cat1.htm">Category 9</a></li>   </ul></div></div>

    This is the one I did:[removed]You don't have to worry about NOT putting a height on your css div because as your content grows so will your div height.

  11. You mean something like this:css:

    <div id="box">    <div id="content">	<p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit	   Pellentesque feugiat semper eros. Etiam ut lorem. Sed	   fringilla, diam at rhoncus dignissim, orci pede tempor	   sapien, eget malesuada justo diam nec nisl. Phasellus	   nec enim eget risus elementum lobortis. Ut felis libero,	   mattis quis, molestie vel, ullamcorper quis, eros. Cras	   orci ipsum, posuere.</p>  </div>    <div id="navi">	<ul>	 <li class="menu_topcat"><a href="topcat1.htm">Top Category 1</a></li>	 <li class="menu_midcat"><a href="midcat1.htm">Mid Category 1</a></li>	 <li class="menu_cat"><a href="cat1.htm">Category 1</a></li>	 <li class="menu_cat"><a href="cat2.htm">Category 2</a></li>	 <li class="menu_cat"><a href="cat1.htm">Category 3</a></li>	 <li class="menu_cat"><a href="cat1.htm">Category 4</a></li>	 <li class="menu_cat"><a href="cat1.htm">Category 5</a></li>	 <li class="menu_cat"><a href="cat1.htm">Category 6</a></li>	 <li class="menu_cat"><a href="cat1.htm">Category 7</a></li>	 <li class="menu_midcat"><a href="midcat1.htm">Mid Category 1</a></li>	 <li class="menu_midcat"><a href="midcat1.htm">Mid Category 1</a></li>	 <li class="menu_midcat"><a href="midcat1.htm">Mid Category 1</a></li>	 <li class="menu_midcat"><a href="midcat1.htm">Mid Category 1</a></li>	 <li class="menu_topcat"><a href="topcat1.htm">Top Category 1</a></li>	 <li class="menu_cat"><a href="cat1.htm">Category 1</a></li>	 <li class="menu_cat"><a href="cat1.htm">Category 2</a></li>	 <li class="menu_cat"><a href="cat1.htm">Category 3</a></li>	 <li class="menu_cat"><a href="cat1.htm">Category 4</a></li>	 <li class="menu_cat"><a href="cat1.htm">Category 5</a></li>	 <li class="menu_cat"><a href="cat1.htm">Category 6</a></li>	 <li class="menu_cat"><a href="cat1.htm">Category 7</a></li>	 <li class="menu_cat"><a href="cat1.htm">Category 8</a></li>	 <li class="menu_cat"><a href="cat1.htm">Category 9</a></li>	</ul>  </div></div>
  12. UltraEdit-32 is amazing :)
    I know right? I just love it.I also have Dreamweaver, I rarely use it because of how long it takes to load... UltraEdit-32 is a lot faster although it might not be as nice as Dreamweaver, it still gets the job done nicely. :)
  13. Yeah you do have an html doc type. The one I gave you needed that address on there so it can be a proper dtd tag otherwise the dtd doesn't add the proper rules to your page, of course that's all up to you if you want to add it. Did you try out the padding thing I suggested?

  14. Well, right off the back, you need the correct dtd on the top of your page. Now I ran into a simliar problem like this, and whenever I added the dtd it fixed it for me. Here's what you need to add:

    <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">

    Since you are using closing slashes on your <br>'s you should go xhtml transitional on your page instead of just regular html.> html dtdIf that doesn't work you can add padding to force a gap at the bottom.

  15. I saw 2 body styles in there, but other then that, everything seemed fine. Try changing the color value to "darkblue" instead of #00008B. This also might be an html problem, either you have overlapped your html with different classes over each other (e.g. <div class="header"><span class="color">Text</span></div>). If that's the case make sure one class is not overriding the other one. :)Also I would like to recommend adding mesurement heights (e.g. px, em, etc.) for your sizes on your line-height on:

    #banner-header{margin: 0;padding: 35px 15px 5px 15px;color: blue;font-family: Papyrus;font-size: 80px;font-weight: normal;line-height: 1px;text-align: center;}

    and on your very last CSS class (.comment-footer) that comma on the very end isn't needed.

  16. *pinks a tear* beautifully spoken :) But.. would it help? :)
    Thanks! :)You know I can't decide that for myself, this whole community will be the judge of that, if not, then atleast the admin. However, personally, I feel it will suite these forums quite well. There are a lot of "if's" and "but's" about doing this, but I really believe more good will come out of this then bad... we may never know until we try it out though, that's a 100% sure bet. :blink:
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