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Posts posted by Funce

  1. You could try using relative to root links, that way if the current page changes, moves or duplicates, they still point to the same place. The only thing with this is you'll need to update them all should you need to move any of the linked pages. Relative to root paths start with '/' and are relative to wherever is "https://url.domain/index.html" (for example)

    <a href="/path/to/file.html">Link</a>

    So if you wanted to find https://w3.schools.invisionzone.com/topic/59575-html-header-tag/ (this thread)
    You would go like this

    <a href="/topic/59575-html-header-tag/">This Thread</a>


  2. What's your current SQL code looking like?

    What are the errors?

    For all we know your computer could be on fire, and that's why it doesn't complete the query.



    However, this doesn't sound too difficult, replace the "date"s below to your form references (too long ago since I did MS access to remember how it works)

    SELECT *
    FROM table
    WHERE date BETWEEN "date_from" AND "date_to"


  3. The method I use for this (because my JS is in a separate file) is to place the value in a hidden element, and then retrieve the value from there. If this value updates as you use it, just remember to get the value again each time you use it.

    I'm not too familiar with angular bindings to know what happens if you change it with JavaScript.

    <span id="rowID" style="display:none">{{FolderDetails[0].RowId}}</span>
      var rowID = document.getElementById("rowID").textContent;
      //Now do stuff with your newly gained Angular Value


  4. Hi there, welcome to the Forums!

    When you use a code block, you may want to select the language that you're writing in so that the syntax highlighting is correct for it.

    You also might have a bit of an easier time following your program flow if you include indentation.



    What are you expecting to happen, vs what's actually happening here?


    Is nothing happening?

    Do you always end up in "outofarea"?


    Is there a design choice surrounding the use of multiple event handlers for the different polygons?

  5. Are you referring to the video timeline? Like previews for different timestamps?

    Yeah that's going to take a lot more than a bit of css and js.

    You're going to need to create a custom video timeline (because you don't want to try and access the native browser ones), get snapshots at the various times, map cursor position to the timeline, match that up to the snapshot that it corresponds to, and display it as applicable. (either on the cursor, or otherwise)

    And if you're doing something like this, you might as well just embed YouTube for all the good its worth.

  6. Hi there,

    I must've missed this when I cleared out my unreads, sorry about that.

    w3.css applies base styling to semantic elements such as figure. In this example, the figure element has the base style of:

    figure {
        margin: 1em 40px;

    Using the inbuilt element inspector in most browsers reveals what styling is being applied.
    You'll need to find a way to override this margin, probably with a custom class.

  7. 13 hours ago, dsonesuk said:

    Potato and knife? Banana and fork? Apple and spoon? Or maybe chalk and cheese. 😁

    I was trying to be somewhat clever, but I thought a potato and a peeler was too on the nose. Haha

  8. Hey there,

    Welcome to the forum!

    HTML and JavaScript are about as different as a potato and a knife.

    HTML are the building blocks of most web pages (Unsure if there is one that isn't), and uses CSS to style the HTML into a pleasing format.

    JavaScript in its most basic form creates interactivity and flexibility with HTML and CSS. 


    Yeah so HTML is your structure, CSS is your design, and JS makes it work. Query data, move objects around the page, change CSS, change HTML.


    Have a look at the JavaScript tutorial for more information surrounding it! https://www.w3schools.com/js/

    JS HTML DOM tutorial will show you more about the interactivity, and how JS can meld your HTML. https://www.w3schools.com/js/js_htmldom.asp

  9. Personally, I keep track of my opening and closing tags through indentation.

    The easiest way to show the use of it is to use table tags.

                Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet 
                Consectetur adipisicing 
                Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet 
                Consectetur adipisicing 

    Or if the content is short enough:

            <td>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet</td> 
            <td>Consectetur adipisicing</td> 
            <td>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet</td> 
            <td>Consectetur adipisicing</td> 


  10. On 7/2/2019 at 6:34 PM, Mudsaf said:

    Found the error, had 2 enter presses in DB connection file after <?php ?>. Such a silly mistake that forced html/text header. 😫

    You can omit a closing PHP tag on a file that doesn't output to prevent this from occurring.

  11. The main error here states


    XmlException: The 'Kit' start tag on line 4 position 6 does not match end tag of 'kit'. Line 14, position 7

    There is no Kit tag in the XML shown. I'm about 80% sure that this isn't the file that is having issues.

    Could you show us the file that defines kits in your game?

  12. 14 hours ago, pstein said:

    I opened therefore Inspector of Firefox and inserted

    break-before: page;

    DIRECTLY for this element. But it is even not accepted.

    Why not?

    That's because break-before isn't a valid CSS declaration.

    You can't write it in-line because it has to come out when printing only.

    You need to write it in your CSS (<style> or .css file) as follows

    @media print {
        .pagebreak {
            clear: both;
          	min-height: 1px;
            page-break-after: always;

    Then you need to add this element where you want a pagebreak

    <div class="pagebreak"></div>


  13. I imagine that you have a <body> and <html> tags elsewhere.

    Have you tried using the browser dev tools, if you select that div you can see what stylings are being applied to it.

    Your CSS is a little interesting, your sans-serif font declaration seems to be after your font-weight? with no semi-colon in between it may be erroring out.


    • Thanks 1
  14. If the highlighted numbers match every time, then could I recommend placing them in separate fields when they're inserted?

    That way you can use a proper SQL JOIN with all the efficiencies associated with it?

    If this isn't an option , then you can use SUBSTRING_INDEX if you're using MYSQL

    SELECT SUBSTRING_INDEX(field, '*', 2)
    FROM table

    that'll give you the string up to the second *.

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