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Posts posted by Funce

  1. Uh, I'm not sure if there is an option for plaintext input with formatting tags. However if you wish to insert code you can press the button that looks like `<>` to make it look nice.

    <div class="mySlides w3-container"><a href="/todo#feedback" class="w3-bar-item w3-button w3-mobile">Feedback</a></div>
    <div class="mySlides w3-container"><a href="/todo#feedback" class="w3-bar-item w3-button w3-mobile">Contact us</a></div>


    PHP is a server side language, and is only processed when you load a page. If you have some invisible 'maintenance' programs to do clean up regularly, you might want to look if your host supports task scheduling. 

    If you want 'live' updates(to affect the page your user is viewing), you'll want to create an AJAX request using JavaScript to query some data page (content.php maybe) which will run the processing you require. You could set this request to whenever your carousel turns, or whichever.

  2. First! Always check your inputs server-side! Clients can send you whatever the heck they want! The required attributes are good enough for people who wish to use your website legitimately, but you have to be careful of those who don't.

    To get what you desire, you'll want to create an AJAX request.

    Its not my usual tactic to hand out code, but if you want it


    <FORM NAME="Betrugseingabe">
    <INPUT TYPE="submit" NAME="Absenden" VALUE="Absenden" ID="Schaltflaeche1" ONCLICK="send_form();return false;">


    function handle_response() {
      if(this.status == 200){
        //Output Success or something?
        //Something happens if you don't error out
    function send_form() {
      var the_form = document.querySelector("form");
      var formData = new FormData(the_form);
      var request = new XMLHttpRequest();
      request.addEventListener("load", handle_response)
      request.open("POST", "../cgi-bin/DBinsert.php");

    Disclaimer: Untested

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  3. You've positioned your carousel absolutely so everything is ignoring its current location. If you remove that bit of styling, your text will start obeying your carousel dimensions, but you'll need some additional work to get it looking better.

  4. No worries, but if you put a check in SecondClass, you're undermining the point of using classes. It makes SecondClass on its own (and anything else that inherits from it) have more baggage.

  5. Are you sure this is solvable, there's too little data for me to figure,

    ax + by = gcd(a, b) where a = 210, b = 65

    Creates a geometric line of 42x + 13y = 1.

    You're going to need another equation to solve this one. There's a missing piece.

  6. One: Have you posted this in the right place? I don't think this forum solves algebra...

    You'll need another equation to be able to solve that absolutely, but in integer terms

    x = 13n + 9, y = -42n - 29, n ∈ ℤ
  7. I don't know how your server-side works (nor am I proficient in C to use it otherwise) so I wouldn't be able to help regarding that half, but the idea is below:

    You'd need to look into a JSON library for C, or otherwise string manipulate all the values into a big JSON object string. Then you can output the string as a response.

  8. On 11/4/2018 at 7:55 AM, luuis said:

    This css construction is explaind to hanlde the rems and ems easier, like

    cause 14px  are then = 1.4rem.


    I cant see it this way, 14px are always bigger than 1.4 rem(dont need glases for that)

    What do i miss here?

    You're missing the fact that 14px isn't always bigger than 1.4rem.

    14px is bigger than 1.4em when the base(html) font-size is less than or equal to 10px.

    Try this one instead. Your scenario has other factors in play. It has a base of 11px and is a noticeable difference between the two.
    Be sure to try changing the html font-size to 9px and see what happens in this example.

    <!DOCTYPE html>
          html { font-size: 11px; } 
          body {  font-size: 1.4rem; }  
          p { font-size: 14px; }
          <p>This is size 14</p>
          This is size 1.4rem


  9. You could track which one the user has clicked by using a variable. Send that along with your request for data, and make sure your server only sends back the data for that one page.

    You'll just also need to send a request when the user clicks on a new tab (so they don't see the old data) in addition to the interval requests.

  10. If you're asking how do I update my select to be populated with server values:

      <option value="[serverValue]">[ServerName]</option>

    Its not going to be pretty. In this scenario if you wanted to (on the fly) change what this select is you'll need to:
    Need to manually change the InnerHTML property, remember which one was selected, stop the refresh while the user has the dropdown open. This is also non-standard and I do not recommend it. (NOTE: If this only needed to be populated on page load, I suggest a preprocessing language like PHP, or otherwise)


    If you're asking for a server value based on what is selected, ie select 'temperature' get 60F or whatever it is at the time, then you may want to have a look at sending values. This would be better.

    <select name="action">
      <option value="temperature">Temperature</option>
      <option value="height">Height</option>

    You would then receive the value from the server based on what you sent to the server.

    Here's a good link for that: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Learn/HTML/Forms/Sending_forms_through_JavaScript

  11. Is it necessary for it to be actually disabled? Is there an aversion to just making it just appear disabled?


    You could just apply a class, to change the styling, and as a condition for different logic is used when pressed. 


    I don't want to get into the CSS of such an endeavour, but you should be able to figure it out easily enough.

  12. Can you confirm that there are no PHP errors in your footer? This may prevent additional processing from occurring

    Does your Footer import in any JavaScript? This may overwrite other JavaScript that your header relies on.


    Other than that, it just looks like that a click event isn't being bound to the button that reveals everything. But its hard for me to say, all the JS has been optimized to the point its unreadable.
    I would suggest going onto a WordPress Forum for people who will be able to help you with customizing WooCommerce.

    This forum doesn't exactly have very many people familiar with WordPress' ins and outs. Not to mention the infinitesimal amount of plugins available.

  13. What are you testing it on? I've tried testing it on my mobile, and in my dev tools. Hasn't came up with anything obvious.

    Are the links not functional? Does it not reveal itself correctly?


    Check your file caching limits, do a hard refresh. You may be running on old cached version of your JavaScript. My boss gets tripped up on that one all the time.

  14. Perhaps some code would be useful for diagnosing the problem. You said its live, perhaps a link to that so we can see what's up?

    I suspect, if you're only having issues on mobile, it may be some interaction with `@media` queries (or some rogue JavaScript). But I'd be hard pressed to figure it out exactly from pictures alone.

  15. If you can figure out a method to string manipulate it, you could turn it into some array monstrosity, but you should be able to create a dictionary type thing from it.

    If you split the `List1 etc` by `&` and then split by `=`, you'll  have an array that hopefully looks similar in structure to something like this.

      ["List1", "Apparel"],
      ["List2", "Men"],
      ["List3", "Shirts"],
      ["List4", "Tux"]

    I'm not too familiar with C, personally, but you could look into this for splitting and using a dictionary type structure:

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